War 4 Billion Casualties


Temporal Navigator
Recently it has come to my attention that the grade two 'War With 3 Billion Casualties' (or the 'Ice Cream, Cake And A Party Bag' War) has been mentioned on this very forum.

Frankly,my captive audience of tiny brick house dwelling primitive primates from the 21st Century I am astoundingly SHOCKED that this minor skirmish has been dragged out from it's resting place in the annals of future history!

Every time traveller worth their Titor Appreciation Society Commerorative Certificate And Scroll set knows that the 'War (With) 3 Billion Casualties' is small potatoes in the grand scheme of things (although as with every future war it did lead to two things - faster internet download speeds and more bloody time travellers).

No, my friends, let me draw your attention to the War With 4 Billion Casualties TM which happened 20 years after that one (whatever year Traveller2 said it was, 20 years after that, stay with me on this)

Now, the War With 4 Billion Casualties TM - THAT'S A PROPER WAR.
There was no cake in this one (not even Time Cake, I checked, sob)

There was, however, countless bits of the Earth OBLITERATED. You're probably rubbing your hands (or other parts of your hairless ape bodies) with excitement just reading that, yeah?


So, which bits got it? You just drop the old Dave here a message and I'll check my laminated War With 4 Billion Casualties TM Map and let you know exactly where the mutants now hang out.

Town you live in? Dave's got a 4 megaton bunker buster ready to drill its way right thru the town square for you!
Town your ex-girlfriend* lives in? Mutliple warhead on HER ass right? Radioactive bunker where her apartment was! Dave has the dirt for you on that too!

So, as ever, ask away

War With 4 Billion Casualties TM

Warrior381 - still no time travel for you my friend. Sorry.
Errrrmmmmm. Your anointed highness. I dunno how to tell you this, but another primitive primate from this time, one we call HDRKID, has been RVing the future and he has seen a war with 6 billion casualties. I don't wish to alarm or tick-off your royal anointedness, but that makes your 4 billion look like small potatoes, or timecake, choose your analogy.

I think you peeps in "The Future" are gonna have to try a whole lot harder. What does that lazy little scrap of meat attached to you (i.e. Chronohistorian) have to say about all this?
I'm surpised nobody's yet mentioned the Pan-Galactic insectoid war between the Zardoxans and the Xenians, in which they used dual spin gluon bombs.........which killed 700 billion people, and wiped out 47 entire stellar systems and and branch of Pizza Hut. Compared with which Earth wars are mere firecrackers.

Beat that !
Ah you've got me there kidz, sadly I only own shares in the 4 Billion War TM, so could see no point in promoting the 6 billioner, although it was a good one. I recently took Traveller2 or whatever the hell his name was to see the 4 billioner TM and the 6 billioner and thats why you've heard no more from him on his pissant 3 billion apocalypse. Certainly crapped all over his ice cream and cake I can tell you.

As per your Chrono question - interesting you mention that. Sometime in the 25th century CE, I don't recall when, me and the Titors were way wrecked on Lizardan juice, I had the Chrono strip removed from my cortex and it is now stored in a jar of Xenian secretion fluid under the sink on the brig of the Zodiac. Unless Creedo299 has drank it in one of his prissy fits.

And finally that Pan-Galactic Insectoid War did indeed slay 700 million, of purely insect sized beings,so nobody missed them much although the loss of the Pizza Hut was a heartbreaking blow, particularly as its the one Zeshua was working in.

Laters! Up the Lizard Men!
"'How about a parallel uni war with infinite casaulties that never die? (in regards to conscious time lines). o_0 "

Well how about it? Any time travellers out there fancy starting a war against some parallel universes? Maybe a parallel universe where the Nazis won the second world war, or a parallel universe where Chronohistorian wasn't a complete prick? Did a parallel universe knock your pint over or look at you in a pub in a 'funny' way? Let us know and we'll ask them outside for a 'word'

Warlike Dave!
No, that's PSYCHIC Wars my little primitive friend, I mean lets get all the time travellers on here (erm, just me then) and go and ruck with some parallel scumbags, yeah? Who's in? Come on you lot stop pretending you're John Titor's best mates or coming on here to preach the Christian bible or jack off over your end-of-the-world roleplay and lets go and really give time travel (and parallel-world hopping) a bad name.

