Was that DARBY on C2C last night...:)


Rift Surfer

I woke up in the middle of the night to hear "DARBY of anomalies.net" on the Coast 2 Coast Show with George Noory...

He sounded charming and nice...

Not like the DARBY here

o Doesn't like to be wrong
o Is abrupt
o Tracks and keeps a database of TheCigMan

Must be 2 different darbyS...

Interesting comment...

He doesn't believe in mind time travel" ?


I believe the CIA has been involved in Remote Viewing since the 80s...:)

He really is a disinformation agent of the CIA /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

And about those IP's? Who's the disinformation agent here? Only the Forum will decide.

And, yes, that was me.

As for "And about those IP's?"

We drove up from Fort Meade to an internet cafe to give you a few new ones for your database and add foundation to the story /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif We like to visit Ingo Swann in NYC... It's on the way /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

As for "Who's the disinformation agent here?"

Mmmm... A trap sentence.

Oh yeah... I am working with USA Today and the Washington Post to write all the articles I post. I am also Karl Rove's advisor. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

As for "Only the Forum will decide."

Well you and Trans anyway...

As for "And, yes, that was me."

I was really surprised to find that anyone is REAL here /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif lol

I liked you other quote may I use it?

"If the internet were bullets, I'd be dead now" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

A telling admission from someone who doesn't say much on purpose... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Is the heat getting to you? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Technician Says Titor Was Psychic Predictions

Also, when DARBY was on Coast 2 Coast, a caller claiming to be a Key Card Technician for Celebration, Fl had an amazing Titor related claim:

o He stated he talked to kids in Celebration, Fl.
o The kids stated their fathers were responsible for Titor
o The fathers used "Psychic Predictions" for the Titor tale

Not far at all from TheCigMan's analysis that Titor was based prior published prophecies and/or remote viewers (psychics).

Very interesting... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

This can be verified if you look up thread "Titor - Track Record To Date"

Disinformation Agent Poll - Darby .vs. TheCigMan

Since DARBY believes me to be a "disinformation agent", and I he because of his supposeded intelligence community ties... and total Titor debunkering...

Let the forum decide... as he suggests...

<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.timetravelinstitute.com/ttiforum/dopoll.php"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1174767984TheCigSmokinMan3">

Who is the Disinformation Agent?
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />DARBY - The former retired member of the Intelligence Community who prides himself a Titor Debunker
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />TheCigMan - The mysterious one with the Titor analysis and supporting news articles
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>
Re: Disinformation Agent Poll

I think you're going to lose on the poll, Cigman, because of the natural inclination of people to suspect someone who is always calling "Fire!" to be an arsonist. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

Point#2: Darby is now known to 10 million people as an expert on something. You're going to have to crank it up a notch to stay in the same league.???
Re: Disinformation Agent Poll

I wouldnt worry about that ... losing or winning on such a small thing as this is immaterial to the Cigman. The style of his posts suggest the worm on the hook style.. CM3 likes to dangle carrots or even to ask wether you are something he suspects you are not and to therefore prompt you into a more valid answer than you necessarily might of given.
Its an old and trusted technique for getting the answers you would like from people without making it look like that is what you are doing..
In the conversation Darby and CM3 were having in another thread for example CM3 got all flustered and started agreeing with darby or even gave made it look like he was giving out information due to the duress of the thread. It looked like Darby had tripped him up..
That wasnt the case really CM3 made this look like what he was doing and made it look to the forum that he mistakingly deferred to Darby.
Just the conspirator character playing with the Physics Titor Character...
One thing that does get CM3 though is his extremely poor knowledge of Physics..
Should go to the library son lol.
Re: Disinformation Agent Poll

appearances can be decieving, and its usually best not to judge a book by its cover.

in cigsmokingmans case, its best to read the book twice, maybe even thrice. or else you might miss the key /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

if you ask me, cigsmokingman and darby are awesome! and why would a government agent waste his time spouting disinformation on this website out of all of them?

reminds me of a saying i use most often: "patience is a virtue"
Re: Disinformation Agent Poll

Not interested im afraid...
I know all about him already.
Now Darby is a lot more interesting.. Obvious Causality Interest.
Re: Disinformation Agent Poll


Now this posts interests me... And shows me you have brain... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Darby could confront me... accuse me of being a government all day... and I would respond? Why?

You miss my mission statement - Take on all debunkers.... It had nothing to do with DARBY outsmarting me... Although he probably thought he did delusionally..

I am not a government agent... So defending myself made no difference to me.. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

But you final paragraph makes no sense..

"Just the conspirator character playing with the Physics Titor Character...
One thing that does get CM3 though is his extremely poor knowledge of Physics..
Should go to the library son lol."

I could care less about Physics... But RainmanTime does? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif as you are probably he... lol... he also thinks himself a "brainiac" and uses the phrase "son"

Also, to come from nowhere and go to the Azaban Ban List thread message shows prior usage here...

As Azaban (whatever the spelling) am I told is RainmanTime (or the person playing rmt)...

