Epochal Historian
What did Titor mean by hungry man?
In the disclosures of the frightening said post effects of the John Titor said revolution to come, which would be nuclear war and the environment to come afterwards; there was the statement made, {"Don't go closer than a mile, near a hungry man"?}
There are sources of some evidence such as the now said defunct FVZA, under link which says that the process of how vampires and zombies are made, although being very much apart, are in some fashions somewhat similar.
The makings of the said classical zombie, are products of a virus, which innervates into the body, so killing that person who has said, contracted the zombie disease?
The effects are that the spirit soul complex is immediately pushed out of the body and a degrading virus takes over, so destroying a greater percent of the body.
The brain with reference to the pia matter, the gray stuff in your brain, is markedly shrunken, to the point of resembling a drastically useing, chronic drug addict, which should be in a almost dead state, for a period of weeks.
In this process, one of the factors that comes through, is that although locomotor actions are said retarded from normal gate and anthromorphic functions, the olfactory senses, are honed to a point, to where said zombie, can detect the odor of a normal human, over a mile off?
If studies of both vampires and zombies did occur, then there had to be stores of both sets of viruses taken, which as a guess now sit retained in secauty vaults, as some said government instillations.
What is of concern here to anyone who questions the actions of a very massive nuclear exchange, should be the factor, that if humans are mass irradiated, then will possibly a process as said by offered web site take over and so start to geniis modern zombies, which also need the flesh of what is left living and healthy?
This might occur on a very mass scale and would be a problem for people who would be trying on the surface to establish normal working lives, in any said post nuclear holocaust.
Nobody knows what effect that mass radiation would have on varied left to surface populations?
So it is a necessary postulate to ask the germane question, would a full scale nuclear exchange, turn a greater portion of people left on the surface, into sorts of radiation made zombies.
Please note that the government now irradiates meat.
This process is done by an electron beam, where via motorized conveyor belt, meat is subject to brief momentary electrified radiation.
This process sterilizes the meat and the rotting process does not rapidly set in.
*Please, tell this thread, how you feel about this potential happenstance, if as said by Titor and associated that there would be a full scale nuclear exchange to come?
How do you feel about this possibility?
Remember, if one supplies such a vast amount of radiation to an area and this process in-mass liberates the soul and spiti complex from peoples bodies, as in both said vampirism as well as said zombieism, the souls should yo yo back into these bodies; then possibly, a zombie plague could ensue?
Note question marks are added to the ends of postulates, as these would say in theory, by of theoretical values.
Tell us how you feel, about this possible happenstance to come?
This is noted as a historical poll and ask the visitors and members here, for their honest opions.
Thank you
In the disclosures of the frightening said post effects of the John Titor said revolution to come, which would be nuclear war and the environment to come afterwards; there was the statement made, {"Don't go closer than a mile, near a hungry man"?}
There are sources of some evidence such as the now said defunct FVZA, under link which says that the process of how vampires and zombies are made, although being very much apart, are in some fashions somewhat similar.
The makings of the said classical zombie, are products of a virus, which innervates into the body, so killing that person who has said, contracted the zombie disease?
The effects are that the spirit soul complex is immediately pushed out of the body and a degrading virus takes over, so destroying a greater percent of the body.
The brain with reference to the pia matter, the gray stuff in your brain, is markedly shrunken, to the point of resembling a drastically useing, chronic drug addict, which should be in a almost dead state, for a period of weeks.
In this process, one of the factors that comes through, is that although locomotor actions are said retarded from normal gate and anthromorphic functions, the olfactory senses, are honed to a point, to where said zombie, can detect the odor of a normal human, over a mile off?
If studies of both vampires and zombies did occur, then there had to be stores of both sets of viruses taken, which as a guess now sit retained in secauty vaults, as some said government instillations.
What is of concern here to anyone who questions the actions of a very massive nuclear exchange, should be the factor, that if humans are mass irradiated, then will possibly a process as said by offered web site take over and so start to geniis modern zombies, which also need the flesh of what is left living and healthy?
This might occur on a very mass scale and would be a problem for people who would be trying on the surface to establish normal working lives, in any said post nuclear holocaust.
Nobody knows what effect that mass radiation would have on varied left to surface populations?
So it is a necessary postulate to ask the germane question, would a full scale nuclear exchange, turn a greater portion of people left on the surface, into sorts of radiation made zombies.
Please note that the government now irradiates meat.
This process is done by an electron beam, where via motorized conveyor belt, meat is subject to brief momentary electrified radiation.
This process sterilizes the meat and the rotting process does not rapidly set in.
*Please, tell this thread, how you feel about this potential happenstance, if as said by Titor and associated that there would be a full scale nuclear exchange to come?
How do you feel about this possibility?
Remember, if one supplies such a vast amount of radiation to an area and this process in-mass liberates the soul and spiti complex from peoples bodies, as in both said vampirism as well as said zombieism, the souls should yo yo back into these bodies; then possibly, a zombie plague could ensue?
Note question marks are added to the ends of postulates, as these would say in theory, by of theoretical values.
Tell us how you feel, about this possible happenstance to come?
This is noted as a historical poll and ask the visitors and members here, for their honest opions.
Thank you