Weather manipulation


Temporal Navigator
It is me, or did all this cold weather coincide with
a) that coppenhagen climate summit where the west was planning on taxing the hell out of china and russia for their carbon outputs, and
b)that funny spiral and black hole that emerged from Russia about a month ago?
It is me, or did all this cold weather coincide with
a) that coppenhagen climate summit where the west was planning on taxing the hell out of china and russia for their carbon outputs, and
b)that funny spiral and black hole that emerged from Russia about a month ago?

Your first inclination was correct - it's just you.
In addition, the Farmer's Alamanac predicted exactly this basic weather pattern that we are experiencing in North America while the UK MET office was calling for a "warmer than usual winter."

Today we read that one of the IPCC "climate scientists" is now saying we are going to have a "mini ice age" (his words) for the next 30 years... but that global warming will continue after that "as predicted". Forget that they predicted it would continue to warm over the last 10 years, and it has not.

If you want a conspiracy, paladius, consider this: The 30 year span of this scientist's "mini ice age" is conspicuously long enough to provide sufficient government funding to continue global warming "research" right through a comfortable retirement.

So let me get this straight: Guys who told us "the science is settled", who made predictions for the last 10 years of our climate (and failed miserably) are now giving us a new prediction for 30 years hence... and we are supposed to believe that too?

There is only one climate scientists I like and I don;t even know his name. He ponders that our weather is related to radiation gains from the sun.... hence very little sun spots in past years equals cooler seasonal temps. Makes sense to me.

Still though, Russia and China have a lot to lose if carbon credits go global.