RE: I think I know who you might be now?
I think I know who you might be now.
I went to look you up last night and only found some evidence of who you are, some photos, but still no real you.
If you are the right one, then since 1982, we have been blood relatives, due to someone else.
Most witches are naturally pollyandrus any way, so I play the part of goody two shoes, however this aspect of human behaviour, does not really bother me.
In other words, I don't need a companion in my face all of the time.
This is no secret within my soul, I'm origional witch, with an overlayment of real E.T. blended into this.
This E.T. is part of a family that had lived in one of the neighboring colonies, or Atlantis itself, at one time.
There is no secret, due to my planed disclosures, which of course have to be truth.
If I have the right person, then you had said, "In 21, I wore special threads, which had a very special effect placed upon me"
If I have than wrong, then let me know?
The other "not my mate", is a being that was taken from my sperm mixtures some months ago.
They, whoever it was that took me at 5:00 in the A.M. had taken this mixture and then I know blended with with a person who used to post here, however now post on the
My powers, when you get me pissed, are not to fool with.
I can turn appliances on and off, hurt people, badly and kill without ever touching anyone.
This other, who had sponned another coppy of me, has a naturally high I.Q. is gracious and pretty and is very, very adept on the net.
Honest to God, this was not my plan, but it seems some agency that I don't know about, had made match maker, combining us two.
She told me that her missing time, was the same as my missing time.
This means my sprerm mixtures were taken, which also means that since I bid for the position of offworld ambassador, I had to disclose this fact.
If your the person that I had imaged, then I am now getting a very good picture of time travel and time travel devices.
The other is a child held in another dimension, who is part me and this other poster.
This child, till the age of about four or five, will be easily handled and then one day, the fits will start to occur with the child.
This is because he now carries a developed wizzard's gene, which is not like the wizzards that we have within this dimension.
They will attempt to bring him to this diemsnion and will probably try and keep him in a magnetic holding cell, at the Para Nellis underground facility.
A magnetic holding bottle, can hold a Gray, but not a wizzard.
This child will brush this magnetic stasus aside, as if it were a curtain and then bore through ten feet of steel reinforced concrete as a hot knife bores through butter.
Once he's out, there is not stopping him.
Child wizzards cleave to their fathers, as the father is the oritor of the lith and in order to obtain their idendity, he will come to me.
I don't not know why the people who took me and the other person did this?
If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong.
My greatest wish, is to leave this planet and get away from Earthlings.
Since they have been fooling around with me, my powers have doubled and I'm starting to get scared and I can now do things that I havn't been able to do before.
This is not a morality issue, but one of genetics.
Beings from other dimesions are chenmically and atomically based differntly and not to be trifeled with.
The only other beings that have watched over me, are the Atlantian sect of the Pleiadeans.
Due to the 1982 change, technically I am a realtive of the Pleiadeans Cosmonaut Sem-ya-zee.
This is one reason that I had made over ten written bids for the position of Earth's off-world ambassador to both the president, congress and the senate, stateing this intention by protocols.
I know this Earth system is corrupt, however this bid by Andromedan law, had to be registered with goverment and I had done this formally.
I would like to conclude this conversation about witches and wizzards in this post.
This is as to people in this dimension, "who at most times seem primative to me", witches are not healers, or gatheres of light in someone's time of need, nor even defenders of villages, however denizen that they must rally a corrupt prejudist against.
You could give better detail of yourself here?
I really don't think that anyone on this board, really gives a hoot?