What is the "TIME" ?


Temporal Novice
I've always asked myself why the time has been defined as a "dimension". I think instead that time is a "force". Consider this hypothesis : time is the force that move the whole universe from past to the future (arrow of time). The movement is composed of STEP. Each STEP have the length of the Planck time of 1^10-43 sec. The speed of the movement is the speed of light. Like the frames of a movie You could explain why when traveling at the speed of light the time slow down and then stop. Cause You've reached the same speed of the time. And if You go faster then You'll travel back in time, like looking the already showed film. The Wheeler's quantum foam at the base of the universe, should be formed of "temporal quantum" where the "physical quantum" are anchored. I've made some thought on this idea and considered also the relativity implications (think how and why the light herself is moving at the speed of time), but now is up to You to decide if this description of "time" represent a new "theory".
Let me know Your thought on it ...
Hello Friend Experiumix of EarthTR125.1021

Interesting that you call time a force, in the sense that it moves the universe from past to present. In this sense, time as you define it, is the prime motor of the actualness being experienced.

I've always thought about time as an emission or rather emanation which is actually the by product or result of several correlating variables which make up our dimension. The way I see it, Reality can be experienced by an array or matrix of actuating principles. When all of these principles come together Time, and many other things, come into being making reality perceivable.

Some of this principles could be summarize as Space, Matter, Energy, Force, Gravitation, Polarity, Emptiness and Pressure; however there are many more. When these come into contact at fundamental levels they make up time.

PD: I find interesting that you call Light in the feminine. Would you like to elaborate on that?
Hello Friend Experiumix of EarthTR125.1021

Interesting that you call time a force, in the sense that it moves the universe from past to present. In this sense, time as you define it, is the prime motor of the actualness being experienced.

I've always thought about time as an emission or rather emanation which is actually the by product or result of several correlating variables which make up our dimension. The way I see it, Reality can be experienced by an array or matrix of actuating principles. When all of these principles come together Time, and many other things, come into being making reality perceivable.

Some of this principles could be summarize as Space, Matter, Energy, Force, Gravitation, Polarity, Emptiness and Pressure; however there are many more. When these come into contact at fundamental levels they make up time.

PD: I find interesting that you call Light in the feminine. Would you like to elaborate on that?

Hello Transient001,
as You said, I consider the time the prime motor. In my opinion our consciousness (and the whole universe) is active only when the time move forward of one step. Between two step there is the non existence. The matrix of actuating principles (as You call them) are children of the time. My vision (contrary to Your) is much more simple, there is a "Prime principle" from which everything else is generated, and this is the time.
The reference to the female of light is because I'm Italian and in my language light is a term female.
Do You think this could be of some interest ? Maybe also this kind of detail could be important to better understood the essence of time, who knows...
Thanks for explaining, and yes it is very important. What you talk about is a point of view I thought about in the past in this thread, I called it the Prime Temporal Point; from which everything generates, but not because it is time, but because it is the first fixed point of existence. You can check it out if you look for it in the old threads of this website.

Now about the Light being female, it has a lot to do with a whole lot of things. Ancient Wisdom relates that when the First Cause manifested existence, it did so accompanied by two other Cosmological Axis, one was the Dark (a masculine resonant power) and the Light (a female frequency power). Together, the Three main Axis created the universes or rather the universes unfolded as these adjusted to each other's existence.

As a result four main functions derived from these three. The Arcs, The Cords, The Constants and The Keys. The Arcs are the embodiment of everything relating to Truth, these are the governing laws of the multiverse. Then, as these interact, they create The Cords. Cords are the various principles which state how the higher laws behave in the multiverse, as you can imagine their numbers are countless. Then as these interact among themselves the Constant appear, as emanations which behave in the same way. Finally, the Keys or rather Bodies are formed and these are the actual archetypical images from which creation follows.

So in that sense, The Light being a female, is very important because it is the Mother of all the individuating forces; as the ancient ones called it.
Wow Transient001, this is a very interesting explanation... I see some resemblance with the "Kybalion" and this make me think that ancient wisdom was much smarter than we believe. We today are using technical and physical explanations but the essence of the problem has already been discovered eons ago. This is an indication that we are on the correct way !
I will look at your old threads.

The people of the ancient past held great knowledge, both spiritual and technological. I personally believe that it is through the application of spiritual knowledge that one can get to understand the mysteries of science and the universe. Yes, the Kybalion is one of many books out there that convey powerful concepts, The Divine Pymander is another example of a book which shaped the entire notion of religion and science for the western world.

Thanks for reading my old threads, if you have any question just ask.
For some theorist time is gravity as Einstein statement.
To me it is true, and it is perfectly in agreement with your theories.

Well Ancients believed that Sun is god and moon is Mom as it is round and white.
Sun is the main object in our solar system and the origin of its whole organization and origin. It's origin is a more massive thing and at the very origin we believe that everything where one and the there were so many energy that it exploded, big bang. The matter is running through space and organizing... The big bang is a very expensive explosion so it's a light-ball. The female light were there too...

You can easily understand how comes the following. ;)

And at the end of time we can only imagine what happens. o_O