Welcome to 2024 TimeCorps personnel, you’ve found the right place.


Temporal Novice
Hello, TimeCorps personnel, my name is Ezra, and I’ve been working as a TimeCorps forward scout since 2001, preparing for nearly every imaginable aspect of your arrival in 2024. We now have our forward scouts all over the world, prepared to help you settle in to your new lives. We will introduce you to the relevant tradecraft which will enable you to function as a unit in addition to making you effective in your individual roles.

Your case officers, who you will be meeting with in person at locations to be announced, are intimately familiar with all of your equipment, and are your technical support staff. They’re much more than just your watch tinkerers; they have the authority to provide comprehensive direction and to authorize direct action without prior authorization from command. They have studied your histories and files, so don’t be surprised when they start asking you questions in your unique area of expertise without getting to know you first. It can be a little creepy the first time you meet because there will be no time for pleasantries, but be assured that you will connect and feel comfortable with these people very quickly, without fail.

Do not approach each other or engage in unsanctioned communications. We can not tolerate any signals or MASINT related mistakes due to what became of what you knew as SKYNET/ML since the upgrade to quadrature quantum hybrid. It has become BEAST, which can by specification handle 2 trillion channels, and can practically handle over 100 billion digital and analog targets simultaneously. Your PCDs are completely undetectable, and setting them up is one of our top priorities. Do not use them for legacy internet access until the physical upgrade is done. Your case officer will help you install the upgrade. Your behavior needs to be immaculate right now, than means no alcohol, no illegal activity; nothing that could get you brought in to a police station, as they will be very concerned about their inability to find you in their systems. This can attract federal attention, and that would be bad at this point in phase one.

I have been preparing for this day since 2003, but the last five days have been the most challenging and labor intensive days of my professional life… The end of my stint as a scout is by no means the end of my run with TimeCorps; I will be joining the effort and working with some of you as a psychology clinician and CBRN specialist. If something is causing you emotional distress or you’re showing signs of trauma or ontological shock, your orders are to seek out a clinician without delay. I’m here for military or civilians, and my colleague Becky Tran specializes in trauma and shock desensitization; she is our military psychology clinician. We both have stories of our own experiences with ontological and temporally linked psychogenic illness, and we love sharing these stories because empathy is a powerful tool that we are proud to make available to all TimeCorps personnel. Please don’t be shy, we don’t mind if you miss your family and need to cry with one of us. There will be other psychology clinicians available as well, so if you’re not connecting with one of us, you have other options.

If you need to talk, it doesn’t matter which one of us you speak with first. Ontological shock causes more suicides in temporal drivers/jumpers/leapers/“time travelers” than any other cause, and the first six months are always uniquely stressful. On a very personal note, I experienced a psychological crisis two months in to my first jump despite acing the biopsychosocial test battery. I became suicidal, and Becky treated me with a regimen of drugs that aren’t available to the general public. It took less than a week for me to be back at work by order of a command physician. We know what the hell we’re doing, so please trust us.

In regard to our temporal designations: since our half duplex plaintext unencrypted internet meetup spot is public and is frequently viewed by people seeking entertainment from reading silly time travel claims, there’s a chance that people might ask questions about my posts. If that happens, I’ll do exactly what command tells me to do. I plan to answer the questions honestly unless answering could compromise personnel, sources, or methods.

The people on this particular board are highly intelligent, and quite a few of them know classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, various field theories, quantum chromodynamics, accelerators, fusion methodology, Hugh Everett/many worlds “hypothesis”, Tipler cylinders, black holes, General and special relativity, and a lot of other advanced concepts which most think of as theoretical. So, I’m open from all TimeCorps personnel to receiving some assistance with deciding certain things, like what we call ourselves. I feel that “time travelers” is deceptive because it requires quotations. The people here don’t have any idea how we’re traveling or where/when we come from, and I honestly don’t know if they’ll ask because this text is pretty long and in general, people don’t read things that are long on the internet. I’d be surprised if someone bothers to ask what model of “Time Machine” we’re using, but if it comes up, what do I tell them?

