I would not venture into the past for that which has made me to be who and where I am today is essential to my being--the bad with the good, learning either through hard knocks or good fortune.
I long to see the future ... the unpredictable future holds the most wonder. Have you ever watched Hollywood's H.G. Wells adaptation of "The Time Machine?" I am sure most of us have. When watching that film, did you ever think to yourself, "Had that been me, I would have...." Exactly my point. The possibilities are limitless.
Where would I go into the future? I would leap in baby steps, at first, five, ten, twenty years, just to see how my children fair. But then, I would push deep into the nearly inconceivable magic and mystery of the far future. Just as an observer, mind you ... I have no interest in affecting or stimulating random chaos just to witness outcomes.
Give me the future for the past is that which was ... but tomorrow is yet unknown.
Tempus Edax Rurum
<This message has been edited by SciFiWriter (edited 09 January 2000).>