What conspiracy theory really bugs you the most?


Temporal Novice
What conspiracy theory really bugs you the most? A lot of conspiracy theories out there about aliens, government secrecy or Elvis still alive... but what bugs you the most? The one that you really think about and makes you paranoid and question things?

Here's one that bothers me the most: Many believe the ENTIRE medical field is out to deceive us. I'm talking about every square inch of the field, right down to the lab techs. My sister is a lab tech and nobody has told her to lie. It just grates on my nerves.

I think you might have meant something different, though.

Well personally for me I try to stay away from western medicines as much as possible like antibiotics, and NSAIDs. I use mostly natural healing remedies when I get sick, I think this conspiracy is more about the giant pharmaceutical companies trying to sell us drugs that we don't need and it probably stemmed from conflicting research in the field right now (people advocating for or against high fat diet and cholesterol, high fiber vs low fiber etc...)

In the UK, the term "bugs" usually means "annoy". The conspiracy theory that annoys me the most is the Sandy Hook School conspiracy. The conspiracy theorists who asserverate that it was a false flag operation and that NO children died that day, are totally DELUDED.

In the UK, the term "bugs" usually means "annoy". The conspiracy theory that annoys me the most is the Sandy Hook School conspiracy. The conspiracy theorists who asserverate that it was a false flag operation and that NO children died that day, are totally DELUDED.
I have not heard this. How could anyone stage such an awful tragedy. That sounds similar to those who say the Holocaust did not happen. It is hurtful to a large number of people.

Isn't there conversation that having a man land on the moon was a hoax or conspiracy. Something about rising morale or some kind of falsehood to beat the Russians. This isn't the one that bugs me though.

I have not heard this. How could anyone stage such an awful tragedy. That sounds similar to those who say the Holocaust did not happen. It is hurtful to a large number of people.
I came across some info that shows the Sandy Hook school had been boarded up and closed down since 2008. I don't know how accurate or credible the info is. But I'm pretty sure that info might be at the heart of this conspiracy.

Well the conspiracy that aliens came in during the world war. There is a conspiracy that aliens helped Hitler during the world war giving him advance weapon that is why he was able to conquer nations. THere is a conspiracy theory about how Hitler was able to manage it and there is a conspiracy theory that Hitler was from the future.

I do not believe in the vaccine conspiracy, either. I do not think there are nanobots in them and I do not believe there is enough evidence to prove they cause autism. I don't want my children to die of horrible diseases. Just another one that bugs me.

I have not heard this. How could anyone stage such an awful tragedy. That sounds similar to those who say the Holocaust did not happen. It is hurtful to a large number of people.
Yes, that's really silly because we have very sad, photographic evidence plus personal witnesses.

Media is a conspiracy. Media is the thing that bugs me the most. TV, News, radio, etc. all paint different pictures of the events and not the reality. They mislead the public about what truly is happening. The networks slant the information for their own purposes. The facts about Shady Hook, the Ferguson thing, and more are never fully exposed. Media is a conspiracy that bugs me. They sway people's thoughts and points of view. If they would only broadcast what they know are the facts and leave it at that, then maybe it would be okay. Also why do they focus on the one race or one minority group when there are stories about all races and their interactions. Media is the conspiracy that the public doesn't seem to realize is there corrupting their minds and society and values.

That 9/11 was committed by our government, or the Jews or anybody except a bunch of sociopathic radical Muslims! This and the claim that the Holocaust never happened, are the two worst ever!

Here's one that bothers me the most: Many believe the ENTIRE medical field is out to deceive us. I'm talking about every square inch of the field, right down to the lab techs. My sister is a lab tech and nobody has told her to lie. It just grates on my nerves.I think you might have meant something different, though.
I just saw this. I think some people blur the line between the pharmaceutical companies with the medical practitioners in general. A lot of that anger over overpriced, poorly tested drugs manufactured by faceless and greedy corporations spills over to those practicing medicine. Just my 2¢.

I just saw this. I think some people blur the line between the pharmaceutical companies with the medical practitioners in general. A lot of that anger over overpriced, poorly tested drugs manufactured by faceless and greedy corporations spills over to those practicing medicine. Just my 2¢.
I agree, and I agree that the cost of healthcare in the U.S. is outrageous, but I don't think there is a conspiracy to misdiagnose us on purpose. We get lab results in our own hands. I think it's silly to assume that every lab report is changed. The lab reports I've received have had detailed notes with the name of the lab tech on it. Oh well.

The terrorist attack happened in 9/11 is one of the consipracy that I believe in because it let me think that USA did this so that they can invade and attack muslim states to steal their oil on order to have the monopoly in this field.

The conspiracy theory put out by the government that the government and politicians have the little guy's best interests at heart. The reality is the government and politicians are more interested in figuring out new ways to extract money out of the little guy and more ways to take away the little guy's rights.

The conspiracy theory that voting actually makes a difference. In modern elections for the most part it doesn't take a look at GW Bush vs Obama. Pretty much both of them have the same policy but Obama is black.

Not really sure if these count as conspiracy theories :)

The terrorist attack happened in 9/11 is one of the consipracy that I believe in because it let me think that USA did this so that they can invade and attack muslim states to steal their oil on order to have the monopoly in this field.
Really... Well, we were there... where's ALL THE FRICKIN OIL. I don't often use the term, but that is sxxxxd!
(I censored myself somewhat because I don't want to violate the terms here. That word might. I don't know for sure, but it fits.)
