What happened to TTI?


What happened? Time.

This site along with Post-2-Post and Anomalies went up not too long before the Titor Craze. It came, stayed around far too long as virtually 90% of all TT threads and just got old. Aside from that how many permutations of the same-old same-old crank New Age science "theories" can people read over and over before that too becomes boring? The world of real science has moved far beyond Everett-Wheeler's MWI and string theory itself is about to fall as well. Kaku stringy things haven't made any progress in 35 years toward a theory beyond the standard model. Some members do read real science and have discovered that the theories involving multiple "worldlines" and multiple dimensions beyond 3+1 are being seriously questioned

That's pertty much it. No new ideas or thoughts, a total lack of anything that even resembles cogent thinking processes and people walk away - still lurking just in case - but not posting.

A good example is Novak's post that you responded to earlier. Zeshua is about as old as Titor. Novak has tried to force the thread into a would-be Titoresque meme but it hasn't happened. But he still tries - and it's boring. So boring that few folks even bother to respond to his posts anymore. Likewise HDRKid. Another wannabe Titor whose silliness (a kind word considering it all) served as comic relief for a while, boredom thereafter and finally a few months ago didn't get any response at all.

As I said, they're lurking and waiting for something original, thoughtful and somewhat less cranky than what is normally seen. They'll be back. This isn't the first time that TTI has seen a lull. In 2003 it was a ghost town with three or four people trading nothing but nonsense personal messages for almost 9 months.
Thanks for the response.

I have noticed lots of repetition in topics and new age stuff, as you describe. It's my desire to approach time travel in a scientific manner. Of course, we all know the difficulty of that. Even so, it's the only method that seems to have any hope of working. Maybe if we get a good discussion going, we can get the lurkers to come out of the shadows. :D

No black holes or wormholes for me. If it can't be created in a lab (yet), it's of no use.