What did Titor mean by hungry man?


Epochal Historian
What did Titor mean by hungry man?

In the disclosures of the frightening said post effects of the John Titor said revolution to come, which would be nuclear war and the environment to come afterwards; there was the statement made, {"Don't go closer than a mile, near a hungry man"?}

There are sources of some evidence such as the now said defunct FVZA, under link http://www.fvza.org/ which says that the process of how vampires and zombies are made, although being very much apart, are in some fashions somewhat similar.

The makings of the said classical zombie, are products of a virus, which innervates into the body, so killing that person who has said, contracted the zombie disease?

The effects are that the spirit soul complex is immediately pushed out of the body and a degrading virus takes over, so destroying a greater percent of the body.

The brain with reference to the pia matter, the gray stuff in your brain, is markedly shrunken, to the point of resembling a drastically useing, chronic drug addict, which should be in a almost dead state, for a period of weeks.

In this process, one of the factors that comes through, is that although locomotor actions are said retarded from normal gate and anthromorphic functions, the olfactory senses, are honed to a point, to where said zombie, can detect the odor of a normal human, over a mile off?

If studies of both vampires and zombies did occur, then there had to be stores of both sets of viruses taken, which as a guess now sit retained in secauty vaults, as some said government instillations.

What is of concern here to anyone who questions the actions of a very massive nuclear exchange, should be the factor, that if humans are mass irradiated, then will possibly a process as said by offered web site take over and so start to geniis modern zombies, which also need the flesh of what is left living and healthy?

This might occur on a very mass scale and would be a problem for people who would be trying on the surface to establish normal working lives, in any said post nuclear holocaust.

Nobody knows what effect that mass radiation would have on varied left to surface populations?

So it is a necessary postulate to ask the germane question, would a full scale nuclear exchange, turn a greater portion of people left on the surface, into sorts of radiation made zombies.

Please note that the government now irradiates meat.

This process is done by an electron beam, where via motorized conveyor belt, meat is subject to brief momentary electrified radiation.

This process sterilizes the meat and the rotting process does not rapidly set in.

*Please, tell this thread, how you feel about this potential happenstance, if as said by Titor and associated that there would be a full scale nuclear exchange to come?

How do you feel about this possibility?

Remember, if one supplies such a vast amount of radiation to an area and this process in-mass liberates the soul and spiti complex from peoples bodies, as in both said vampirism as well as said zombieism, the souls should yo yo back into these bodies; then possibly, a zombie plague could ensue?

Note question marks are added to the ends of postulates, as these would say in theory, by of theoretical values.

Tell us how you feel, about this possible happenstance to come?

This is noted as a historical poll and ask the visitors and members here, for their honest opions.

Thank you
The reason I am renewing my interest in this asked question, is the possible generation of source for said tribes of undead.

I have noted one particular instance where a pet had died, but somehow mysteriously came back to life.

This pet was dead, however after tending to it; all of a sudden it came back to life.

The nature of this animal, had changed somewhat and by coincidence, does mimic the Steven King novel, Pet Cemetery, where animals change once they have been reanimated.

*What I don't know and I'm saying this is because I genuinely do not, is say that there was a nuclear war as Titor had predicted and many people were fallen on the spot.

Say by mathematical chance and one must consider this, that people were killed both by radiation, as well as emp effect for said such weapons?

There would rest, the mathematical chance, that some of these people, after becoming rapidly killed, without too much damage to their bodies. That possibly they could come back to life, or as is known that the soul spirit complex would yo yo back into the body.

This reinvestation might be to the point to where that reanimated person might develop less of a mental capacity and also need to survive on what is left walking around on the surface of the Earth?

The second question that I must ask, is that of the cultural elite who had gained sanctionary beneath the ground, in larger government complexes, which are known as arks.

What if there is an effect placed on humans that were killed by the full scale nuclear exchange, however were reanimated by a process similar to said zombieism?

What if these people coming out of their shelters who had thought that they had escaped overpopulation which was quelled by nuclear war, were shocked to come out of their shelters, only to find a type of zombie that would not rot, due to the fact that this once animated person, was now bacteria free?

This would be both a shock and a surprise for the cultural elite, who all the time thought that they had eliminated their problem.

Dolores Cannon talks of this happenstance to come in her books about Nostradamus and maybe this is what Titor meant by the saying, "Don't go more than a mile near a hungry man"?

What do you think?

Does this mean that now paid debunkers are really looking for a false exit and that possibly the future would be too horrible to tolerate, once coming out of what they had perceived as a fool-proof plan?

