What about this?

Not really.

What we are seeing in Haiti is the people rising-up against an inept (and possibly corrupt) government. "Waco-style" events refer to the government abusing its law enforcement powers to infringe upon people's civil rights.

Kind Regards,
Could a Waco event happen in a governement other than democracy?

It's more likely in a non-democratic country than anywhere else, because those in power would not be directly accountable to the people.

Take the former Iraq, for example. Saddam Hussein's rule went FAR beyond anything we saw at Waco. If Saddam had been calling the shots at Waco, they would've raided the place immediately, killed anyone who resisted, and then taken the rest to prison and/or torture chambers.

People can complain all they want about America/Bush and our approach to Iraq. The naked truth is that Hussein was a genocidal dictator, and both Iraq and the world are better off without him around. The WMD issue was an excuse, and probably not a very solid one, for something that needed to be done.

Kind Regards,