What is the supposed likelihood of mult. universes


Temporal Novice
I'm somewhat totally uninformed on the issue. I don't know a lot about it. I seem to have a "hunch" towards the multiple universe theory. I definitely don't believe in a God, and believe that existence is, always has been, and always will be forever and ever and ever.

Anyway, could someone please elaborate what the current status of all this is, clear and concisely? Not in some esoteric way?
Re:Likelihood of mult. universes?

TDFox: Right on.

Rather than thinking of the beginning as a meanless nothingness into which you have to put a 'Creator' to make something oout of the nothingness, you can entertain a different perspective and think of the beginning as everything rather than nothing. If you start with everything, then you simply throw away whatever you don't need to end up with something. You don't need a God to do that.Of course, this is getting into metaphysics, again, isn't it?

Anyway, is there any evidence SUPPORTING multiple universes?

I'm not quite sure which theory you're asking about here. Are you asking about multiple universes or Many Worlds Interpretation?

They absolutely aren't the same. Multiple universes involves cosmology, the Big Bang creation event and one interpretation of how the initial boundary conditions at the creation event could allow multiple universes to evolve from the event. Many Worlds Interpretation involves quantum physics, the Uncertainty Principle and how to interpret the statistical probabilities of quantum events to predict outcomes.