What would a "time machine "look like?


Temporal Novice
What would a \"time machine \"look like?

I work for a large construction company in Calif.We just completed a three year prodject in the desert near the town of Boron.It was a Gov.project.We were transported from Boron each morning in"Black-out buses",(no windows)to the jobsite.The bus ride took about an hour.What we built could best be described as a monorail inside a tunnel. The tunnel was 18 feet in diameter and was 63(yes,63)miles long.Parts of the tunnel are underground.The Engineers on the job said that the tunnel did not follow the curvature of the earth,it was a straight, point A to point B line,end to end.One end of the tunnel was lined with copper wire for the distance of about 1/4 mile.This formed some sort of electromagnetic field.Some type of vehicle was propelled towards this field at a very high rate of speed(I was told about 5 miles a second)As this vehicle entered the field,the polarity of the field was reversed,causing some type of telemetry on the vehicle to go out of sync with stationary sensors.I overheard one of the feds say that the"Box",(that's what they called the vehicle),had traveled"backwards"in time.
Does this sound right? <font color="purple"> [/COLOR]
Re: What would a \"time machine \"look like?

No - it doesn't sound right. Five miles per secondis very fast but it is just about the velocity required to orbit the Earth. Very doable for a multi-stage launch vehicle but it isn't going to give any appreciable relativistic effects.

You said that you were about an hour from Boron.. I assume that it wasn't Victorville or Palmdale and you weren't tunneling under Edwards AFB. SO it must have been north of Boron and the tunnel had to run west, north or east. In each case it runs into a national park. Not even the military can get clearance in California to do that.

I don't get the idea of running a curved tunnel (you said that it did not follow the curvature of the Earth which makes it curved relative to the gravitational field of the Earth. I don't see any advantage in that.

Running a vehicle at 5 miles per second in a tunnel isn't likely. The vehicle ends up pushing the air in front of it into a very compressed gas...the sonic boom in such a compressed atmosphere would blow the vehicle into dust (as well as blowing the tunnel into dust). And it isn't possible to create a 63 mile long vacuum - we're good but not that good. That would require pumping out about 266 million cubic feet of air...and keeping it out. V = piR^2 x H = (3.1416*9)^2*(63*5280) = 265,925,042 cubic ft.

Aside from the sonic boom, we know what happens to vehicle that re-enter the atmosphere at 17,000 mph from orbit. At 100 miles altitude they burn up if they are not shielded. There's no shielding that would protect the vehicle at one atmosphere (ground level) at 5 miles per second.
Re: What would a \"time machine \"look like?

you all got it wrong every one knows that a time machine would look like a DeLorian or it would look exactally like a phone booth. LOL just kidding. I emagin that a time machine would look like what ever the inventor wanted it to look like
Re: What would a \"time machine \"look like?

lol dude it would look something like this-

First you need to compress matter until it is turned into a singularity. You will find that the gravity will create a black hole. This means that you need to have it in a PERFECT vacuum if you dont want to destroy the entire solar system. Then, you get a rope made of quantum superstrings and bond them with the strongest material on earth. You start the black hole spinning, creating 2 event horizons. The faster the spin, the closer they get until they merge. You then launch the rope through (with a camera attached) at near light speeds. you will be able to escape the black hole on the other side since when you pass through the 2 event horizons physics reverses itself 2 times, so that you dont have to go faster than the speed of light to escape. Then you take a picture of earth ( or footage, with your super sensitive cameras) and retract the rope. Then you recover the evidence and see whether god was around or not 30000 years ago or however many lightyears away from earth you emerged. THEN YOU PROVE OR DISPROVE GOD WITH YOUR EVIDENCE!!!

Re: What would a \"time machine \"look like?

I can't be certain,but I think we were at China Lake Naval Weapons Center.As for the "relativistic effects" I just don't know.Maybe when field is reversed causes the efect.Sort of like being in a car going 100MPH,as you pass another car going 100MPH in the opposite direction.
Re: What would a \"time machine \"look like?

aether, I have serious doubts about your sincerity

you cant spell, yet you seem to think you are qualified enough to be high enough up the chain of command as to have authority to dispell this kind of information. Furthermore, your theory has been disproved on many points. The only question that remains is, why do you lie?


http://www.alike.com/Emerald /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Re: What would a \"time machine \"look like?


I don't see how reversing the field will change much - other than setting up a huge electric field. You have an object moving through an magnetic field so it will create an electric field as it passes.

I don't understand why they would bus you to the site with black out windows. From whom did they intend to keep this project a secret?

