What do you loose if you are a time traveler.


Chrono Cadet
What do you lose if you are a time traveler.

I think this is an important to know. Do you lose your history if you are a time traveler?

I don't watch Doctor Who(i.e. can't remember self) but once it might have indicated this to me.

So is this what you lose your book of life or have no file in the Akashic Records since you don't have a contiguous time line of your sequential history.

What else do you lose if you are a time traveler? Anyone. Your mind since it store sequential event in you life in the book of life or in you mind.

So if I am right is time traveling really worth it?

Does time travel cause Bipolar Disorder I think this might be true from some threads I read on time travel in the past but can't find the links to prove it yet.

Any psychology major to comment on the effects on the brain.


Sorry for the typo in the thread name (loose to lose).
Interesting, I'd think that you wouldn't have any recollection of past experiences, dating before the point in which you traveled (that is if you traveled foreward in time). The premise in my theory is that you, technically wouldn't be yourself, as in flesh and soul, but one of many copies of yourself. The draws me to state my theory in itself, which is as follows:

Realistically when traveling foreward in time, you didn't move foreward in you own universe, but rather parallel to another universe that began before yours, by the amount of time that you had traveled foreward. Although, if this were possible, it would mean that our universe is not the original, and that we are a byproduct of another dimension's attempts of traveling through time. The implications of this being true seem more credible than they actually are, for me at least. Because I believe that there is no such thing as fate, so the possibility of traveling into the future are arbitrarily small, this being that you would travel into another universes byproduct and have it be nearly or, exactly the same as the universe you left.

But when viewing time as a predetermined set of numbers, (like numerology) I suppose time travel foreward would possible in a less complicated manner. Time travel to the past however, is an entirely different matter.
When you time travel you get to see what else is out there beyond your own natural living experience. It can be thrilling. For some reason it all seems paradoxical to me. Things would happen anyways, but we all still have choices. If you left then maybe your future would change but you could come back and maybe it's already written. I haven't experienced time travel yet but I've experienced things that I've thought I've experienced before. And then there's the messages that were sent to the past that I'm experiencing now but in a different manner than before and alternate word but still similar than those records. Again we all have choices and travelling through time can affect the brain, but it's like taking in anything. You just get used to it.
So when you time travel from you current present your set path to the future is destroyed since you will no longer be in it.

This could be a bit upsetting to people don't you think since you will never experience you true destiny or fate so this may be troubling to some people.

This will destroy the comfort zone of you reality that is set in a specific routine since it is gone now. This effects you brain since new novelty will in effect result.

The reason why I am talking about the brain is on another site there was a supposed time traveler experience of insomnia(lack of sleep) when interacting with a time traveler for a month that all.

The brain stores event in life so if the event changes in history it must be effected since everything in you brain may be rewritten to compensate for the changed history.

Evidence of this is the brain knows what events will happen before it happens this was proven in an experiment must find a link.


PS Another point is will you true history be destroyed when you first time travel.
That is why I am writing my history if I ever do time travel. But I'm not allowed to mention the other history that was left from times before.
In my opinion the traveler herself/himself will not loose memories at all. You see when someone travels in time his original lifeline is not affected, rather it bends and retorts to accommodate to the various journeys backward, forward or sideways but its never re-configured into the timelines (as are the rest of the lifelines of the rest of the non traveling people). So the traveler will loose the actual reality she/he came from. You see the very moment you step into a time portal your original reality bifurcates into a thousand realms of possibility. You might return to a very similar reality, but in fact it is just an alternate version; so in the end by traveling you loose your real family, friends and all other things and these are replaced by alternate copies.