What is time?


Temporal Novice
I'm fairly new to the theories of time travel so please forgive me if I seem ignorant on some concepts, as I probably am. :oops:

I was wondering exactly what time is. Is it a measurement such as with clocks, a place (co-ordinates), or a mixture of the two? Secondly, if time is a physical point in some demensional graph, do you think it is linear, circular, or spiral?
Exactly what is time?
Don't know!

What it may be is the 'Now' with the Future you pick out from the futures you can pick from (allowed by quantum theory), and the Past, receding from your Presence or Consciousness, which become memories, but still may exist in their quantum form as before, but you chose to continue the process of picking and choosing.

Whether how you pick your future out of the futures you can pick from, may have to do with a predetermined destiny that may have been chosen when you were in Spirit form (before you were born) - as the only way to describe it, I guess!

Thus, you have the perception of the Age of the Universe that can be found, and the Universe as a whole in the classical sense, but all of that will depend on the quantum sense and the quantum realities.
Yeah that helped a little, I was actually starting to doubt the possiblity of time travel. As a child I believed it to be certain that it was possible. Then I started thinking that time was nothing more than a unit of measurement created by man, and if that were the case how could we travel back in a measurement that we created if it was only a number. The theory that time is another dimension would make it possible, in my mind, to travel back and forth.
If you want to know what time is take a look at my website, 'The Nature and Cause of Time'. It contains a hypothesis that might answer your question.

Time 2
You're perhaps asking the wrong question. By asking in those words, you are implying that 'time' is a 'thing'. It is not.

There "is" no such 'thing' as 'time'.

You might as well ask "What is 'yellow'?" Yellow doesn't exist either; it is purely a generated illusion. Human eyes have red, green and blue color receptors and we technically can't even detect 'yellow'. The color is generated in the mind as a reaction to the balance between firings of the various color receptors.

In fact, _everything_ you "see" is purely a mental construct. Photons strike your retina and cause electro-chemical reactions that get passed along and eventually result in an "image" being constructed in your consciousness. That _image_ is what you actually see. Hence, the truth to the idea that "What you see is *NOT* what is there." Hence, what you "see" is in fact an illusion. It is simply a very convincing image that represents some external objective reality. (The mystics are technically correct.) You definitely perceive that "image", whatever it is, as if it were totally outside of your head; but it isn't.

Time is similar. It is purely a perceptive process, not a thing that can be manipulated. Your perception can be manipulated, however, and that allows the illusion of varying rates of time.

Time doesn't move. It's always the same time --- Now. Time doesn't move. It stands still and we move through it as a perceptive process.

But don't try to convince anyone of that 'cuz they _know_ it can't be true because their clocks "prove" it.