What is the Thomas Dehn story? Darby or Pam?


Temporal Novice
Hopefully this new topic heading will prompt Darby or Pamela to give a summary of the story behind Thomas Dehn.

I saw recently in a long thread on www.anomalies.net regarding "Titor is a Liar", where on page 26 for Dec 31 2001, Darby releases info about finding the guy behind John Titor. He writes that on a different forum "About.com" UFO Forum, subject "I am an Alien", a character named "Kumagoro" and also "TTITO2" had been spinning a tale for six months. Then he revealed himself as Thomas Dehn, that the Alien story was fake, and that he had been inspired to do so by the John Titor story. (Darby contends that Thomas only confessed when being faced with the facts from Pam).

I went over to the "About.com" UFO Forum and read through the postings from about Nov 2001 to Jan 2002. I can see Darby (username "Sanaro") posting after Thomas Dehn's confession that Tom wasn't just inspired by JT - he was the originator of JT. Darby's postings are calm. Tom responded with low-brow name calling. If I could misqote Francis Bacon; "methinks he doth protesteth too much."

From there to here is is not so clear (oops a Suess-ism!)

1. Darby at the time wrote of proof between JT and Kumagoro postings that showed they were by the same person, but it was not distincly clear to me. It is fine to say "We have proof, we have proof", but I would like to hear more about the facts of it all, clearly laid out.

2. There seemed to be some confusion as to Dehn's name - was it Thomas Dehn or John Dehn? Are they different people, or was this some mistake? Tom seemed to hid behind the fact of NOT being John Dehn, but was that even a question?

3. Where is Tom go? Is he still posting? Is he Charlie?

4. Why are we all still here? If Tom Dehn was JT and the story was a fake, why didn't it die off? I mean, that "outing" by Darby and Pam of Tom was in Dec 2001. 2 years later and people are still adding to and discussing the JT story. Tom did say that people are myth-driven, and will latch on to a great tale, hoping it to be true, finding facts to support it. Is that what drives the JT myth?

5. Perhaps the JT story didn't die because Darby and Pam didn't quite kill it off with Tom Dehn. Perhaps Tom still didn't prove to vbe the final nail in the coffin of this story.

6. Why do Darby and Pam still post as if JT (or the person behind it) has yet to be found? (i.e. PAM - "prove to me that you are John"). If they knew the story was a fake and Tom was the hoaxer, wouldn't they have as the top like to every post - "titor story a hoax - see link" ? I mean - there should be a difference between hunting a hoaxer and encouraging a forum on Time Travel.

I hope Darby or Pam can respond and inform us all.
Thanks - DJ.
Thomas Dehn is a fractal master, who has very great skill with a computer.

The appearance of Dehn does no totally mix with the happenstance of said John Titor.

What this entire Titor affair seems to be an attempt at, is web directing the future, to happen as a possible has said it should be.

The reality of this situation is, that the future will unfold as it will, as every time one time travels, even with the best of intentions, they alter the timeline.
Darby has just responded to almost the exact same question on anomolies.net, and said that Mr Dehn did not end up to be the person behind Titor. I guess the question remains open, though I doubt we will ever find the real Titor originator. Regardless of this, the topics he raised and the discussion they engendered have quite some value in of themsleves.

I think the thing you must realize, DJ, is that many world timelines do in mathematical probabilities, exist.

So this leads to a number of problems as in a way, all timelines, also share storylines.

Say there might be a Pamela Moore, who is either a Hollywood actress or a producer.

Then one in one timeline, that might be a banker.Still in another one might be a nurse.

In still other timelines, one might be an accomplished time traveler, while in another, there might be a version of Pamela, that might have only constructed one half of her time machine, while in another the time machine is completed?

In other timelines, there might be a version of Darby who is a counter-culture type of rebel, who is a famous ladie's man, while in another, he might be a tea totaling sort of Quaker type of fellow?

John Titor or many other versions of him, may also exist in other timelines, to where at least two or three version, might be very well versed in time travel.

Anything is possible with many varied timelines, as there is evidence that other timeline sometimes barrow materials and or ideas from one another.

Thomas Dehn's prowess came out of the technology of the beginning graphics era.

There was a special made, referred to as The Computer Image, which was narrated by Joseph Campenella.

