What if the is no tomorrow only now?


Temporal Novice
Hi everyone, Great site/discussions.

I am a new newbee and this is my first post of hopefully many to come. I am starting off with this question of which I am not really expecting a definitive answer just open discussion. I hope that this question is not seen as suggesting the you cannot travel into the future because that is not what I intended, I suppose what I am referring to is the impact of ones individual timeline of existence.

Hello Friend Bender of EarthTR125.0121

Welcome to the site. I am not sure I understand your question.

Hi everyone, Great site/discussions.

I am a new newbee and this is my first post of hopefully many to come. I am starting off with this question of which I am not really expecting a definitive answer just open discussion. I hope that this question is not seen as suggesting the you cannot travel into the future because that is not what I intended, I suppose what I am referring to is the impact of ones individual timeline of existence.


The impact of ones individual timeline of existence, what about that? I would be happy to try to give you an answer, but could you explain it a little more?
Hi everyone, Great site/discussions.

I am a new newbee and this is my first post of hopefully many to come. I am starting off with this question of which I am not really expecting a definitive answer just open discussion. I hope that this question is not seen as suggesting the you cannot travel into the future because that is not what I intended, I suppose what I am referring to is the impact of ones individual timeline of existence.


If I can reword your question we can see if I have it correct: What if the is no tomorrow only now?

"In our universe there is only the present. The future does not actually exist."

If that's the correct interpretation I'd say that its probably not true. The reason is that it seems to presuppose a simultaniety of all events in the universe, all of which are slaved to a single universal clock that tells us that it is the same time ("now")everywhere in the universe. But we know from Special Relativity that the notion of absolute simultaniety of events is falsified by the theory and verified to be a false notion by experiment. There is no universal clock. An event occuring very close to my location in spacetime can be viewed by me as having occured approximately "right now" - my present. However, if you were on Mars looking at the same event, depending on where the Earth and Mars were in their orbits WRT each other, you would receive the signal and see what happened in my "now" no less than 4.5 minutes to 20.8 minutes later. You receive the signal in your present but from my persepctive you see the same event some time later - my future. It would take light that long to travel from Earth to Mars. If you then signaled me back indicating that you saw the event I would be satisfied that the future must exist in some sense.

BTW: If you aren't familiar with the short-hand, "WRT" means with respect to (relative to).
Hello Friend Bender of EarthTR125.0121

Welcome to the site. I am not sure I understand your question.

The impact of ones individual timeline of existence, what about that? I would be happy to try to give you an answer, but could you explain it a little more?

Hi Transient001,
Thank you for your reply and I apoligise if my initiual question was a bit ambiguous. I agree I could have worded it a bit better. It was just a very general question and on hindsight I can see that it could almost be philisophical in nature. I was just qurious to see what type of response I would get and once again thank you giving it some thought.
I suppose what I am really getting at is that if a tangiable future actually exists, and then if it does can it be visited. Getting back to the timeline issue. Does time stop at the present? At the moment I see time as ever expanding just like the universe. And just like the universe I kind it find it hard to fathom anything beyond its outer reaches (our present). Your thoughts on this would be appreciated.

If I can reword your question we can see if I have it correct: What if the is no tomorrow only now?

"In our universe there is only the present. The future does not actually exist."

If that's the correct interpretation I'd say that its probably not true. The reason is that it seems to presuppose a simultaniety of all events in the universe, all of which are slaved to a single universal clock that tells us that it is the same time ("now")everywhere in the universe. But we know from Special Relativity that the notion of absolute simultaniety of events is falsified by the theory and verified to be a false notion by experiment. There is no universal clock. An event occuring very close to my location in spacetime can be viewed by me as having occured approximately "right now" - my present. However, if you were on Mars looking at the same event, depending on where the Earth and Mars were in their orbits WRT each other, you would receive the signal and see what happened in my "now" no less than 4.5 minutes to 20.8 minutes later. You receive the signal in your present but from my persepctive you see the same event some time later - my future. It would take light that long to travel from Earth to Mars. If you then signaled me back indicating that you saw the event I would be satisfied that the future must exist in some sense.

BTW: If you aren't familiar with the short-hand, "WRT" means with respect to (relative to).

Hi Darby,
Thank you very much for your in depth reply and explanation of the shorthand code. Please allow me a lit bit more time to consider your interpretation as I am still getting my head around it. Will reply again soon.


P.S I have replied to Transient001 and I wouldn't mind if you could have a look at my thoughts there.