We have another 4,225 years left untill the Great Judgment Day


Chrono Cadet
In the book of Enoch, chapter 10:15, the Angels that slept with women, were punished, bound under where Saudi Arabia is, for 70 generations. Each generation is 100yr. 7,000 years. 2014= 5,775 yr in Jewish calendar. Another 1,225 yr = 7,000 yr. Another 3,000 yr. = 10,000, thrown into lake of fire. That comes to 4,225 left till Great Judgment Day.
Unless, of course (because the term "generation" has many definitions in the Bible), a "generation" relative to Angels has no relevance to a human generation. And after 70 generations, following the great consumption (10:16) they are cast down again and shut up forever. And immediately following "forever" (10:17) they get further punishment for many more generations?

I'm thinking that biblical scholars have struggled with these passages for over two thousand years. I'm given to believe that The Creator will decide on His own terms when the Judgement will come and we just do our best to follow his law in the mean time.
In the book of Enoch, chapter 10:15, the Angels that slept with women, were punished, bound under where Saudi Arabia is, for 70 generations. Each generation is 100yr. 7,000 years. 2014= 5,775 yr in Jewish calendar. Another 1,225 yr = 7,000 yr. Another 3,000 yr. = 10,000, thrown into lake of fire. That comes to 4,225 left till Great Judgment Day.
In lieu of a powerful time machine and a special get out of judgement day free pass, this is a glaringly unprovable prophecy, and thus just a wee bit irrelevant to us in 2014...
By then we should have time machines and can easily escape judgment by moving back to the past!
I don't think the rules of science will stand on Judgement Day. But then again, I don't think Judgement Day is so special as people think it is. The Bible does cite 7 physically unique forms of angels, and one could extrapolate from this that there were 7 races of creation prior to ours, and we are just iteration #8. While 8 is thee luckiest of numbers in China, this tidbit of trivia is equally irrelevant...
I don't think the rules of science will stand on Judgement Day. But then again, I don't think Judgement Day is so special as people think it is. The Bible does cite 7 physically unique forms of angels, and one could extrapolate from this that there were 7 races of creation prior to ours, and we are just iteration #8. While 8 is thee luckiest of numbers in China, this tidbit of trivia is equally irrelevant...

Fortunately, there likely is not going to be a "Judgment Day." The Bible is just made up.
