Waco-tpye event?


It's not really a Waco event. It didn't happen in the United States, it happened in Puerto Rico, but let's give it a "maybe" because PR is a U.S. Territory.

Titor didn't say that there woud be "an" event. He said that starting around the time of the 2004 general election we would witness an increase in the frequency of such events culminating in the Weekly Wacky Waco incidents - a once a week event.


It's been 11 months since the 2004 general election but it's also been 19 months since the primaries started for the 2004 election...which marks the beginning of the general election in a larger sense. So I can see why JohnTitorIsFake made the statement about the intervening 19 months.

Personally I think that 19 months is stretching it a bit too much.

In any case I haven't seen an increase in the frequency of this sort of incident. They pop up in the news a couple of times a year.

So, we have one "maybe" and are looking for another "maybe" every 10-14 days for the next year with the time between incidents converging on 7 days over the next two years. In other words, we're looking for 70 to 80 Wacos during the next 26 months because the civil war is supposed to be in full swing by 2008...26 months from now.

He missed on the violence surrounding the 2004 general election. He's already missed another prediction. He said that Western Civilization would suffer a catastrophic collapse in 2005. But 2005 is going, going, gone in 12 weeks...and Western Civilization seems to be reasonably well intact.

That's not all that important, really. According to the saga the collapse of Western Civilization is simply the entire basis for the world war...nothing to be concerned about.

It's been fully 5 years since Boomer wrote this story. When he wrote it 2008 was a long time out into the future. Pleanty of time for people to contemplate the subtle "predictions" of the story. But time is growing short and we're getting beyond the time when we look for subtle clues.

We are, according to Titor's Saga, on a headlong course racing blindly toward the total collapse of Western Civilization, a massive civil war in the USA and a nuclear holacaust that kills half of the population of planet Terra...and the whole enchilada comes to a head in 26 months.

By this time, according to the timeline of events in the saga, we should experiencing a period of not at all subtle domestic violence. And it just isn't there.

There are enough of us still around who personally experienced a real live civil war in the USA from 1968 to 1974. There was nothing subtle about the events. Time is running out and there just isn't much of anything going on. Titor has grossly missed on every "prediction" where he made reasonably clear and concise statements about what was to come. The civil war was one such sequence of events.

But there's a little time left. People (I suppose) can only hope that they witness bloodshed, bombs and general misery because then they could say, "See...Titor said this would happen" and feel happy that they were able to say that (though if Titor was actualy right they wouldn't have much of an audience to thumb their nose at, would they? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif)

(Actually the Titor Saga wasn't too bad an effort considering that it was written by a 15 year old kid.
Great post Darby..

Here is my opinion on the entire Titor saga.
When I first read all the posts that JT left(about 2 years ago), I was astonished, amazed and I believed. Since then, time has changed my mind on the entire subject. If you look back to 2000-2001 when he first posted these predictions of our future, it really was not a hard thing to do. From my personal experience from reading these posts over and over and over again, he never gave an extact estimate(what I mean by an exact estimate is that he always dodged the bullet of the kind of questions that were asked or gave everyone an answer that can be interpreted 10 different ways) or prediction on anything but the war and things leading to the war. It is not very hard for someone to pull this off, especially since the days of the internet. I think a lot of people still believe him because he was the first person that did this, at least I think so. So it's like your first true love, "you never love someone quite like that again." People want to also believe that time travel is possible so this is another reason why we hold onto this saga. But the facts don't lie guys and this stuff that he predicted just isn't going to happen...I also realize that all of you are engineers, scientists, etc, so I am giving you my point of view from "outside the box" in a business sense, I guess sometimes you need that..

And it is true, he is probably a member of this forum still and laughing everytime someone posts something about him...so ha ha, there's a little laugh for you, JT.

I just think y'all are hanging on to something that is not there and stretching Titor's words too far, in my opinion. But it was a very well played, well thought out story that intriged a lot of our minds and gave us something to talk about for the past 5 years. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Western Civilization would suffer a catastrophic collapse in 2005...

Katrina, Rita, New Orleans, Houston, Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana, highest unemployeement rate ever, highest poverty rate ever, 8 Trillion in national debt, extrodinarily high gas prices at the pump that everyone feels...

Personally I would classify all of these elements as a catastrophic collapse from the world we were in only 2 months ago.

highest unemployeement rate ever
Well, let's start with this one, as it is clearly untrue. Please look back to the Jimmy Carter era for unemployment rates well in excess of 9%! Furthermore, there was a story on the news that these hurricanes were actually creating a BOOM in jobs in the gulf area, for reasons that should be obvious.


It's not really a Waco event. It didn't happen in the United States, it happened in Puerto Rico, but let's give it a "maybe" because PR is a U.S. Territory.

Titor didn't say that there woud be "an" event. He said that starting around the time of the 2004 general election we would witness an increase in the frequency of such events culminating in the Weekly Wacky Waco incidents - a once a week event. In any case I haven't seen an increase in the frequency of this sort of incident. They pop up in the news a couple of times a year.

So, we have one "maybe" and are looking for another "maybe" every 10-14 days for the next year with the time between incidents converging on 7 days over the next two years. In other words, we're looking for 70 to 80 Wacos during the next 26 months because the civil war is supposed to be in full swing by 2008...26 months from now.

He missed on the violence surrounding the 2004 general election. He's already missed another prediction. He said that Western Civilization would suffer a catastrophic collapse in 2005. But 2005 is going, going, gone in 12 weeks...and Western Civilization seems to be reasonably well intact.

When I actually think about it, that makes a lot of sense. Like I have said, I dont really want what Titor said to be true, but in some ways it would make sense (at least to me) if it was. I wouldn't say western civilisation is 100% intact, 75% certainly, but 100% no. Also, as I think I have said before, Titor could be talking the biggest load of horse manure this side of Nixon (no offense meant /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif) but what he said could still happen, I believe in coincidence.
I still don't see how this is a catostrophic event...?
it's certainly not going to be the one that hits the united states
ok here's a little number crunching
population of new orleans...and I'll just triple it to get a better number for the surrounding area.... and this is the greater new orleans area tripled....
now the population of the united states
(not to mention the rest of "wester civilization")
now throw in a little division
and you end up with 1.5% of the population
now granted all the family members...add a few million you may reach 2.5
I feel it's a devistating blow to all those involved and can't imagine the hardships
but in the macrocosm (I hope that's not out of context! hah), in the "big" picture...though compared to everyday events it's quite a bit larger than most, it's still not enough to bring the collapse of anything but the levys, cities, and some of the people's lives.

with sympathy
Western Civilization would suffer a catastrophic collapse in 2005...
I don't believe I remember any such catastrophic collapse happening last year... as this poster would have us believe.

So I guess this means there is hope for humanity! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
New/Improved RMT, now anonymized for your discretion!