What the \"H\" is happening?????!!!!!!!
For you that don't no or remember me I am the guy who wanted to try and reach though time using remote viewing as an avenue.
44mhz.................................. Does this mean anything to any of you?????? I have isolated the brain wave that receives the data when viewing a past target during a Remote Viewing session....I have no future targets so can not be certain that it would be the same. When viewing targets that are in the present it seems that some times without trying the data will settle on 44mhz, but most of the time it is some where between 30 and 50mhz.
The weirdest thing is that I have had two sessions were I went flat line (brain activity) except for one peak at 44mhz that on the recorder was only for a second, but the data I had recorded on paper had to of taken several minutes to write down. That is not possible if I was at 0 brain activity. And then why didn't I just keel over and die. I am now going to start recording my full vitals as well to find out. Guys I am really freaked out by this. It makes no sense to me at all.
If any of you have heard of anything like this happening before help me out because I am not doing any more sessions until I can find out what is happening.
For you that don't no or remember me I am the guy who wanted to try and reach though time using remote viewing as an avenue.
44mhz.................................. Does this mean anything to any of you?????? I have isolated the brain wave that receives the data when viewing a past target during a Remote Viewing session....I have no future targets so can not be certain that it would be the same. When viewing targets that are in the present it seems that some times without trying the data will settle on 44mhz, but most of the time it is some where between 30 and 50mhz.
The weirdest thing is that I have had two sessions were I went flat line (brain activity) except for one peak at 44mhz that on the recorder was only for a second, but the data I had recorded on paper had to of taken several minutes to write down. That is not possible if I was at 0 brain activity. And then why didn't I just keel over and die. I am now going to start recording my full vitals as well to find out. Guys I am really freaked out by this. It makes no sense to me at all.
If any of you have heard of anything like this happening before help me out because I am not doing any more sessions until I can find out what is happening.