Have your say?

>Origiona question asked:What did Titor mean by hungry man?

In the disclosures of the frightening said post effects of the John Titor said revolution to come, which would be nuclear war and the environment to come afterwards; there was the statement made, {"Don't go closer than a mile, near a hungry man"?}

There are sources of some evidence such as the now said defunct FVZA, under link http://www.fvza.org/ which says that the process of how vampires and zombies are made, although being very much apart, are in some fashions somewhat similar.

The makings of the said classical zombie, are products of a virus, which innervates into the body, so killing that person who has said, contracted the zombie disease?

The effects are that the spirit soul complex is immediately pushed out of the body and a degrading virus takes over, so destroying a greater percent of the body.

The brain with reference to the pia matter, the gray stuff in your brain, is markedly shrunken, to the point of resembling a drastically useing, chronic drug addict, which should be in a almost dead state, for a period of weeks.

In this process, one of the factors that comes through, is that although locomotor actions are said retarded from normal gate and anthromorphic functions, the olfactory senses, are honed to a point, to where said zombie, can detect the odor of a normal human, over a mile off?

If studies of both vampires and zombies did occur, then there had to be stores of both sets of viruses taken, which as a guess now sit retained in secauty vaults, as some said government instillations.

What is of concern here to anyone who questions the actions of a very massive nuclear exchange, should be the factor, that if humans are mass irradiated, then will possibly a process as said by offered web site take over and so start to geniis modern zombies, which also need the flesh of what is left living and healthy?

This might occur on a very mass scale and would be a problem for people who would be trying on the surface to establish normal working lives, in any said post nuclear holocaust.

Nobody knows what effect that mass radiation would have on varied left to surface populations?

So it is a necessary postulate to ask the germane question, would a full scale nuclear exchange, turn a greater portion of people left on the surface, into sorts of radiation made zombies.

Please note that the government now irradiates meat.

This process is done by an electron beam, where via motorized conveyor belt, meat is subject to brief momentary electrified radiation.

This process sterilizes the meat and the rotting process does not rapidly set in.

*Please, tell this thread, how you feel about this potential happenstance, if as said by Titor and associated that there would be a full scale nuclear exchange to come?

How do you feel about this possibility?

Remember, if one supplies such a vast amount of radiation to an area and this process in-mass liberates the soul and spiti complex from peoples bodies, as in both said vampirism as well as said zombieism, the souls should yo yo back into these bodies; then possibly, a zombie plague could ensue?

Note question marks are added to the ends of postulates, as these would say in theory, by of theoretical values.

Tell us how you feel, about this possible happenstance to come?

This is noted as a historical poll and ask the visitors and members here, for their honest opions.
almost like in the movie, Omega man, or the newer one 28 days later.

It struck me as odd, how titor said he was from a unit of shutgun infantry, now I'm not up to par

on my miltary from around the world but I'm pretty sure the USA uses M-4's and M-16's on occasion

and not shotguns? Maybe there were these zombie type creatures running around and the military

needed a different style of weapons, not piercing like bullets but forceful like a shell.
Two types of zombies known in this time.

One, a virally made Zombie, which needs to eat human flesh.

Two, a conscripted zombie, which is a person who is both hexed by a Momma-doc, or woman priest.

This person is given mixtures of a substance, which keep them in a very low mental state of affairs, so that they can do long arduous work.

If a person is kept this way too long, then they fully change to a full fledged zombie.

For the second stile of zombie mentioned here, there is a reversing agent, which can be administered to change that person back.

The new movie, Dawn Of The Dead, which shows a new type of zombie, indicates that say a new type of zombie, would be able to move with extreme quickness.

In theory if one were to have a nuclear war and people were to yo yo back to their bodies, then at certain ranges close to the nuclear impact point, it would be possible for newer types of zombies to be gennised?

This theory should not be considered a joke or an imagining, if the Titor affair turns out to be not a tale?

Sources, FATE Magazine
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What did Titor mean by hungry man?

What if he just meant that a hungry man in a post nuclear world would want to attack you and take your possesions so he could buy(barter for) some food. Or maybe just driven to cannabalism. Cannibals don't have to be Vampires or Zombies.

have you ever read a series of books by Brian Lumley - beginning with Necroscope? I think you'd genuinely find them interesting. Although they're pure fiction they contain a very entertaining and delectably evil take on the Vampire(or Wamphyri as they're known in the books).

