According to Einsteins theory of relativity you cannot travel at the speed of light as it requires an infinite amount of energy to do so. The interesting bit is this does not apply if you have zero mass, if you have zero mass you can travel at what ever speed you like and you do not need infinite power to do so. With zero mass you can if you wish even exceed the speed of light. The light speed limit is the biggest problem with interstellar travel as if effectively forbids us from getting anywhere in space in anything like a reasonable amount of time - over 4 years to get to the closest star at light speed and we can't even go that fast!
The Complicated Paragraph
According to Special Relativity kinetic (movement) energy is related to your speed and your mass. The faster you go the higher your kinetic energy so it follows that this energy need to come from somewhere. As you approach the speed of light this kinetic energy level rises sharply giving you very high energy needs if you wish to reach such speeds. With two gravitational drives however it is possible to to cancel your mass out so it becomes zero and if you use a zero mass value in Einstein's formula your kinetic energy is zero irrespective of speed. If your kinetic energy remains at zero you can then travel at what ever speed you wish - even at speeds faster than light! It is the high values of kinetic energy that prevent you from travelling at light speed, remove your mass and the light speed barrier disappears.
Problems, Problems, Problems
Yup, Building an anti-gravity machine is not going to be easy at the best of times but building a light breaker is going to give a whole new set of problems. The biggest problem is how do you properly cancel out the mass? The problem is that it is only exactly between the two Gravitational Engines where you will get a zero mass produced. However objects and people in particular (excluding the odd super model) are not perfectly flat. A gravitational pull changes with distance so and this means that some parts of your craft will have positive mass and some will have negative mass. Any mass, negative or positive will prevent you from travelling at anywhere near light speed never mind exceeding it.
The answer to this problem is to use the negative and positive components of your craft to cancel each other out and to make sure that balance does not change when you are on your journey. You would not be able to walk from negative the to the positive section while traveling faster then light as that will up set the balance and could cause your ship to break the laws of physics and the cosequences of this could be very bad indeed. You could for instance turn into a black hole or alternatively nothing may happen. It is difficult to tell the exact consequences as traveling faster than light is an area in which physicsits are not exactly experienced! Your kenitic energy will be a complex number and this may not be entirely healthy.
Will it take very powerful engines to exceed light speed?
Oddly no. Once you have zero mass the engines just give an acceleration which only stops whan the craft either runs out of fuel or you switch the engines off. While the engines are on and accellerating they will just keep accellerating and accellerating and accellerating... It may take you a long time to reach light speed but you will evntually get there and then exceed it.
Normal earth (or even space) bound propulsion systems provide you with speed, but a zero mass engine acts by different rules giving you an acceleration only. The power of your engines will only determine how fast you get to light speed not if you will, there is no maximum speed and the accelleration limit will be decided by the power of your engines. Since your mass has been canceled out there is no longer any limitation on how fast you can accellerate so you can use much higer acceleration rates than are possible in existing transport systems.
So there you have it, how to travel faster than light without breaking the rules of physics and Einstein doesn't have any complaints about it!