what happens?


Temporal Novice
a girl is raped and bears physical scars from the attack. the guilty party has access to time travel messaging. he sends a message back to his younger self before the event not to go near this girl on a specified date, place and time. he decides to heed the advice and does not rendevouz with the girl the second time around, which of course to him is the first time. what happens to the scars she has already recieved the first time? do they disapear because it never happened the second time? or do they magically appear because they were there in the first place even without a rape occurring the second time around? any opinions?

Jayne <font color="red"> [/COLOR]
Well, IF such a thing could happen, then the message would create a new parellel reality. In the new reality the original events did not happen. The two realities will now exist side by side, and both will have a consistent history. No scars will miraculously appear or vanish. No memories miraculously change. No newspaper headlines miraculously change. You'll just have two parellel universes, each with its own chain of events.

So assuming the guy stays in the future and merely sends his warning back to the past, it would be a completely futile endeavor. It won't change anything for himself or anybody in his reality.
A new reality is just that: a new reality. And since reality is tangable, it requires tangability. For our universe, we call this The Big Bang. Time travel is not a Big Bang event.
You now have a more obvious choice. Left or right, but each decision has ramifications. Change the choice and you change the timeline. For you. Maybe the rape still occurs, but someone else is the perp.