What is the definition of time-travel?


Temporal Novice
This can be step one for all of us. Lets try to agree on a single definition so we can philisophically determine conclusions.
I think that if we can find ways to agree on things that maybe we can find something new, or agree on something old.
Define time travel. This suggests movement from one occurrance to another that has already happened or will happen within that reality's history. Time travel is a relative term.


...The Doctor...
...Magi Systems...
I can agree. Time travel as I would see it, is moving between occurences that have happened and/or will happen in what we know as reality.

What evidence do we have of anything moving between occurences?
Absolutely none that I know of. Atomically there no real difference between today and yesterday, and probably will not be one tomorrow. Obviously atoms degrade over a moment,but that wouldn't create a "time" stream transition. Each degradation would have to be incapatable with atoms of another to create that effect. All of the atoms around us are in a different state of decay but still function together, unless there is a point of decay in existance that doesn't react with us, therefore we don't perceive them. What are you thoughts.


...The Doctor...
<A HREF="http://server3.ezboard.com/bmagisystems" TARGET=_blank>
...Magi Systems@ Ezboard.com...</A>

<This message has been edited by The Doctor (edited 06 October 1999).>
I think that observing time travel, by stating the fact "you are attempting to recreate DEAD MATTER (cells, ions, atoms)" is a SOUND FACT. You can't restore dead cells.
I look at time-travel LOGICALLY, I know that it cannot be done. So I imagine...for time-travel to exist...what must occur? You cannot recreate the dead matter.
But, what if you were to create a focal point...where time moves so slowly, that it appears to be frozen in place? Could this be a possibility?
I think so. But in order to do that you must be able to propel more than hydrogen ions in the lazer machine, like a craft of some type. What equipment do you need to complete your idea?


...The Doctor...
<A HREF="http://server3.ezboard.com/bmagisystems" TARGET=_blank>
...Magi Systems@ Ezboard.com...</A>

Time Lord

<This message has been edited by The Doctor (edited 08 October 1999).>
The purpose of the ions is to observe their physical changes, as well as their frequencies.
Electronically slowing a focal point in time is a few steps ahead. I see an area devoid of gravity, so it would have to occur in space. The area would need to resist magnetics, EMF, and any source of live frequency. Basically, I see a hallowed sphere which is clear of everything, including atomic particals. It would be a device which is an EXAGERATED climate controlled area.
I don't even feel that makes since to me.
Let me try to shorten this... I need to create an area which is devoid of everything. Including polarities, gravity, frequencies, free floating particles, and so on.
Have you been able to locate my website? I am attempting to invite Physics teachers into the CHATBOX.

<This message has been edited by Howell67 (edited 08 October 1999).>