What Titor didn't tell you.


Epochal Historian
What Titor didn\'t tell you.

From link http://www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?message=17782&mpage=2&topic=3&showdate=11/1/04&replies=12

What Titor didn´t tell you...
The Real Anti-Christ
7:12 pm EST
What Titor didn´t tell you...

I will fill in the blanks for you. Titor spoke of the President in 2005, using the term "Leader" in quotations just like that, as being someone who tries to be like Lincoln and works to hold the country together.

In Titor´s timeline, this election goes down in flames- period. It´s too close, there are too many ballot stuffing and voter suppresion scams to wade through. Bush is forced to resign in the face of growing domestic terror incidents as a result of the election chaos (which many believe are related to Osama Bin Laden´s threat against pro-Bush voters) as well as allegations that both sides conducted election fraud. John McCain steps in to be a defacto "leader" to lead the country until elections in 2008. McCain fumbles his way through Martial Law as the U.S. disintegrates into an Iraq like atmosphere. Hillary Clinton is elected in 2008 and ("his/her") U.S. foriegn policy wobbles and disintegrates leading to world war. Aparrantly she´s not up to the task of facing down the middle East situation which explodes into a nuclear war between Iran and Israel. World War III ensues. China and the new Clinton administration grow such strong ties and Hillary´s criticism of Russia is so threatening (i.e. because of Putin´s near fascist dictatorship over the country) that Russia fears getting crushed between a U.S./Chinese pinzer and ultimately launches a pre-emptive nuclear strike on the U.S. and China simultaneously. The "American Federal Empire" is a nick-name for the U.S. on the part of "rebels".

This is not a good timelime, so as the reigning anti-christ of the NWO I have ordered that we not go down it...so there. I´ve actually ordered a solid election win, and I won´t tell for whom. Now go vote!
Anonymous Coward
7:14 pm EST Re: What Titor didn´t tell you...

VOTE RALPH NADER!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Real Anti-Christ
7:23 pm EST
Re: What Titor didn´t tell you...

I forgot to add that Hillary´s support of Isreal is seen to be incredibly lax and waivering, which makes Israel a sitting duck. If nothing else, strong U.S. support for Isreal is essential to keep war at bay there.

Once Iran and Isreal have a nuclear exchange, the result somehow gives Putin the motivation to take a calculated risk in a pre-emptive attack on the U.S. and China. And remember, China is very, very cozy with the Clintons.
Anonymous Coward
7:27 pm EST Re: What Titor didn´t tell you...

interesting analysis.
my guess is that the lincoln-like man titor refers to is kerry. he´s been compared to lincoln throughout the media. i don´t see bush as lincoln, so by that standard titor was saying kerry wins the election.
Anonymous Coward
7:30 pm EST Re: What Titor didn´t tell you...

Or maybe Bush wins a very close election and turns around and starts a new military draft in early 2005. This incites a replay of the 1960s, with civil turmoil on college campuses across America.

Or maybe there is no clear victor after election day. Bush sues, Kerry counter sues, and come January the outcome is still locked up in the courts with no clear transfer of power. This paralyzes the country and unrest develops.
Anonymous Coward
7:30 pm EST Re: What Titor didn´t tell you...

Sounds like an anarchist´s wet dream to me. I´m sure there are many who wholeheartedly wish it would come true, and that there really ARE people who come from the future and tell us what is going to happen.

Oh well, let´s all just copy and paste Mr OP´s post in a nice text file and open it up in 5 years or so and see if it is the real deal, okay?

I suspect most of us will get a good laugh out of that.
Anonymous Coward
7:32 pm EST Re: What Titor didn´t tell you...

AC 7:27 --

If Kerry is the "Lincoln" figure Titor refers to, then obviously that means Kerry wins the election. (And I´d agree there´s no way Bush is "Lincoln").

But then my question has always been -- how does the civil unrest get going? I can see lots of unrest if Bush wins, but I don´t see much if Kerry wins.

This has also been a question that´s perplexed me about Titor.
Anonymous Coward
7:40 pm EST Re: What Titor didn´t tell you...

AC 7:32,
how about this one: kerry starts the draft.
of course he´s already accused bush of doing that in a next term.
how can we continue the agenda in the middle east without a draft?
the agenda will continue regardless who gets elected.
titor also said that the two-party system was a big problem that contributed to our downfall.

it´s speculation. besides in titor´s world Y2K was a disaster. it didn´t happen in our timeline. so maybe a civil war won´t either.

or maybe it was all the product of a fertile imagination.

it´s a horrible future if it´s for real.
Anonymous Coward
7:52 pm EST Re: What Titor didn´t tell you...

agreed AC @7:30.
Anonymous Coward
8:18 pm EST Re: What Titor didn´t tell you...

When and where was John Titor born? If he´s telling the truth, he´s alive now.
1 of None
8:39 pm EST Re: What Titor didn´t tell you...

AC 7:30 you and your text file will have parted ways long before 5 years elapse.
Anonymous Coward
8:40 pm EST Re: What Titor didn´t tell you...

Titor said he was born in Tampa in the year 1997(I think).