As I alluded to in the previous post, creating a vacuum in this tunnel would mean removing 266 million cubic feet of air. Coring out the tunnel would likewise require removing 266 million cubic feet of earth. Where would they hide a pile of dirt and rock that size? (The pile would be, in one configuration, 18 feet high, 18 feet wide and 63 miles long.) It would take about 750,000 dump truck loads to haul it away. How are they going to hide the dump trucks? The tunnel walls would take another 150,000 cement truck loads of concrete. The copper coils would have to be powered by something. They would have to install transmission lines or build generators. You can't hide that.

Bringing in your crew by secret bus makes no sense at all. They might end up being the only people who don't know where the project is. Every airline flight from Los Angeles to Las Vegas would pass within view of the site. Every Russian spy satellite would see the site. Every cement truck and dump truck driver for 100 miles would know where the site is.

Are you pulling our leg?
Re: What would a \"time machine \"look like?

he is so dont waste your time. He cant spell, so hes not smart enough to work on this project in the first place.

Re: What would a \"time machine \"look like?

Being smart has nothing to do with how good you can spell. Some geniuses cant even tie their shoes right but can do advanced mathmatical equations.
Re: What would a \"time machine \"look like?

come on guys, this one is pretty obvious!
it is going to be a 1985 Delorian with huge exhaust vents on the back which billow dry ice.
some day it may be powered by a device that can convert everyday rubbish to fuel by a means of fusion, (mr fusion). the main device used to get the thing through time is of course the flux capacitor, (this has to be fluxing). the major set back is the fact it needs around 1.21 gigawatts for each journey. so you'd have to make sure you pack enough fuel to get back to your starting point, you wouldn't want to be hanging around in 1965 waiting for lightning to strike
Re: What would a \"time machine \"look like?

Dear Mr.The_one
Let me address my original posting.I described a job I worked on,a few details of the project,and a statement I overheard from one of the techs.When I asked the question,"What would a'time machine'look like?",it is from my interest in the subject,not from any area of expert knowledge.Then,because I didn't take the time to use spell-check,you conclude I'm a dumbass,and not qualified to do my job?
My profession is underground construction and tunneling.If you have any questions about this subject,I can answer them.Any of them.
Can you honestly tell me what a time machine would look like?

Re: What would a \"time machine \"look like?


Spell check...I know the feeling. I use MS Word, spell check and cut &amp; paste when I post late at night.

Anyway, I still wonder if our leg is being pulled by someone. The project, if it is a project, is certainly flying under the radar. The tunnel alone would cost about $4.5 billion based on the per mile cost for the L.A. Metro-Rail ($70 million per mile). There's no news about the project on any tunnel boring machine site.

If you figure that a tunnel that size was being bored at a "fast" rate of 100 feet per day it would take about 8 years, 11 months to complete. You said it was a 3 year project. They would have to be cutting 303 feet per day. That's an amazing feat.
Re: What would a \"time machine \"look like?

Thank you for being civil.The technology used in the newer tunnel boring machines(TBM)has pushed advance rates in solid rock to well over 5m(meters) per hour.
Check out these sites: www.luisbravo.com ,click on flash animation,then on "Inland feeder project".
www.sauderzone.com,click on"Air Force Tunneler".Aetherdrift is the only one in this picture that is NOT wearing a white hardhat.It was the first Gov.job I ever worked on.
Re: What would a \"time machine \"look like?

Temporal qualities of an object propelled at the speeds you're talking about would in fact change, but I don't know about actually going back in time...time would be relative to it's speed and would in fact be "slower" than normal observational time at such a high speed. I guess that would be time travel. If the "box" contained a chronological instrument it would measure time relative to it's speed and be "behind" or missing normal observational time, but I don't know if you could actually say it had traveled back in time. I don't know if this is what a time machine would be like or not?
Re: What would a \"time machine \"look like?


At 5m/hr. they are covering 360 ft/day. At that rate they can complete the project in 3 years. But that assumes 5m/hr, 24/7 x 365 with no down time for maintenance, repair, etc.

I understand that 5m/hr is the maximum rate. What is the effective continuous rate for a 7m Robbins TBM?
Re: What would a \"time machine \"look like?

www.sauderzone.com,click on"Air Force Tunneler".Aetherdrift is the only one in this picture that is NOT wearing a white hardhat.It was the first Gov.job I ever worked on.

In an earlier post here you said you had taken steps to protect your identity because of your confidentiality agreement, ummm...doesn't this kind of blow your cover- Mr. blue helmet?