ahh the chicken or the egg ...

the cycle of development ... I`d say outerspace came first because we seem to have lost the source code hence it has been around longer meaning outerspace has had more time to be misplaced.

good question this one !
The reason i ask this question is because,
Could cyberspace have created outerspace so cyberspace can become a part of outerspace so it could have what cyberspace misses the most.
The thing we call sences.
Touch taste Smell love.

And when a human is born the soul of that human could have come from cyberspace.

And when our bodys have finished in outerspace we then go back to cyberspace?
With all our memories intact.

So we can come back to outerspace in the future or the past.

I would love to here anyone elese ideas.
Could that be were time travelling is heading.

or could that be the answer to all our questions.Could it be that simple?
Blair 11:11
Space in its purest form with little or no structure to it, out of what is know as the universe, would only be rudimentary space.

However even at this point, the structure of space could be stringed?

Within the communicative phase of outer-space, as space is defined between galaxies, because the structure of space-time has node of polarities.This is within the inherent structure of space itself, then these nodes must communicate in order for space time to be such?

Intelligence and time and mass is not well defined for Earthbased man, as everything is based here on Earth, as being part of a deception.

So the age of the universe may be in the trillions of years of age, rather than only a few billion?

So from the hot beginning cosmic soup, when this mix had started to cool down and take shape and form, it was then these communication nodes had appeared.

So the omega for this point in time, could be well beyond the perception of how Earthbased man is allowed to understand the universe.

Chicken and egg came about at the same time.
creedo u have a briliant mined.
i have been read parts of it on many websites past and presentand always enjoy what u say.
i remember one time u said a had nice female legs and that robotic from future knows whoi am.
and i may stand on the podium.
still trying to get my head around it still till this day.
Question if someone reads your post now do they understand u at all because u have reached a level that many cannot grasp and do u blame someone who does not understand u i guess not.
so my new question is for creedo.
how do u teach with out getting mad at at the ones who want to understand but are only a child in your mined but not in others.
and can cyberspace on other worlds be reached by connecting the internet to a earth based antenna so we may contact others in other worlds.
Or is it connected by a simple dream?
Blair ask>so my new question is for creedo.
how do u teach with out getting mad at at the ones who want to understand but are only a child in your mined but not in others.

Creed answers>This is the title of a Junior god-man which is common in many religions.You can't get stuck on detractors,.. Blair.

Blair11:11 says>
and can cyberspace on other worlds be reached by connecting the internet to a earth based antenna so we may contact others in other worlds.
Or is it connected by a simple dream?

Creed answers>Dearest friend Blair' they are already starting to do this with lineal travel in this futureline only.

I would suppose that this technology is here for those who would at least try?

You seem smart Blair, a little tinkering with large crystals and some inventiveness might get you somewhere Blair?

Other questions:If dogs can be taught to say I love you, then can reading and driving cars be too far behind this, for the Dog Kingdom?
Creedo asks blair. If dogs can be taught to say I love you, then can reading and driving cars be too far behind this, for the Dog Kingdom?

Yes its only a matter of time and free will if that entity wishes it to be.
I work cleaning cars and i can see what you mean. If you know what i mean.
the ability to talk one language and mean so many other things keeps safe what others are not ment to hear agree.
Question. What is the speed of dark? A question asked of me 11 years ago.
Question. Is music intelligent and able to talk to us if you know the language.
Question. Is music able to travel time.
Question. Is sound a power source for time travel.
Question. Is a virus intelligent only wants To be heard and tought how to heal.
Question. Is Time travel organic in the human form created by cyberspace.

Keep up the wonderful work you do there is not enough of it in this world.
Re: Meddling in private conversation

Blair of EarthTR125.0121

I will only make a comment on one of your questions,

You asked if sound could be employed as a driving force to power a temporal displacement device. Well I do not think it impossible. The main reason for this argument is that several years ago I came upon a wonderful civilization that employed a very special kind of power for their starship's engine, it was songs.
These were the Haiveny from a world several thousands light years from this one and in a very different Temporal Reality. I did not got to understand perfectly the mechanical dynamics of such vessels but I did understand that the drive collected the vibrational resonance from the chorus, isolated it in a compact vibratory center and then splitted the supercharged atoms of vibrating air causing sound, pardon the pon, nuclear reactions.

Until later becomes now.
Re: Meddling in private conversation

Im glad u answered one of my questions because it give me hope that people will explore differnt ways to move through space other than fossle fuel.

That each planet has a vibration or frequincey and can be picked up by a device and homed in on like a beakon.
and then traveled to using time travel as a means.

like a radio station and a radio.

I feel that time travel is one of the ways to visit other planets.

not just travel from the beginning of earth to the end but to visit the next world after this one has expired.
Im only a visitor my self for as long as my body will allow.

So please keep up the good work we all do in opening our mineds to many possibilitys

the more we talk the more we learn.