Ezekiel Ch.10
........and when the cherubs went, the wheels would go alongside them; and when the cherubs lifted up their wings to be high above the earth, the wheels would not change direction, even they themselves, from alongside them. When these stood still; and when they rose, they would rise with them, for the spirit of the "living" creature was in them.
It is very possible to apply programming algorithms to create many different forms of artificial intelligence using a combination of genetic engineering, and nanotechnology. If you did a little study as to what is happening in those fields, perhaps you would develop a much greater understanding of how this can be transferred to a plasma sphere, and breathe life into it.
This plasma sphere I spoke of, is by far, not that of "Ordinary" as you see, for it is rather a hybrid creation, and one with "Intelligence" but not so much in the sense of a total robotic nature, as in the technology suggested here, it was developed by a very sophisticated techniques which allow for such plasma spheres to "evolve" or become self aware of their own existence.
As I mentioned earlier, most of my suggestions, or posts do not merely reflect upon pure speculation, however most of them are based upon existing technological platforms of real applied science & physics that are being developed, and explored by genuine professional research going on right in our back-yards! and as promised, as well as demonstrated in my past postings, I always keep everyone informed as to any new developments that I discover along the way pertaining to such research, including a myriad of links to back up what I say, which contain enough information to fill the library of congress twice over.(LoL)
So how is this in any way related to Time~Travel?
First off, if you think you need to ask that, then you are missing the point entirely, so perhaps you need a broader perspective as to what it takes as far as research, and applied experimental research that exists on many platforms which not only carry the potential for a myriad of different applications, but many of which "also" contain the very same applications that are necessary, or permit the ability to make Time~Travel itself a possibility.
As I said before, and I do not say this lightly...as this new research progresses, I will post more information here, as to what is being discovered, and I will do this in lieu of what is being permitted to be disclosed by those responsible, on the basis of what they allow to be disclosed to the public.
(For purposes of Security, and Liability, in respect to the nature of Proprietary & Intellectual Property Issues.)
<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 16 August 2000).>