Titor as the caller to C2C explained when Darby last appeared had nothing to do "Physics" it was a bunch of guys from Celebration, FL using Psychic Predictions along with Alas Babylon. The hits of the psychic predictions would reinfornce the false elements of the story. As RainmanTime would say, it was a "Pysop" of sorts.

If I was the FBI, I would be knocking on all the doors in Celebration, Fl /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif But thats me /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

It was very close to my original analysis "Titor - Track Record To Date"

The Titor is solved its over... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

As for DARBY, You are all very impressed with a guy copying from a physics books saying Titor is a fake. Of Course, He is a fake. Nothing could be more logical and rational. If I have disdain for all those here who pride themselves on calling people fakes. It shows poor self esteem. and a lack of imagination.

My interest was solely in the accuracy of his predictions which of course were "Psychic Predictions" and the origin of the story.

This is way my time here is over... and It no fun without Rainmantime /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif lol /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Who knows if any of you are real here anyway....lol /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

It's been fun...

Re: Disinformation Agent Poll


Really, 10 million people know DARBY to be expert calling Titor "a fake"

Wow... What a skill!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I always thought you to be one of the more smarter and rational people but you are a follower of RMT and therefore influenced by his statements.

I was tracking the predictions. I knew they were "psychic" predictions.

And not for 1 second did I believe "Titor" was a "time traveller"

Why you follow people like DARBY and RAINMANTIME don't know... But they are not a fraction of smart you think they are...

And it was DARBY's idea for the forum to decide not mine! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Reading Comprehension! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The votes are pouring in against me... lol /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

But it's a FREE COUNTRY for the time being /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

See ya..

Re: Disinformation Agent Poll

"Not interested im afraid..."

I did I hurt your feelings /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

As for "I know all about him already."

Looks are very deceiving... Are you sure you know me. Private Message me something not on the board about me. And thats not obvious.

Lots of vague statements about "board conspiracies" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Interesting trick... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

As for "Darby is a lot more interesting.. Obvious Causality Interest."

Darby. Darby! Darby! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Does it ever end! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif &lt;kidding&gt;

I afraid I wouldn't be around much to get to know you Shadow...:) Oh well /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Disinformation Agent Poll

I am a teller of stories, a weaver of dreams. I can dance, sing, and in the right weather I can stand on my head. I know seven words of Latin, I have a little magic, and a trick or two. I know the proper way to meet a Dragon, I can fight dirty but not fair, I once swallowed thirty oysters in a minute. I am not domestic, I am a luxury, and in that sense, necessary.
Re: Disinformation Agent Poll

Now, Cigman, if you check the posts long time gone for Joe McMoneagle, You will find that I suggested him for the source of the Titor information. He has a strong feeling of patriotism--or is it paranoia--as well /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

He has a site--I think it's under "McEagle.com" but I'm not sure without checking. Also. I don't know if you're familiar with <font color="red"> [NAME NOT AVAILABLE] [/COLOR]. That tells it all. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
Re: Disinformation Agent Poll


I was going to leave but...

As for "Now, Cigman, if you check the posts long time gone for Joe McMoneagle, You will find that I suggested him for the source of the Titor information. He has a strong feeling of patriotism--or is it paranoia--as well"

Name calling... Oh Well...

I read his books. He has alot of the same beliefs. It is amazing and frieghtening. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I might be victim of Controlled Remote Influencing. But I believe that is Lyn Buchanan's skill /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I posted something also about Mr. McMoneagle prediction's at least being misused. Very early on.

He predicted Mideast Civil Wars in this time period not the U.S.

QUESTION: PB are you a conservative or Republican?

As for "He has a site--I think it's under "McEagle.com" but I'm not sure without checking. Also. I don't know if you're familiar with [NAME NOT AVAILABLE] . That tells it all."

Yes. I am familiar.

The MOP must have edited the name [NAME NOT AVAILABLE]. PM me with the name.

Re: Disinformation Agent Poll


I found that McMoneagle thread I told you about...


Taken from previous post:

'World peace will remain elusive until well after 2200, per McMoneagle. Of great significance, we can expect a second, bigger, Persian Gulf war before 2003 in northern Iraq, one that will last four years and directly result in government turnovers in over half a dozen countries, outright insurrection in others afterwards, and the near dissolution of the NATO alliance. Just as sadly, before the end of 2004, the United States may face the hostile use of a biological weapon inside its borders by an enemy state. Even earlier, before 2002, McMoneagle sees a biological warfare accident in a Middle Eastern country that will kill almost 100,000 people and cause a city to be abandoned; civil war erupting in three Near Eastern states, including Saudi Arabia; and war breaking out on the Korean peninsula after the signing of peace accords and the withdrawal of U.S. troops.'


As you can see the "Gulf War II", "100K dead prediction" and "Civil War" predictions could have easily been taken from McMoneagle's books and MISUSED.

They just upgraded the SUPER SECRET BUNKER to high speed cable lines... I may post more now!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I know that makes so many happy...

Dodging Shadow_CDC for the fun of it... Isn't really fun /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
