What do you think of crop circles?


Temporal Novice
I've always been fascinated by them but recent news have debunked these so called alien crop circles and turned out to be "man-made". Do you think it's just a cover up or is it just a hoax? Alien or not I would love to figure out how to make crop circles and make art out of them in my own back yard! :)


How old actually are those crop-circles? I'm already thinking of various ways how a man could make them by using GPS or even just a compass and some maths, nothing impossible nowadays.

I’ve always been skeptical about crop circles myself. However, there’s still a part of me that would love to believe they’re created by intoxicated youthful aliens just out having a good time. Alien graffiti, if you will. Of course, this is assuming alien psychology would be anything like human psychology, so I remain skeptical as this is probably not the case.

Some of the could be real, some of them could be fake it is really hard to tell. I know some crop circles are made by people who are into satanic type rituals that is why they are usually coupled with cattle mutilations. So in that case the crop circle looks like it has some sort of occult symbolism, so it might fall into the occult type thing.

There is no doubt, people can make crop circles. It is likely that ALL of them are man made. Here's proof in a video, with links to more within it.

That being said, could there be another, "natural" reason for perhaps some of the crop circles? Geometric shapes appear all over the place in nature from, Nautilus shells to Basalt rock formations and crystalline structures.

I remember, one day after a storm I watched a "point" of wind dance across a large water puddle. It lasted several seconds as it moved across, back and forth, and in what may have been circles, it was hard to tell. I have seen twisters dance around also so, my question is, could the wind actually move in a pattern to form geometric designs in a field? I might believe that before I would believe extra-terrestrials did it.

Well, man made or not, weather it be some sort of satanic cult ritual or aliens manipulating nature... it sure is scary! and amazing to see at the same time. I've never heard of these explanations before but the best for me was youthful aliens doing graffiti of some sort theory ! :)

I don't believe in them mainly because people look for them these days and many are proven to be fake. It may just be an act of nature. You would need a GoPro camera to monitor it and to really see what happens. Now that would be interesting if someone did that.

I have always been dubious of the crop circle phenomenon (and their association with the UfO phenomenon). I can dig out, ancient accounts of UfO sightings, from various places on the globe, but crop circles seem to be a fairly recent occurence.

When exactly did the crop circles appear? I don't think that some random signs in crops would be a way of advanced alien civilization contacting us. Actually, if I had a field that large, I would probably make something similar myself, just for fun. :D

^ I tend to think at least some crop circles have been created by people with tons of land, who just want to have a bit of fun and maybe try to get their 15 minutes in the process. Although the occult theory may hold some water as well…

Hard to say what the crop circles really are, but I think we can all agree its not done by drunk college kids because most of those are far to perfect looking to be done by such people.

But if its not done by a prankster, then I do believe they hold some secret message that someone understands.

It doesn't need to be done by drunk college kids. It could be done by anyone who wanted to have some fun. And these crop circles are far from impossible to do. Quite easy actually if you think about it.

I’d think drunk college kids would be more likely to create… well, crap circles.

All this talk kind of makes me want to get together with some people and create some crop circles of our own, to be honest. And maybe conduct some crop circle tours. Fun and profit, hmm…
