What if we could control time ?


Temporal Novice
Have you guys ever asked yourself what if you could control time? What would you do? Does time really exist or is it something we've created to have a sense of something? What would be the benefits of controlling time and what would be the downsides? For me a major benefit would be stopping time to prevent accidents, deaths, conflicts. Is time an actual energy which has been around since the very creation of the universe? There are a lot of open questions which I'm seeking an answer to. I would love to converse.

I don't think avoiding accidents should be your intention. A natural balance is necessary to sustain the world. It still depends though, what do we really mean when we say we stop the time? Does it mean everything comes to a halt? If yes, then it means the light rays (bouncing off from objects) which travel to give us vision stop too. So would this mean we can't see anything? Really intriguing topic.

Have you guys ever asked yourself what if you could control time?
But you DO control time. At a certain granularity. You have the ability to control MATTER in MOTION. It is these two parameters that actually define how TIME plays out, in your immediate location.If YOU did not make that sandwich, and those fruit wedges, and that drink you had for lunch.....then WHO DID, and WHY did they do it for you to consume? ;)

See what I am getting at? :D


If I could control time, I probably wouldn't be very happy. It would be a world without fun and spontaneity. Well, of course the upside is that I could prevent accidents or even death of a loved one. However, these things are bound to happen no matter what you do. Maybe the idea of being able to control time is appealing but once it is given to you, the responsibility is heavy and endless.

But you DO control time. At a certain granularity. You have the ability to control MATTER in MOTION. It is these two parameters that actually define how TIME plays out, in your immediate location.If YOU did not make that sandwich, and those fruit wedges, and that drink you had for lunch.....then WHO DID, and WHY did they do it for you to consume? ;) See what I am getting at? :D

Exactly. We have control over at least one direction that time flows in, and that makes us powerful. It's why humans spend so much time as a species laboring for things they'll never get to use. All the people who contributed to human knowledge never got to see where it led us, and everything we do is for everyone that comes after us. It's why legacy is so important to people.As for what would happen if we could change the past or at the least pause the present, I'm not sure. I could see the present being paused as a much more viable mechanism that time travel into the past, though. If nothing else, whoever controlled that machine wouldn't ever lose out on sleep again.

We kind of already control time, we just don't know how to manage ours properly. I wouldn't like to be able to control time since things are meant to happen the way they're meant to happen. I could really screw up some things.

We have some control in our lives, and also need to mange it well so we have time for everything like eating, sleeping work or school and family and friends and also personal time as well which needs a balance or we will be too stressed out and need to rest the body also. I, think having complete control would be good so we could go back and change the wrongs we have done that would be a good thing to do and also have a peace of mind as well. I, think as we are imperfect we tend to want things sometimes which we don't need and the eyes may see things and may desire these things and need to think working extra for that item maynot be worth it and need to manage time and also cut out the things we don't need in our life.

If as universe expands, history does also, & everything change beneath & including our own noses, questions & answers crystallising at the same time each at their different whenabouts, that you presently hunger have you food to eat & vise versa?But how can we say this will always have been? Did you control time to make your sandwich, or is your sandwich & that you made it & eat it subject to change :) ?

Hi all,

controlling time is quite a huge topic. We should split it up in

moving backwards in time

moving forwards

stopping it

moving backwards would be of course dangerous if we were given the ability to change things but what if we could only gaze to ourself and to our dears and live again from outside our best memories?

moving forwards would be appealing but possibly devastating if you are not ready to sustain the burden of seeing all the people you have loved gone.

stopping it.....what exaclty does it mean...for how long.....

and my question is

which of these option is really feasible?

i presume the odds of moving backwards, forwards or stopping time for a while is not the same

please comment
