Well that's logical


Quantum Scribe
Well that\'s logical

I realize that you haven’t given “all of the technical details” of the device…so, the reparte has been fun. But your device, as described, simply won’t work.


If you don’t have all the details, how do you know it doesn’t work?

That's a very good question. How would you know? Because you've already made up your mind that Titor is a hoax before analyzing what he had to say. True then and true now.
Re: Well that\'s logical

Exactly, people who dismiss things out of hand are just as stupid as people who blindly believe something, that is why I am keeping an open mind. While the possibility of a civil war in America is clearly not great it shouldn't be dismissed as an impossiblilty, even if Titor proves to be a hoax, but the amount of hostility I have recieved on other message boards for even mentioning the possiblity shows that people are quite willing to dismiss stuff out of hand.