I'm hungry!!!

Anyone want to go out for sushi with me? We've got some of the best here in SoCal! And I just really love that texture of raw flesh.
Anyone ever try smoked eel? Awesome stuff! (and I am not kidding on this one!)

Kind Regards,
Nope...I'd take a 16oz. sirloin or prime rib over sushi any day.

Oh...and there's pot roast...mmmmm with potatoes and carrots.....in a crock pot with gravy....and freshly made bread.....

Welp...see ya!
Control verification notes this string:Vampires as said in many studies on them pollate into two to three differing groups.

There are the box sitters, which are newly turned vampires, reanimated from people who have recently died.(Source reports text.)

There are also said feral vampires, which may inhabit such places as forest, large walk-in culverts a sewage drange systems.

There have been ample accounts said of this on coast to coast A.M. and FATE Magazine.

The last method of socialization raises a few questions.

Evidence was shown by a smuggled report out of the German wartime department, that a large number of German SS paratroop elements, were slain during the said Black Forest attempted by Third Reich eradication program.

Of about two hundred and twenty some troops, about less than a third of that number were left living, after this said attempt at eradicating them.

There is evidence of both a planned counterattack and flanking by said vampires squads.This action shows very intelligent coordinated abilties, on their part.

If they could have done this then there is also evidence of being able to obtain both power, funding, influce and genetics laboratories?

This means possibly that like all parents, they would want to afford a better future for their children.

One interesting report is the telling of new vampire-like conscript made at an American based university, by what a student thought was only a blood initiation right.

One drop was taken per mouth, which chased the soul spirit complex out of the body, the DNA transcriptase was rewritten in fifteen minutes times, it seems with still a further latency rewrite to occur at still later stages and dates.

The person's soul spirit returned after these fifteen minutes, to where they only felt as if they had fainted for a moment.The full process used to take anywhere from one day after the bite, to a full week.

In time it was said by the telling, that this person craved blood pan drippings, almost raw streaks and cow bloods.

This source telling is within the two year ago time frame.

From FVZA;CAT scan studies placed said on the brains of active captured vampires, of the more vintage sort, show both hemispheres of the brains, way active, or what a normal human is capable of.

Mouth topography also changes, with a remodeling of the canines to jut out, attached on a tendon, which stabs down, into flesh ands which is hollow quilled by nature.

In some distant ways, both the traditional vampire and zombie viruses are alike, in their fast transcriptase rewrite abilities, in focusing RNA reflective manifolds, to further direct DNA rewriting.

However if the traditional sorts were smart enough to socialize and improve their social powewer stance; then a new sort of vampire, which is alsomost structured as a daywalker, is then very possible?

I'm dropping the talk on vampires as if the said vampires can operate computers..............

>What I am trying to get across in this disclosure, is that there is a certain distance away from the detonation point, to where the electromagnetic pulse may kill and effect either persons and or animals.

At this point it may be possible in large series of numbers, to have both mutagenic changes brought about by radiation bombardment, as well as rapid death and then rapid walk back in reanimation profiles.

It may be possible that rabbits would turn to carnivores, and or such other creatures the same way, due to the destruction of red blood cells?

So in some species, there would be a need to be able to consume other animals, in order to replenish the need for certain kinds of protein substances into their bodies.
*If the ability to produce new red blood cells is destroyed or hindered, then a new method of feeding, such as energy wants, might rise into vouge.

This would be the golden range, of an area way from the main impact point, however not so far away, that survival may otherwise be considered possible.

There would be the factors of natural rapid adaptation to the new radioactive environment, in order to survive, however survival in a base of isotopal materials environments?

This data has already been verified by the retrieval of highly radioactive kittens from a nuc,kear power plant, to where these kittens had been subjected to very heavy doses of radiation, which would have killed a human.

Also note the Hanford Nuclear Reservation site, where large mounds of highly radioactive ants, had been noted, so deriving their natures, from such an environment.

So it may be that both animals and people leftover from a full scale exchange, would have adapted in many ways, along with the possibilities of new sorts of reanimated creatures, which would feed on more pristine humans, say who would emerge fro shelters later after the full scale exchange?

Rapid death and reanimation does occur at times.

As Steven King has sighted within many of his novels, that once they comeback sometimes, they are not quite right......?

No' I'm not joking.
I think Titor was just expressing his dislike for Swanson's microwave dinners. I wouldn't go near a Hungry Man, either.

but if a zombie could be created by irradiation, wouldn't that kill the living being itself?