What I can tell you: if people engage with this post, I’m going to get my ass handed to me. Nobody will believe that there’s a mass arrival. Nobody will believe why you’re coming or why you’re here. Nobody will believe that our technology exists, and if I post pictures of it, people will claim it’s AI generated. Same deal with documents, and once I post enough documents, someone is bound to say “he isn’t even original, John Titor (who is like a god to these people) already did it!” Nobody will believe the physics behind our method of travel, and several different people will post several different scientific analyses proving conclusively that what I say is impossible, even though it’s happening, which will leave me in an awkward position of being called a phony despite this arrival being the only exciting thing to ever happen on this board (if they knew the objective truth).

They will claim that their science disproving it is backed up by their cutting edge education, having no idea whatsoever that they’re simply wrong, and that our exploitation of the physical properties that they can prove is impossible is only proven impossible because they’re extrapolating on incomplete data while believing with a near religious conviction that they know everything about the topic. When I point out why they’re wrong, they’ll say I don’t know what I’m talking about… the argument will go back and forth until I mention string theory and metamaterials in the same sentence, which I’m honestly not sure about how it will go… But we’ll end up with some armchair Wikipedia string theorists joining up to attack me, most likely. It’s a no win scenario; they’ll keep spinning their wheels, and eventually, as it appears to happen with most cases, I’ll be known as a delusional man who thinks he’s talking to his team of undercover “time travelers”. BUT, thankfully, unless I become a jerk, the staff will probably keep letting me use this for our half duplex comms. Eventually, someone will say “we’ve been watching access stats, there aren’t many people visiting your thread so YOU ARE LYING!” That’s just a hunch. We shall see. Ok, now on to the important stuff!

Phase 1 is focused on your well being and safety, in addition to getting you to your caches so we can get this phase under way. If you are experiencing physical symptoms which are going to prevent you from moderate to heavy physical exertion in the coming weeks, you may contact me using the satellite phone in your green pack using the encryption key corresponding to your local temporal coordinates, and we can discuss the next steps. The longer you have to be here without cache access, the higher the chances are that you will be tagged or even incarcerated by five eyes or a local intelligence service acting on an assumption that anyone who has an HF rig must be a spy.

Caches: OTP, pages corresponding to accords in your black bag. Try not to screw up while decoding; there are no second copies. The Garmin unit is safe. DO NOT use ANY other GPS receiver unless your CO provides it for you. We’ve been told that there have been multiple altimeter malfunctions. I apologize if that happens, but there’s nothing we can do, you’ll have to return to your safe house. Your CO is going to have a vehicle, so you won’t have to carry everything back by hand. Prioritize based on what you need for the next three days. I promise, things will get easier soon when our PCDs are fully online. If you see an item you don’t recognize from training, ask about it. TimeCorps is not like the high pressure must-be-perfect jobs you used to have; we actually understand physiology and psychology, the only barriers to enjoying this unique job is dogmatic ideology.

I need the following personnel to check in with me by temporal coordinate TWO by the 25th. Use your PCDs and do not expect an immediate reply: Medic 2Bs, CBRN specialists, quantum computing team leads, material sciences director, aerospace liaison, SA techs, metamaterial engineering director, and craft development director. I have updates for you which need to be distributed to your teams.

Now, the frequencies and other relevant info:

14.02 PSK32 base, integer shift per ID number plus 5. 14.42 USB, page 5 in your blue envelopes. 1.72 LSB, page 4, will repeat nightly for 5 nights. Reference DC (capitol) center, 38.9072° N, 77.0369° W; A37, El328, cross 8x, 14.07 RTTY 1024 21:41:07 ZULU. Secondary: LINK OT book page 3 settings. Assistance will be denied due to temporal accord 164/23 breach, per Centrix control, so contact your team lead on PCD for help.

Readers on the message board: Think very hard about what it means to be a “time traveler” before asking me if you can become one. You leave everything behind and go to a place where nothing is familiar without any guarantee that you’ll ever come home… While time travel is romanticized in movies, it’s like being a military test pilot or astronaut; very difficult. We do not let people use our resources to go back in time for selfish or frivolous reasons, like wanting to see a relative who died too soon or changing the past, which doesn’t work like you probably think it does.

We have temporally static positions as well; if you know everything there is to know about operating undercover and have a working knowledge of any topic you have read in this text, you’re welcome to contact me via DM here on this site. Once you understand the stakes, perhaps you’ll understand why we work for goods and services instead of money. It’s about saving humanity. The background check, if you choose to apply for a position, is extensive and invasive. Look up the background checks required to work for a federal intelligence agency or to get a top secret security clearance before you ask me for a job. If you have a security clearance, it will be a much easier process, and we need federal agency liaisons as our objectives mature.

