I was reading all the posts for John Titor and I thought of one thing that wouldn't make any sense if he were a time traveler as he claims. He said he can never return to his original world line. If that were true then how did they even develop a time machine. In order for new technology to be created you have to be able to test the use of it. If you can never return then you would never know if your machine truly works. He also mentions that he was sent back to obtain a computer from 1975 to fix a Unix problem in his day. If that is true then how would he ever help the people who sent him back. Are they just hoping that a version of John Titor from a similar universe will appear in their own? Maybe they will do a time traveler rain dance, "heya heya heya heya". This guy sounds like a member of a cult to me upon further thought. He wants people to believe that the government is put into a civil war by individuals who bomb buildings because of the government eavesdropping into people's lives which leads to warrant-less searches and such. Cult militia groups have always hated the way the government spies on them. This sounds like propaganda handed down by one of their groups. Thus we see their efforts in disabling American life succeeding to the ultimate effect of civil war. Not only that but a doomsday ending occurs in which the people BOMBING THE BUILDINGS ultimately win. Helter Skelter-Charley Manson anyone? Another non believable aspect is the fact that nuclear winter plays no role in the nuking of "every major city in the world". If there were enough bombs set off to kill 3 billion people, half the worlds populous, then there would be no avoiding the end of all life as we know it. Nuclear bombs would cause massive fires and stir up enough dust to cover the world. There would be no recovering from it. He says there are still nuclear weapons but no one uses them because the world is tired of war and would bomb the hell out whoever did it. I'm sorry but that is the same reason there is no war right now, MAD- mutually assured destruction. Supposedly Russia launches enough bombs to destroy every major city in Europe and America, then a counterstrike by America. I highly doubt any government would sanction the death of everyone on the planet, themselves included. Whoever is responsible for the posts is very intelligent, I'll give them that much. I can't find good proof these posts actually come from 2000. They could have been recently done and touted as from that year. I could see a militia group take part in discussing the issue posing as an objective discussion. Everyone putting their two cents in and varying arguments all left in. The group could have had there own forum and the leader told everyone to act like they are arguing with John and put their best arguments in. The time machine questions seem kind of staged. They seemed like questions John wanted to answer, like he was putting out a speech. I get that from the several paragraph long responses in the opening of the forum. Like he was setting a stage. I've seen several people defend the dates of the forum by saying they remember them but how can we believe that. The websites given to prove that the dates were in 2000/2001 could be staged by technologically proficient. Of course maybe I'm wrong about all of that but when I look at it objectively to me it just seems like an internet version of a guy walking down the streets of New York with a billboard on his body saying, "the end is near".