Warning: Something not right here


Temporal Navigator

<font color="red"> Moved into Off Topic Section from Time Travel Claims Section - KerrTexas [/COLOR]
Cubick, I moved this from the Blast From the Past Thread. This is something that I will bring to the attention of MOP. I don't believe that the MOP has any programs hidden within this site that are dangerous to anyone's computer.

That a poster might do so. And that is another matter entirely.

Thank-you for bring this to our attention and I will keep you informed.
Cubick, I moved this from the Blast From the Past Thread. This is something that I will bring to the attention of MOP. I don't believe that the MOP has any programs hidden within this site that are dangerous to anyone's computer.

That a poster might do so, and is another matter entirely.

Thank-you for bring this to our attention and I will keep you informed.

May as well provide more info on Google's warning:



it appears from what I understand, malicious data found on the file hosting site in the past 90 days has infected a number of other domains, so hopefully it hasn't infected TTI or its users but is a warning of caution.

When did you capture that page? The Google copyright notice is for 2008.

Can you post the steps that you went through that resulted in the notice so we can try to recreate the event? This is something that would help Raul (MOP) as he looks into this notice and any real problems that it might have found.


I just tried Google Safe Browsing Tool and this is the result I received:

Advisory provided by
Safe Browsing
Diagnostic page for http://www.timetravelinstitute.com
What is the current listing status for http://www.timetravelinstitute.com" ?

This site is not currently listed as suspicious.

What happened when Google visited this site?

Of the 2 pages we tested on the site over the past 90 days, 0 page(s) resulted in malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent. The last time Google visited this site was on 2011-03-03, and suspicious content was never found on this site within the past 90 days.
This site was hosted on 1 network(s) including AS25847 (SERVINT).

Has this site acted as an intermediary resulting in further distribution of malware?

Over the past 90 days, http://www.timetravelinstitute.com did not appear to function as an intermediary for the infection of any sites.

Has this site hosted malware?

No, this site has not hosted malicious software over the past 90 days.

Next steps:

Return to the previous page.
If you are the owner of this web site, you can request a review of your site using Google Webmaster Tools. More information about the review process is available in Google's Webmaster Help Center.
Updated 2 hours ago©2008 Google - Google Home

Linik to tool:


The format of the notice that you posted appears to be bogus. The above format is what Google uses for its notice.

I noted that the Google copyright notice for the tool is still 2008 so that does not appear to be a problem.

When did you capture that page? The Google copyright notice is for 2008.

Can you post the steps that you went through that resulted in the notice so we can try to recreate the event? This is something that would help Raul (MOP) as he looks into this notice and any real problems that it might have found.


I captured it as soon as it happened at around 10:30 PM -06:00 CST after I clicked on the last post on the "Blast From The Past" thread. I'm using the latest Google Chrome 9.0.597.107. I just clicked on the last post to the thread again and it's still showing that warning.


I noted that the Google copyright notice for the tool is still 2008 so that does not appear to be a problem.

The copyright's not a problem or the warning notice? Could it be a false positive? Though it said it was updated 4 hours ago at the time... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Sorry about that. I was doing some last minute edits to my post while you were posting.

Anyway, I think that the problem that you came across involves AS25847 (SERVINT). It's a large hosting service (the Democratic National Committee website, for example, is hosted there). It shouldn't be a problem for this site.

Try the Google link on my post. It gives this site a clean bill of health.

Sorry about that. I was doing some last minute edits to my post while you were posting.

Anyway, I think that the problem that you came across involves AS25847 (SERVINT). It's a large hosting service (the Democratic National Committee website, for example, is hosted there). It shouldn't be a problem for this site.

Try the Google link on my post. It gives this site a clean bill of health.

Oh I see now. Well an external link in that thread must lead to "fileden" that is a site that had been flagged for malicious activity (not necessarily referring to the contents linked on the thread). Thanks for the Google link to check TTI.
In reading the " How Did This Happen " portion of the warning, it states:

In some cases, third party parties can add malicious code to legitimate sites, which would cause us (Google) to show the warning message.

I know that Raul is very good at keeping Time Travel Institute as safe as possible for everyone. He puts in a lot of time and effort to keep it that way, too.

That any particular poster might "accidently" include an infected link in their posts, is a possiblity, and many of us "old-timers" are wary of clicking on "any" links, unless there is a level of trust that has been established over the years.

Even then, diligence is warranted relative to the links provided in any post.
That any particular poster might "accidently" include an infected link in their posts, is a possiblity, and many of us "old-timers" are wary of clicking on "any" links, unless there is a level of trust that has been established over the years.


A couple of years ago one "member" purposely included a URL link in a post that lead to an infected site. The blue hypertext that he put into the link was absolutely misleading as to the nature of the linked site. That's not Raul's doing and is an issue that UBB's internal security probably needs to address.

The long and short of it is that I rarely use the "URL" UBB code in my posts. If I link an article or page I use he raw URL code so that anyone who wants to link to my referral can do some independent research before clicking the link. The last thing that I want to do is be responsible for infecting some Member's PC with mal-code.

My avatar is stored on the file den site. So any time a page loads with my avatar on it, the infection tries to download with it. But I see the file den site is no longer infected. I can now access my files without my browser or virus program shutting down the connection. So they eliminated the problem shortly after it started.

Good for you to be able to do a viable work-around. As we all know, sites like this are fun but at times attract people who are, shall I say, over the top? If they don't get their way they resort to destructive retalliation in the form of computer virii rather than appropriate dialectics. Better safe than sorry.