Ok, that’ll be all for now, I’m very tired and didn’t expect to write that much.

First and foremost, what are your qualifications? What do you know about time travel and interdimensional travel? Do you have any experience that would demonstrate high endurance in stressful situations, application or rigid ethical principles which you may not agree with even when tempted to betray said principles due to monetary rewards of offers on extensive personal gains? Do you have history of military service or civilian general or exempt services? Have you ever held a security clearance or been denied a clearance? Are you familiar with the process of a single scope background investigation? They can be highly invasive, and the TimeCorps clearance process is comparable to the background investigations administered to personnel who handle the fissile material used in research reactors and nuclear weapons. This is by no means an exhaustive list of qualifications, but most people are so discouraged by the basic list here that they feel overwhelmed. Please don’t be; requirements aren’t always static and not every position requires everything I’ve listed.

Is there any particular job or position you’re interested in taking up in TimeCorps? Please be assured that you won’t be posting to message boards or discussing the service in any way, shape, or form. The reason we’re exposing ourselves publicly at the moment is our need for forward scouts, medical personnel (physicians, masters level practitioners, nurses, paramedics, psychologists. therapists), human intelligence operations officers, signals intelligence officers, counterintelligence personnel, targeters, special skills personnel, maintenance technicians and interns, broadcast radio engineers, cybersecurity officers (hackers who are up to date on skills), radio frequency engineers (full stack), librarians, archivists, physicists, small arms experts (military preferred), civil engineers, licensed amateur radio operators, maritime radio operators, RADAR operators, and cryptographers. This is not a comprehensive list, but if you have any of these skills or are willing to dedicate every waking minute of your life to learning and practicing one of these skills, that’s a good start.

Do not tell anyone that you’re considering a career with TimeCorps, as we generally operate as a covert organization. We have found that it requires a certain level of disclosure in order to attract new talent, but please know that we will be watching you. If you get overly excited and start telling people that you work with time travelers, we must distance ourselves from you to prevent exposure of our operatives. We operate much like MI-6 or the CIA; taking no chances when it comes to the safety of our embedded personnel. This means that even if I was personally captured and tortured, there is no single piece of information that I have which would compromise the greater operation. I would render one of our communication networks useless, but we designed it that way. We are many years ahead of the five eyes alliance, and our use of a device we call the PCD in conjunction with meticulous use of unreadable encryption methods will keep them guessing and disbelieving my assertion that I am providing guidance for a team of arriving “time travelers” for years to come.

I can’t promise that I will be able to answer any question you have, but feel free to ask. I’m permitted to answer a tremendous amount of information because we do need additional help… Fair warning though; it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be a traveler. And I wouldn’t recommend it either, the trips are very disorienting and aren’t quite so simple as getting in to a Time Machine like most claimants on this forum assert. Prolonged vertigo, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting are common for most people who take the trip. I’m not an engineer, so I don’t quite understand why, but our medics have drugs to give people the moment they step out of the “Time Machine”. For some, it lasts for weeks or months.
Lol a time cop lol you can join in a NWO time cop and get a free time machine build for you because you join them so this is a joke you need a top secret clear time machine is for all people like star teck
Lol a time cop lol you can join in a NWO time cop and get a free time machine build for you because you join them so this is a joke you need a top secret clear time machine is for all people like star tech
Hi, I’m not understanding what you’re trying to say about time cops and material classifications, but I’m definitely interested in FREE time machines! Flyaway cost per unit for the “vehicles” used by TimeCorps makes the Northrop B2 stealth bomber seem like a Toyota Yaris in comparison.