I'll pick you up in the Zodiac, so transport is no issue. Sign your names:
heheh hahah oooo yeah Dave my man what up?? i just wonder something will this war going to happen?? and when is the date of this war going to happen?? I think it not going to happen unless ET invade the war and stop it heheh hahh oh oh dave my man just kidding..

what do you think?
Re: War III on Casualties

No, that's PSYCHIC Wars my little primitive friend, I mean lets get all the time travellers on here (erm, just me then) and go and ruck with some parallel scumbags, yeah? Who's in? Come on you lot stop pretending you're John Titor's best mates or coming on here to preach the Christian bible or jack off over your end-of-the-world roleplay and lets go and really give time travel (and parallel-world hopping) a bad name.

I'll pick you up in the Zodiac, so transport is no issue. Sign your names:

You, my Friend Pinky, may need a pack of this ones:


on 11**27**09
No, that's PSYCHIC Wars my little primitive friend

......chokes on his Pan Galactic Gargleblaster. You mean there's still a difference in the 26th century ? I'd have thought your Supreme Titor-esqueness would merely have to recline in the Zodiac pool, sip a Zardoxan Slime Worm cocktail through a Xenian insectoid antenna....and think entire fleets of Krull hyperspin gluonic transverse death stars into existence.

Are these posts examples of lame Dark Ages humor? Me and Johnny Titor have been rolling around giggling over your replies, although Titor has renamed you guys as 'Pastards' because you live in our past and you're a bunch of...well you get the idea. So am I booking you three up for a trip on the Zodiac then? We've found a great parallel where the French conquered the entire planet in 1899, now who wouldn't want to f*** s*** up on a planet ruled by the French?
We've found a great parallel where the French conquered the entire planet in 1899, now who wouldn't want to f*** s*** up on a planet ruled by the French?

So I take it there's no parallel worlds populated with 6 billion nubile young wenches and no men.

There again.....wouldn't want to be responsible for the stampede when I arrive.
And finally that Pan-Galactic Insectoid War did indeed slay 700 million, of purely insect sized beings,so nobody missed them much

700 million insectoids--why I've got that many ants making my front walk into a sand trap. That's nothing.

If we're going to count insects, we'll see your six billion and raise you a billion. We'll maybe make that eight billion once we get the mealybugs, dog fleas, and mosquitoes counted.

Say hi to Creedo299. Does he still smell the crotches of ladies panties?
Oh Mighty Kinkster:

I have a suggestion for a new crewmember of the timeship Zodiac: The one and only (thank our primitive God!) HDRKID!

He knows so much about time that, of course, he should be a great ASSett to you and the rest of your crew.

(Mutters under breath: And it would get him out from under foot here in this time!)

What? Did someone say something?
HDRKID? This primitive has escaped my beady bionic eyes - what misguided notions has he been spouting on this, my favourite child's toy forum of the 21st century? Is he bright of eye and firm of buttock?

I ask this because there is yet more joyous news in the world of THE FUTURE. Johnny Titor has been sick to his third set of robot teeth of the Zodiac for some time. As much as it's been fun to zip around in he is concerned that young Ethan, his nephew, is not getting a sensible grounded education and is spending too much time quaffing Lunarium juice with versions of Napoleon, Casper Hauser, Salvador Dali, Mentuat Tafur and His Royal Galactic Tsar Niklaus Of The Holy Russian Space Empire plucked at random from various timestreams for our pleasure.

So, in the far-flung FUTURE we are selling off the trusty ZODIAC and moving into our very own TITOR TOWERS - a veritable SPACE FORTRESS in the Crab Nebula. How exciting! Never fear, Creedo299 has got his very own stables!