Although this was placed a while back, great interests was started out of the possibilities that artificial realities using fractal mathematical languages could produce on-screen was produced.

People who got in on the ground floor, on this technology, seemed to have quantumly jumped both their placements, as well as understandings of artificial reality.

This is why the specter of Dehn was so very formidable, as if anyone could have produced some of the effects of time travel, it would have been Dehn.

The one item not probably reproduced, was the film taken of said Steven who was to have supposed to have been a dimensional traveler.

There were certain things about the Steven jump film, that show this was more than just electronic presto-digitation.

Dehn historically is a very important figure, as his understanding rides the wave of possible optical physics, which was portended in reports only, by the now scarce, David Anderson.

Anderson was very well versed from the interview article that I had read, on light pressure overpumped lasic physics, as a possible bolate in time effects devices.

I Hope you see now, the possible relationships, between both Dehn and Anderson, which is seems is almost by purposeful coincidence.

Note any more how life-like video games are with such productions as The Final Fantasy 2, which host players, that seem to almost posses an actress type of aura, about how they are composed.

Read about Dehan and Anderson, they are both missing clues and also possible links, to the Titor legacy?

The thread on Anomalies ends with Pamela and me stating that Dehn was not Titor after all. I had some personal emails with him and was ultimately satisfied that he wasn't the persona behind Titor.

As I stated earlier today on Anomalies there were similarities between Dehn and Titor with one stiking difference: Titor, no matter what you think of his story, always remained a gentleman when posting his thoughts or answering questions. He was forceful - but polite when he had to be.

Dehn, on the other hand, ended up being verbally abusive to the "morons" (his description, not mine) who believed his story. That just wasn't ever Titor's style.

Ultimately we agreed that there were some strange conicidences between Dehn and our prior standing profile of Titor but that's all it was. He was purposely attempting to mimick Titor so that he could ultimately castigate his audience for believing him.
Dehn made a couple of posts on the original Titor thread at the BBS of Art Bell back then.

He did not believe Titor for the commercials about Beef, and Milk commercials brought up by Titor.

Afterwards, he started a thread titled "I am an Alien" on About.com in the Sci-Fi or UFO section.

A while later, he started it.


Actually there are many links about people who call him/her/alien self an alien with websites and links to stories.


There are many things to talk about, but I have had my 5 seconds so all that time is now done!
Control notes:On aliens; the book E.T. Frieds and Foes by Andrews states, that most people on this planet, are an engineered bivalve, sorts of concotshun.

So this is a biological view that people hold of themselves, as this is a two state of believing and not believing.

*Dehn is it seems tossed in as a red herring, as again, a fractal master of his caliber, is not something you run into, every day.

Some of my contacts here and at Anomalies, have been privately abusive to me, however this is water under the bridge.

In intelligence work, sometimes and agent will be abusive to someone who they want to keep a secret.

Note, that by Darby stating that Titor kept his emotional and moral intelligence intact, he forces Titor to two mathematical states.

>This is one, the state of being possibly from the future.

>Two the state of being something else, such as a state of mind or an emotion.

The examples would be, where Tona-kacatu was fishing and vast bubbles rose from the surface or the water, while Tona was in his boat.

So Tona states, "Well this must be JohnTitor"!

So John Titor can also be expressed as either an ideal, or a line of thought logic?
TimeNot O,

Go River Bandits! ;-)

I didn't remember Tom Dehn as having posted on the original "I am from 2036" thread. I'll have to find that. I do remember that he posted on the Peanuts Gang about Titor.

He really wasn't a pleasant person once his game was called. What was amazing (though not at all uncommon) was that some of the people there on About.com still believed that he was an alien after he admitted to scamming them. The same thing happened with Brad Jensen ("I am from 2040"). Brad apologized to the community and admitted that he was just making the point that anyone who writes well could pull off a "Titor" scam...and the debate was on about why a time traveler (Brad) would back away from his story.