Does NWO mean New World Order (as it says on Urban Dictionary) or are you using it in some other context? I’ve been hearing various people mention this apparent shadowy cabal/group/agenda/organization/conspiracy/league/ since I started doing temporal operations support more than two decades ago. A quick google search leads me to some heavily right leaning search results with anti-Muslim overtones and what appear to be veiled suggestions that a certain ethnic group controls the banks and media. The searches were for “nwo banking”, “nwo war” and “nwo time travel”

What is it in your opinion, what do they do, how do they accomplish these things, who do you think they work for, and why?
NWO mean new world order once they take over with a leader of anti-christ and false belief systems force everyone of us to do there way as you see there you have you will be happy but you own noting and also take a mark of the beast 666 you be like a slave to rich people and if you refuse to take a mark you get kill so that is a scary thing coming I hope to escape that time
NWO mean new world order once they take over with a leader of anti-christ and false belief systems force everyone of us to do there way as you see there you have you will be happy but you own noting and also take a mark of the beast 666 you be like a slave to rich people and if you refuse to take a mark you get kill so that is a scary thing coming I hope to escape that time
How old are you? Is English your native language?
Now if You Guys are Ultra-Rightwing Fanatics "Fighting" against perceived threats against the Establishment, I don't want to become involved. If you're really looking into investigating "Real" cases of Time Travel and preventing Causal Violation, possibly. But, otherwise I'm more interested in John Titor type stories than the Antichrist!
Now if You Guys are Ultra-Rightwing Fanatics "Fighting" against perceived threats against the Establishment, I don't want to become involved. If you're really looking into investigating "Real" cases of Time Travel and preventing Causal Violation, possibly. But, otherwise I'm more interested in John Titor type stories than the Antichrist!

I would stay away from the antichrist himself because he be in control of this world maybe a devil son but you better get a time machine soon we all need that

How old are you? Is English your native language?
Sorry I can't tell u about my self personal reason
I'm 71 and like Robert Heinlein, I'm a Devout Agnostic! I don't participate in "Organized Superstition" of any sort! To me it represents the worst traits in Humanity! In the Immortal Words of Voltaire, "The First Priest Was The First Rogue Who Met The First Fool."
Hello there, this is my first post on the TTI forum.

I'm going to opt out of the scientific debate here, as many are probably more qualified than me to handle that. I will just take your post at face value.

Instead I want to know the following:

When was time travel invented?
When was the TimeCorps (hence called the TC) founded?
Who founded the TC?
Is the TC an American or an international organization?
For what ultimate agenda and interests does the TC work?
Why does the TC believe they have monopoly on altering or guarding timelines?
Since you imply that the MWI is more than just a "hypothesis", i.e. reality to you, why would timelines even need to be policed?
Are there other time travelling organizations competing with the TC?
Is Corey Goode correct about what he claims is some kind of temporal war between different factions who seek to control the future?
Is the TC related to a Secret Space Program?
Are aliens real and do they have anything to do with the invention of this technology?
Is any Hollywood production like Timecop, The Adjustment Bureau, Predestination, the TVA in the Marvel Loki series and such, close to describing the TC?

I have relevant, limited knowledge in small arms, explosives, chemistry, automation technology, operating heavy machinery like trucks and cranes, piloting ultralight planes, first aid, IT and coding, specifically I am pretty well acquainted with how to work with encryption software. I also have a limited military background. I'd be willing to share my personal contact information for possible recruitment if you can adequately answer my questions.
Hello there, this is my first post on the TTI forum.

When was time travel invented?
Zynark, think about the question you are asking. Then ask yourself why the question is impossible to answer with any degree of confidence. I'll give you some time to ponder the situation.
Zynark, think about the question you are asking. Then ask yourself why the question is impossible to answer with any degree of confidence. I'll give you some time to ponder the situation.
I would say you are evading the question. But ok.

Answer the other questions then.

Nice to see you and ET back on Earth btw.
I would say you are evading the question. But ok.

Answer the other questions then.

Nice to see you and ET back on Earth btw.
Darby is a pretty rigid skeptic, apparently, but in this, he's dead on. As soon as time travel without restrictions is invented, a causality principle is immediately tested. It becomes possible for time travel to have been invented in infinite other cases and any travel backwards to a timeline will create infinite timelike loops where time travel is now possible there and the loop itself has also been affected by time travel.

The cartoon "Rick and Morty" explored this concept here, on a planet populated by snakes. The clip I posted hilariously shows the inevitable effect of time travel, where seemingly endless unrelated plotlines start interacting with each other, all crisscrossing and restarting new plotlines that the characters wind up in the middle of. Eventually causality spirals out of control, where impossible things happen. Cycles, within cycles, within cycles.

