we are time traveling, the earth in its self is the time capsole. with the gravity of earth seperating us from space we create time. a 24hour day a 365 day year. if you go into space and travel at light speed for one day and come back to earth a full year would have gone by. yet you would be only one day older so for all you startreck fans if you left on the enterprise. the earth you would come back to after traveling at light speed for ten years would be 3650 years older.but you say the moon effects are gravity, there for effecting 24 hour 365 day a year time. it does, a matter a fact it creates in essence or reality triple 6 or 6 to the power of three = 216 whitch is the diamiter of the moon runs on time of earth and space trough its gravitational effect solar\lunar tugging it deforms the perect sphere of earth time creating a slight wobble. effects of wich you can see in the magnetic poles coming out of alinement. this will corect it self every 5125 years by fliping over the poles ie. the great 2012 end date, when the earth will stop and begin spinnig the other way to corect its wobble.i guess you could seee this as the end of time or just the begining of a new one. so scientificly our time does only last 5125 years till it stars over agin there for there is no rell time, time is only what your personal reality precives as the meserment of change.