RE: What was the time theory in \"The Langoliers\"?
I don't know if you'd call it a theory, but the premise was that after a commercial airliner flew through the aurora borealis, (aka the northern lights) everyone awake simply vanished.
The people who were sleeping awoke to find themselves in the past, by only a few minutes.
So to make a long story short, (The movies about 4 hours) time begins breaking down. IE, engines won't start, food taste bad, etc.
Than they come to find that these creatures, which they call Langoliers, EAT the past. They got big mouths, with teeth like chainsaws, and their job is to actually eat the space-time of the past up.
They finally figure out a way to get home. (By flying through the aurora borealis in the opposite direction, go figure)
But since you have to be asleep to travel through it, they cut the air pressure or something to put em to sleep. Of course, someone has to turn it back on, so this one english guy sacrifices himself.
All in all, it had a weak story line, but I've seen it 3 times.
Hope I could help