What if, everything is going to be lost?


Epochal Historian
In the movie Resident Evil, which is about the famed Umbrella Corporation, which is a supposed pharmaceutical company, which has people's best interests at heart, there is the telling of a perversion of secretly housed T-viruses.

This urban myth film, deal with the said Federal Vampire and Zombie Agencies, dealing with both vampires, werewolfs and zombies.

In the film, the T-virus is maliciously let loose beneath Raccoon Cities multi-leveled underground storage complex, also called The Hive.

The nature of the accident pits a young woman who is an operative, against the legions of the undead, within this high tech maze, which supposedly does not exist.

The T-virus becomes airborne, within its recombinant infective phase.This action completely takes over the entire hive, with wandering, viral zombies.These beings, intent on the conquest of higher energy living beings, which happen to be the Stars Team, sent to investigate why all went awry.

The story concludes with the rescuing of only two survivors, of which one is already starting to mutate.

The idea behind the storyline, is a supposition, that reflects a hidden reality.

This reality is, {What if one either desires a soldier that would never tire, or be combat prone to injuries?, or What if one knew that the world was going to end, and in some way, had wanted to assure survival of certain groups of people, that otherwise might not make it}?

These two questions, might be the motive of such said underground experimental facilities, in the reaserch on certain stiles of virus, which have been known in the past to have caused destruction to a society.

The original vampire virus, is, was, termed as the K-17 South African experiential batch.

This experimental virus, was a modified, contracted by bite, virus.

The was a problem though.This problem was addressed within the viruse's lab storage and taken through development filters.

This to where the pronounced demonic components in all vampire viruses, were filtered out using very advanced DNA gene engineering.This coupled with a light technology, which would bundle in C, or light, as a known parsed companion into the said new virus.

From what I have heard, the South African virus did not work well and had escaped the lab, via primates that this expiemential viruses was used to be tested on.This is only rumor, of course.

The other two viruses, which were the werewolf and zombie viruses, could when again properly engineered, have yielded a type of being, that would have super-human capacities.

In the second of the series, Resident Evil 2, there are two prototypes engineered that have capabilities way beyond, the imaginable.

But just say for a moment, in real life, that if places such as the Raccoon under-city hive were to have existed, that a secret research program such as I have mentioned here, did exist?

The telltale marks might be, two small puncture wounds, discovered on that persons extremities, as well as strep-like symptomologies, however after a while, the patient seems to have made a full recovery.

Everything would be normal; on that day, till say in a small fast food restaurant, this person started to be able to hear soft whispers fifty feet away from him.

Or be working in the shop and be able to bend metal in his hands, to where to would have taken a blow torch and a set of pliers in order to be able to do this before?

Or to chance meet someone leaving a superette to which they are going to into, only to hear the thoughts in the person that they are passing, "My husband will never know, that I've been seeing Ron"? and you say right to her face, "This guy was such an ugly screw, why did you choose him to begin with"?

There are innuendos on both sides of the ocean, that the main powers that be, are engineering solders, that can do the impossible.

But what of the estimated some thousands, who might have been injected not to their knowledge, with an experimental virus, that has radically changed them from what they once were?

These ideas put forwards, may also be part of the John Titor, secret scenario?

Editory post script; Edit note on K-17:Due to a phenomenon known as intron constructive polling, to where one of the founding genes of mankind is brought to bear, it was thought that the K-17 virus, would have been effective against the AIDS pandemic.
The two founding introns for mankind, are one, the canine gene, which upper primate in ape stature is built upon and upper station primate, which again is ape, ape-like creature.

In test so far, at Central Washington Universities primatological Center, it had been found that chimpanzees, can be injected with twenty times the simple AIDS virus, that would probably be able to kill off an entire small city population.

It is something in the apes physiological microchemistry immunity, which allowed these apes to have survived.

So the theory of an intron pending denominator, which would pull to the lower founding character genes, of mankind, was a good area to start.

K-17 is primarily parvoick, in its nature, so the action placed upon a person bitten by a said realm vampire, would start to phase state change that person, after their inoculation biting?