This is one reason that real-life time travel could or should ever be made public or into a consumer product. It's conceivable that time travel is possible, particularly with recent events in science, but inconceivable that any rational, self-interested entity capable of building such a machine would allow knowledge of it to be widely known.

The original TT0 said that time-travelers hid their identity for their own safety. In my mind, they'd be hiding it to prevent causality loops from creating chaos.
I would say you are evading the question. But ok.
I wasn't evading anything. I was giving you the opportunity to see if you could determine the logical fallacy in your question through your own analysis rather than having it spoon fed to you. Anyway I actually answered the question in another post on a different thread after I posed the question to you.

In any case Jared provided you the right answer. The answer to your question, "When was time travel invented?" is: If you have unrestricted time travel then you'll discover that it is not possible to state with any degree of confidence when or if time travel was actually invented. It is called the Bootstrap Paradox. It's an infinite causal loop in time where time machines are a part of the reality but in the loop they don't appear to have been invented - they just are. There's no reason to attempt to invent time travel because if you look to the past it already exists. You simply can't identify a perspective that points to "time travel was invented on this day." Why? Because every time you point to a specific date and say "That's when it was invented" you quickly discover that there were time machines the day before. How is that possible? Time travelers have "forever" in the future to visit the day before whatever day you point to as the date of invention. If you can violate causality then you can't rely on cause and effect as your guiding principle of stating how history evolves.

The best example in fiction that I know of that deals with the Bootstrap Paradox is Robert A. Heinlein's 1958 short story "All You Zombies." The 2015 film "Predestination" is based on "All You Zombies." Heinlein graduated from the US Naval Academy (Annapolis) with a degree in aeronautical engineering. Today it's probably more likely that the sci-fi fan would know Heinlein from "Starship Troopers" ( his novel was the basis for the film series).
This is one reason that real-life time travel could or should ever be made public or into a consumer product. It's conceivable that time travel is possible, particularly with recent events in science, but inconceivable that any rational, self-interested entity capable of building such a machine would allow knowledge of it to be widely known
The ability to keep any technology a secret is the problem. If you add into the mix time travel then keeping a technology a secret becomes impossible. Time travelers would have to keep the technology a secret forever. Forever is more than a "long time."

During the first Gulf War the allies sent F-117 stealth bombers in to kill air defense sites. The Iraqi radars could not see the F-117 yet they did manage to shoot one down. It was apparently a Golden BB - toss enough lead up into the air and eventually an F-117 will run into one of the projectiles. Iraq then had access to the "secret" stealth technology.

Given that time travel secrecy has to be kept so forever and there is a non-zero probability of a Golden BB event the secret will get out. The difference, of course, is normal technology that becomes non-secret doesn't instantly appear everywhere in both the future and past. Time travel technology is not so constrained. Once again it becomes a Bootstrap Paradox. At no point was it ever a secret and at no point was the world ever without it.

That's the problem with time travel, Bootstrap Paradox and logical fallacy. One can't have it both ways. You can't invent a technology whose entire raison d'etre is to violate causality and then expect the world to behave as if "cause precedes effect".
The ability to keep any technology a secret is the problem. If you add into the mix time travel then keeping a technology a secret becomes impossible. Time travelers would have to keep the technology a secret forever. Forever is more than a "long time."

During the first Gulf War the allies sent F-117 stealth bombers in to kill air defense sites. The Iraqi radars could not see the F-117 yet they did manage to shoot one down. It was apparently a Golden BB - toss enough lead up into the air and eventually an F-117 will run into one of the projectiles. Iraq then had access to the "secret" stealth technology.

Given that time travel secrecy has to be kept so forever and there is a non-zero probability of a Golden BB event the secret will get out. The difference, of course, is normal technology that becomes non-secret doesn't instantly appear everywhere in both the future and past. Time travel technology is not so constrained. Once again it becomes a Bootstrap Paradox. At no point was it ever a secret and at no point was the world ever without it.

That's the problem with time travel, Bootstrap Paradox and logical fallacy. One can't have it both ways. You can't invent a technology whose entire raison d'etre is to violate causality and then expect the world to behave as if "cause precedes effect".
I agree with all this analysis. The "golden BB" is of the reasons it is much more likely than not that time travel does not and cannot exist.