He really wasn't a pleasant person once his game was called. What was amazing (though not at all uncommon) was that some of the people there on About.com still believed that he was an alien after he admitted to scamming them. The same thing happened with Brad Jensen ("I am from 2040"). Brad apologized to the community and admitted that he was just making the point that anyone who writes well could pull off a "Titor" scam...and the debate was on about why a time traveler (Brad) would back away from his story.


which is some good proof on the side of proving Titor is a hoax. People STILL want to believe. Some people just take a quick glance and think that's all they need. They'll take a quick glance at Dehn and say "wow he's an alien" and read a couple of post's and then say "I BELIEVE HIM!" and never get to the part where he says "ok im not an alien." (Charlie was a good example of this. He read a few of my posts in my titor expirement and believed I was Titor, if he would have read a few more posts he would have noticed that someone caught my IP address and got a full explanation as to why I did it and everything.) Same goes for Brad Jensen who admittedly said it was a joke before the questions even started. He was doing an expirement where he'd try to prove how easy it would be to get people hooked on the story. He was the first to successfully prove it (and where I got my idea to do an expiriment from). But some people fail to read his posts after the opening statement and just assume that he's either "some dumbass who thinks its fun to play with peoples minds and make jokes" (which he wasnt, he was trying to prove something) or hes real. If you read a few more posts youd say "oh". It's actually funny, in the "Titor I know your still here" thread, where I did my expiriment, I found something funny. I came across a Titor fan site (with a google search, cant remember which one) and the guy actually put it on his website "has titor returned? Recently, Titor posted on a thread called 'Titor I know your still here'" etc. and actually put my posts with Titors.
If you'll notice closely JT bases a lot of his 'theories' on recent movies, though claims to have no knowledge of them... ("The One", multiple dimestions... ect.
i guess the only way we can unfold this story is wait until 2005 or we can travel deeper into the pyschological mind of John Titor. In my 2 years of studying psychology i can note that Titor's personality is a bit strange. but several points tell me he has "constructed" this personality for example, why would he go to such limits to make us believe him and rise our climax and eager us to find out the "truth". he was attacked in the message boards so many questions bombarded him but he still managed to answer most. use common sense and think of this, if he pushes us to the point we called the CIA or FBI or local police, he would be arrested and jailed accordingly to the Space Expose Law which is written in the Constitution. but if he was a hoax then he would never be afraid to push us to the limits because He is fake and if the CIA gives him a visit he can say he has freedom of speech. but the truth will soon uncover. if 2004 starts and ends with no significant sign of a civil war then he is obviously a hoax.
hey im 22 im currently studying abnormal psychology and lookin foward to study theories of personality at yale university. Do u not feel titor's story is a well "constructed" story which is seemingly real. i do not take sides in this but i would like to comment that if titor was a hoax then he would have been either persuaded by the forums to get a nice topic up and boost the web's visitors or he could be a mentally disordered man looking for fantasy in the same situation that a cannabis is looking to find someone to eat
Actually, I think John said that events in 2004 would start a civil war in 2005 but would not be undeniable until 2008. IOW, people will be doubting that we are in a civil war up until 2008. You may not be aware around where you live. News will be slanted. Many people will be blind to what's going on. Liberty traded for security. Until the point that we need security from the security. That's when civil war is hard to deny.
if its true, we have an advantage. we will be aware because everytime something happens we'll be like "you know... John Titor said it was going to be like this." so if the events happen to lead into a 2005 civil war... we'll know. we'll figure it out. if we dont figure it out... we'll know in 2005... because we got all we need to know. if it never happens, we can cum on john titors grave and call him a hoax.

That's correct. He said that beginning in 2004 here would be monthly Waco-like incidents (what I've termed the Weekly Wacky Waco Incidents). By 2008 it would be obvious that there is a civil war according to his saga.

However, I disagree that people would actually doubt that there's a civil war going on if it should come to pass. The civil war in the US from 1968 to 1973 was not at all like the Civil War of 1860-1864 but it was a civil war. There was no doubt in the public mind after the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago that we were involved in a civil war. The fact that there was no public doubt about our being in a guerilla type civil war was what mislead the Nixon Administration into believing that the gloves were off and that all possible tactics were available and would be supported to put down the insurrection.

I don't know how old you are or how your schools taught the history of that period. I would assume that they alluded to the Kent State incident ("5 dead in Ohio") and maybe the Jackson State incident. But I'll bet that they didn't tell you about the two thousand plus deaths overall attributed to the revolution in the United States during that period.

