What is "fringe"?


Rift Surfer
Definition: something regarded as peripheral, marginal, secondary, or extreme in relation to something else.

Extreme. In relation to news, science, and the online world, I always thought "fringe" just referred to strange, untouched topics,

not necessarily extreme.

What is your opinion?

This is actually going to help me with something.

Here's a couple i found,

the outer or less important part of an area, group, or activity:

These activities are very much on the fringe of their global operation.

the extremist/radical/political fringe

The edge of something, often used to indicate the borderlines of a certain concept: in politics, the fringe is usually the rare bunch of extremists, or in general the outcast members of a group that are considered less than peccable members.

My words might be "on the outside of borders not in the popular domain, considered to be believed by less than the masses"

The idea when I was putting this together was for it to be a catch-all for the more.... Outlandish things. Think CigSmokingMan posts. Stuff that isn't time travel, but too off the wall to fit nicely anywhere else.

If you think it can be adapted to fit something else you have in mind, I'm 100% cool with that. You guys know what you're doing. I can also add more fancy prefixes here (or anywhere else) if you need them (within reason ;) )
