Temporal Navigator
Recently it has come to my attention that the grade two 'War With 3 Billion Casualties' (or the 'Ice Cream, Cake And A Party Bag' War) has been mentioned on this very forum.
Frankly,my captive audience of tiny brick house dwelling primitive primates from the 21st Century I am astoundingly SHOCKED that this minor skirmish has been dragged out from it's resting place in the annals of future history!
Every time traveller worth their Titor Appreciation Society Commerorative Certificate And Scroll set knows that the 'War (With) 3 Billion Casualties' is small potatoes in the grand scheme of things (although as with every future war it did lead to two things - faster internet download speeds and more bloody time travellers).
No, my friends, let me draw your attention to the War With 4 Billion Casualties TM which happened 20 years after that one (whatever year Traveller2 said it was, 20 years after that, stay with me on this)
Now, the War With 4 Billion Casualties TM - THAT'S A PROPER WAR.
There was no cake in this one (not even Time Cake, I checked, sob)
There was, however, countless bits of the Earth OBLITERATED. You're probably rubbing your hands (or other parts of your hairless ape bodies) with excitement just reading that, yeah?
So, which bits got it? You just drop the old Dave here a message and I'll check my laminated War With 4 Billion Casualties TM Map and let you know exactly where the mutants now hang out.
Town you live in? Dave's got a 4 megaton bunker buster ready to drill its way right thru the town square for you!
Town your ex-girlfriend* lives in? Mutliple warhead on HER ass right? Radioactive bunker where her apartment was! Dave has the dirt for you on that too!
So, as ever, ask away
War With 4 Billion Casualties TM
Warrior381 - still no time travel for you my friend. Sorry.
Frankly,my captive audience of tiny brick house dwelling primitive primates from the 21st Century I am astoundingly SHOCKED that this minor skirmish has been dragged out from it's resting place in the annals of future history!
Every time traveller worth their Titor Appreciation Society Commerorative Certificate And Scroll set knows that the 'War (With) 3 Billion Casualties' is small potatoes in the grand scheme of things (although as with every future war it did lead to two things - faster internet download speeds and more bloody time travellers).
No, my friends, let me draw your attention to the War With 4 Billion Casualties TM which happened 20 years after that one (whatever year Traveller2 said it was, 20 years after that, stay with me on this)
Now, the War With 4 Billion Casualties TM - THAT'S A PROPER WAR.
There was no cake in this one (not even Time Cake, I checked, sob)
There was, however, countless bits of the Earth OBLITERATED. You're probably rubbing your hands (or other parts of your hairless ape bodies) with excitement just reading that, yeah?
So, which bits got it? You just drop the old Dave here a message and I'll check my laminated War With 4 Billion Casualties TM Map and let you know exactly where the mutants now hang out.
Town you live in? Dave's got a 4 megaton bunker buster ready to drill its way right thru the town square for you!
Town your ex-girlfriend* lives in? Mutliple warhead on HER ass right? Radioactive bunker where her apartment was! Dave has the dirt for you on that too!
So, as ever, ask away
War With 4 Billion Casualties TM
Warrior381 - still no time travel for you my friend. Sorry.