What makes Time Travel so interesting?


Temporal Novice
Hey all! I'm working on a Major Project which is to do with Time Travel. And I'd like to ask you all, what do you find interesting about Time Travel? Is it because we don't fully understand it? Or is it because we do understand it but yet to experience it?
I'd like to hear your thoughts. The posts here will be quite important for me as to help me develop my major work (Short Story) so please answer this with utter seriousness.
Hey all! I'm working on a Major Project which is to do with Time Travel. And I'd like to ask you all, what do you find interesting about Time Travel? Is it because we don't fully understand it? Or is it because we do understand it but yet to experience it?
I'd like to hear your thoughts. The posts here will be quite important for me as to help me develop my major work (Short Story) so please answer this with utter seriousness.

What isn't interesting about time travel? It would be nice to have lunch with Nikola Tesla.
We don't fully understand it? society doesn't, most physicists don't, but there are a few.
It has been proven by NASA and many others to a very small degree, but proven.
The things they won't tell you are the tests that continued after the simple clock test.

Really when you want to understand something you start with all of the phenomena that occurs.
Not relying heavily on personal events, no offense to anyone, but we can't really study those can we.
Although they do offer insight.
I'm speaking about things that repeat themselves over and over like time travel in space flight.

When it comes to time travel you need to actually forget the day to day reality we live in.
It is real and mass and inertia take their place in front of you. It is Reality.

But with time travel you need to understand that we are not as we seem.
We experience life through the input of electromagnetic radiation to our senses "frequencies"
light, sound, touch, smell, taste, thought are all triggered by neuron activity "frequencies"
There fore you must be ready to accept a differing approach to what we really are.
We only experience life though the movement of radiation "frequencies" so should time travel be any less?

I studied several Phenomena in 1984, I worked with many scientists and physicists on the project.
I was the only one without alphabet soup at the end of my name. But...eh...

The theory of relativity is not a theory at all it is a report. It failed to prove the meaning of mass and Albert was declined the Nobel Prize. I was once told never to trust any thing that did not achieve nobility. You have no idea how hard it is to prove things to your peers (rivals) that are never like minded. So Nobility is very important.

This phrase helped me when I was figuring things out.
"Reality is merely an illusion.... albeit a very persistent one"
Albert Einstein

The reality of time travel is contained within the frequencies of what Physics describes as a Proton
The Protons frequency is relative to the frequency of the body of which it resides, Earth in our case.
Earth frequency constantly changes the pitch gets higher everyday.
Slow the frequency of a Proton and you go back, Speed it up and you go forward.
Sounds easy but your not dealing with a tennis ball and racket.
However there are Phenomena we use everyday that would explain this if they told us.
but they don't... why would they... isn't everyone greedy today? well they are too!

You might do a youtube search for Data travels time through the electric grid
you should have time well in your hand after that

Always keep God in your equations.

"Always keep God in your equations."

You've made some interesting comments Jack Wade. When I get chance, I have a couple of questions for you.
Jack Wade

My search into the meaning of mass appears to suggest it is a bogus concept injected into the knowledge base to hide what is really going on. When I started to examine the physical observations of weight, it became apparent what is being hidden. Weight is variable and can be positive or negative or neutral in value. Can't do that with mass. So mass appears to be being used to coverup the properties of weight. Why? Perhaps by playing around with the various properties of weight, we might find the answer to why.
You are 100 % correct
out side of everyday reality of carrying your groceries, Remove all mentions of Mass and the concept there of from the Theory of relativity and add one quote...

Reality is merely an illusion...Albeit a very persistent one!
Albert Einstein

Everything about Quantum Mechanics should relay on the study of electromagnetic radiation, and the effect there in
why a certain frequency range has more gravitation attraction than another... where the frequency range is derived...

Viewing an atom as a Pixel, used to display the properties of an electromagnetic force.
Mass should be used as a definition for determining the displacement of a given field of electromagnetic energy, how it reacts with the atoms it is located within and reacts to alternate fields of electromagnetic energy contained in other atoms.
Let me build on that a little
Lets just say that atoms are pixels and locked in place but do not move, although they are way more complicated then that and I have been told they are in fact moving. But...lets just say

On the thought that atoms are locked in place and respond like pixels when a certain frequency moves into their space they respond by illumination (colors etc), sound, fragrance, gravitational force...

Thereby we and every object is an electromagnetic ghost, moving through atoms and causing them to display a specific signature. As we or another object occupies these specific atoms no other object may do so at the same time.

We only observe the world through the use of energy,
Without energy pulsing through our minds we would not be able to perceive it at all.

What does that make reality?
I believe that we are interested in time travel for two 'natural' reasons. First of all we are explorers by nature, and time travel is the ultimate form of exploration. Secondly we, as a defense mechanism, are obsessed with controlling every aspect of our lives. Time travel is also the ultimate form of control.
Are you thinking of questions?
I'm ready when ever you are :)

I was just being mindful of the OP and not derailing the thread by going off topic. I started a thread in the discussion section a couple of weeks, which I have purposely veered off the original subject matter. It is now just an ensuing discussion that isn't going in any particular direction. I think I may direct my questions to you over there...
Is This a CIA, Navy Seal Time Traveling Disclosure?