Arent some form of bacteria required for humans to live? Like generate saliva, mucus, stomache acid, anything?
also, could he have meant that his "world line" isn't very different from the Road Warrior/Mad Max world, not hungry for food but something else, ie Gas?
It may be possible that rabbits would turn to carnivores
Oh most definitely! I saw this in Monty Python & The Holy Grail, which as we all know is a rock-solid reference of what is possible!

No' I'm not joking.
Whew! OK, that's good. Because I thought you were setting me up for a joke that was going to cause me to be shocked and awed. :D

OK, so let me remind you, Creedo, that this board is about Time Travel...not zombies, vampires, or the effects of massive doses of radiation.

Having said this, I am sure now you will come back with some reason why all this is directly related to time travel (and NOT just another John Titor "what did he mean?" prattle).

Kind Regards,
JamesAnthoney said;Creedo,
have you ever read a series of books by Brian Lumley - beginning with Necroscope? I think you'd genuinely find them interesting. Although they're pure fiction they contain a very entertaining and delectably evil take on the Vampire(or Wamphyri as they're known in the books).

Creedo 299 retorks;If I'm right on the current issues of this type of technology, then some older and even newer sorts of vampires, might not be what would be considered classically evil.
A new design in the genetics sense, might mean a new sort of disposition, with regards to a lab-built genetically altered new generation of vampire?

Again, I think that it's the reading between the lines however in the Blade series, they do intimate genetics tampering with the newer generations of vampires.

Raul said;I think Titor was just expressing his dislike for Swanson's microwave dinners. I wouldn't go hear a Hungry Man, either.Creedo retorks>The jingle goes, "How do handle a hungry man? The man handler!

Relativity said;but if a zombie could be created by irradiation, wouldn't that kill the living being itself?
Aren't some form of bacteria required for humans to live? Like generate saliva, mucus, stomach acid, anything?

Creedo answers;I think that nature would adjust and develop new sorts of bacteria's, however zombies might last longer, due to the entire body being exposed to massive amounts of radiation.

The bikini atoll test, had verified this, with meat kept in open containers, weeks after the atomic test there?

RainmanTime said;OK, so let me remind you, Creedo, that this board is about Time Travel...not zombies, vampires, or the effects of massive doses of radiation.

Creedo retorks;Has everything to do with the nature of this string, what is meant by don't go near a hungry man.
This is as any creatures gennised during an after nuclear holocaust, would be of interest in adjusting to a new environment.

This is part of the time travel equation, which was not only put forward by Titor, but others said from his time.

>Edit note;Do I detect something in the way of fear in your post, Ray?

No kiddin, is there something that is bothering you, that you would like to share with us all?

You aren't being paid to debunk this board, with the promise of having said haven in an underground city.This given, then only to have your hopes ruined later, at the prospect of what could be lying on the outside of those blast doors for you; are you Ray?

I think that is called a guilty conscious.

I would by all means take the first Mars shuttle out, if this is offered.

No, Ray, don't look back; but remember in dealing with said Grays hybrids there, don't at any time make any mistakes with them, they are very unforgiving and extremely fast with those rayguns as pictured in the book, UFOlogy.

Does this worry you,...........Ray?

>Let's make it a don't pick on Ray day.Just jaggin your wires Ray, I appologize.

Thank you all very much for the return thought on this thread.
This is part of the time travel equation, which was not only put forward by Titor, but others said from his time.
You've used this phrase "time travel equation" before. Can you please quantify said equation? I'd really like to see such a quantification in the language of mathematics...unless you are only speaking in platitudes. I certainly would like to see a term in said equation for time travel that has the "zombie factor" and how it relates to achieving time travel!

>Edit note;Do I detect something in the way of fear in your post, Ray?
Let me get this straight: You are the guy who laid out an elaborate plan of action, just in case Titor's predictions came to pass, and you are asking ME if I am fearful? Naaaahhh. I don't fear the future, Creedo, I just act in ways to create it (the future I wish, that is).

You aren't being paid to debunk this board
I'm not debunking the board, but I WILL challenge certain individuals when I see that something they are trying to pass off as fact has, in fact, no basis in said fact!

>Let's make it a don't pick on Ray day.Just jaggin your wires Ray, I appologize.
Actually, I'd be all for a "pick on Ray day". Feedback helps one tune their beliefs and actions in accordance with their goals. But in all fairness, we would also need to designate a "pick on Creedo day"....and if we do, I might even sell tickets! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Right back in your court,