The persona behind Titor, whomever he is (she?), sells Americans short. The average American is neither stupid nor ignorant. That may be one personality flaw that the persona has. His political rhetoric reflects his overall lack of insight into the American psyche.

He was a pissed off Floridian following the 2000 general election. He voted Libertarian but cast his support to the Democrats because he felt that Florida had been robbed. (BTW: that's just my opinion. Thought it is somewhat supported by his rhetoric I have no direct evidence to support the opinion.)
He was a pissed off Floridian following the 2000 general election. He voted Libertarian but cast his support to the Democrats because he felt that Florida had been robbed. (BTW: that's just my opinion. Thought it is somewhat supported by his rhetoric I have no direct evidence to support the opinion.)

My own 2 cents:

I think he was Canadian. His comments about Canada being a country of evil and calculating individuals is curious to the point of almost being ironic. If Canada survived the war, why are they not the major trading partners of the US? Unless of course he is implying that Canada will not share their wealth with a now underdeveloped America??? I still thought it was a curious comment though...

Merry Christmas

Sorry, but I see that most Americans are not willing to consider that the government considers the working class to be just a bunch of cattle meant to bring in profits for the rich, or that the government wants to literally take over all resources of the entire planet no matter what is necessary including killing 3000 Americans and doing $10 Billion in damage to get 1/4 $1 Trillion out of tax payer's (the cattle) pockets via congress. http://www.infowars.com/ I see a conspiracy between the government, news media, entertainment industry, advertising industry, and big business in general, to keep the masses so self-absorbed in their emotional addictions that they are incapable of serious thought and reflection that would be necessary to fight the loss of liberty for security.

I want to remind you that John Titor started posting BEFORE the election. The first posting I saw was November 2, 2000 which is in agreement with him telling us that he was here to observe the election.
However, I disagree that people would actually doubt that there's a civil war going on if it should come to pass. The civil war in the US from 1968 to 1973 was not at all like the Civil War of 1860-1864 but it was a civil war. There was no doubt in the public mind after the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago that we were involved in a civil war. The fact that there was no public doubt about our being in a guerilla type civil war was what mislead the Nixon Administration into believing that the gloves were off and that all possible tactics were available and would be supported to put down the insurrection.

I probably shouldnt be arguing this with someone from the government, but take into consideration that this would be a war between the people and the government. He never said it straight out, but he did say we'd have to fight for our rights during this period, which leads me to believe that the 2 sides are government and citizens. The majority of americas citizens would not want to believe their own government would betray him. Therefor as the government attacked the citizens, people would still be in disbelief and try to hide from the truth until its too late and becomes clear whats happening. Do you think the government would actually tell the citizens "HEY! LOOK WE'RE ATTACKING YOU!" No, they'd keep doing it, and cotrol the media so that when the people watching the news get attacked they wouldn't fight back. they would believe the person attacked on the news by the government actually did something wrong. Hell, even I don't want to believe that the government would attack me. I live in one of the best countries in the world right now. I have all these rights, anywhere else i go i wouldnt be able to get away with half of the [censored] i do. I'm able to have friends that are in the government, anywhere else a normal citizen like me talking to someone in the government would almost be illegal. I want to live a long life and live like my mother did, and her father, and my grandfather. If that all got taken away, i wouldnt want to believe it. I would want to believe i could still keep living the way i have been. If its true ill probably be fighting that titors a fake until 2008 when i finally realize hes not. See the truth is, the government controls us, and they could get away with a secret war against its own citizens for years until the citizens realize how fast they keep going. we WOULD BE clueless.

in the history you provided, it wasnt a government against its people. it was a government against a government. Which is not what Titor said at all. Titor made it clear to me that it would be government v.s. citizens.

On a different subject, i came to the conclusion that titors from montana. Not florida. The reason I say this is because if you've ever been to montana, all the citizens there have their little secret talks. Usually those talks are about "well i saw these helicopters flying to the mountains, weird". They all believe in government conspiericys. Watch old JFK videos to prove that the government killed him. I know, my father was one of them. (i spent a year of my life there to get to know him, he left when i was 2 weeks old, i left because i thought he was crazy) He's taking medications because he took it over board. Guess what? my father sounded exactly like titor, except he didnt say he was a time travelor.