what, who is God?


Epochal Historian
The conundrum, what or who is God:

Examples:Sybock finally realized as his friend Jim lay on the ground after being struck by a bolt from the other-realm, god that was infront of him, that in some ways, what is assumed as God, can at times not be a nice being.

His friends were in the balance, what he did from this point on, would also determine as to whether the people he came to care about, would survive at all.

Sybock with uncommon clarity turned to face his brother, in classic Vulcan stile.

The rebel Vulcan who embraced forbidden passion faced the half human Vulcan, who always want to be a full Vulcan.

Sybock:Spock' I see things more clearly now and I must do what I should.

Spock answers:Yes' I see and of course you being full Vulcan must do as you would.

In this moment Sybock raised and spit the fiher stance of his hand.....Spock noting this placement did same and utter the words, "Live long and proper"<

THE QUESTION FOR THIS POSTING BOARD:The classic question had that say what we know as God was invested by a robot-like society and within their machinery, they produced something like God, which in the spiritual sense would also be known to use, from another frequency as God?

Since within this realm, God would have been produced by machine intelligence, then on its own, would the principle of God assume a life all of its own and actually become God?
God is not a single entity, rather God consists of all entities of single conscious thought combined into the vast oneness of the cosmos of all that "Is" - ergo - "God" is that which is an "Isness"
There is a duality concerning said God manufacture of man by Gods sole self, is there are other participants in the act of creating mankind?

This would be some spiritual agencies other than God and the presence of aliens whop have contributed to mankind.

If this is a case, then God all by himself, in the sense that man understands it, did not create mankind, however it could be said that the God agency subcontracted out to other agencies, in order to assist with the manufacturing of mankind.

So then, a duality of presence of God would have to exist?
Yes indeed I believe you are correct here...
which brings new definition that God is besides himself!
Below are the examples of which I speak of...

What is Isness, and Why Isness Is That Way..The conditions of create, of counter-create, of altering what one sees and ignoring what one knows can be summed up as As-Is (instant creation without persistence) Alter-Is (creation and counter-creation of the creation as altered) and Not-Is (effort to reduce the apparency of an Isness by force). Of these the mysterious one is Isness -- the 'it IS' condition that tells you it is not a question of creation or belief or postulate but that SOMETHING IS THERE TO BE OBSERVED AND WHEN YOU HAVE STOPPED GOOFING AROUND AND LOOK IT SQUARELY IN THE EYE YOU WILL OBSERVE WHAT IS THERE TO BE OBSERVED.

*Neutrality / Isness
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This above all: To thine ownself be true! - Accesses: iching.jpg there is nothing so sacred as the integrity of your mind.

*Why Isness Is That Way?
A being is in a sense an Isness: it IS that way. One IS a being, of infinite dimension and capability. That is what is. There IS a building around you (if you are in a building) not because you think so but because there IS. You can walk into it. You can walk out of it. It IS-is-is-is! And the longer and harder you try to alter it's ising the more degraded YOU might feel because it demonstrates that you can't do so.
What is Isness, and Why Isness Is That Way..The conditions of create, of counter-create, of altering what one sees and ignoring what one knows can be summed up as As-Is (instant creation without persistence) Alter-Is (creation and counter-creation of the creation as altered) and Not-Is (effort to reduce the apparency of an Isness by force). Of these the mysterious one is Isness[...]

I'm not sure if I'm readin ghtis wrong, or if you typed it wrong, but I read your use of "Of these" at the beginning of the last sentence to indicate that you're going to specify one of the three different versions of "Isness" that you described. Except that you then didn't, instead referring back to the whole thing. Can you clarify what you meant, please?