WACO events.

I would expect them to happen very soon after Bush is granted his second term. When he doesn't have to worry about his image anymore since he can't have a third term, he will scrap what's left of the constitution.
When he doesn't have to worry about his image anymore since he can't have a third term, he will scrap what's left of the constitution.

Hi JS.

This would make for a good novel, wouldn't it? :D However, there are two unstated assumptions in this scenario:

1) Republican party retains control over BOTH the House and Senate after 2004 elections (House control is probably a given, but Senate could be dicey).
2) Congress would rubber-stamp (make law) any additional incursions against the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights.

We are not a dictatorship. Balance Of Power is still in effect, and will hopefully remain so.

Kind Regards,
You're right. It's not a dictatorship, and I don't believe it will become one. GW is a puppet just like most of the rest of the GOP.

As far as the senate remaining republican, THEY have ways to get what they want that democrats do not employ nor are in power to do if they did. (Such as blacklist democratic voters by calling them felons, close democratic county polling places early, lose ballots in democratic counties, all of which they did in Florida for GW.)

Unfortunately, I believe that the repulicans are much more united it their thinking, philosophies, policies, and decision making than the democrats. They are much more of a unit. There are far fewer "defectors" in the GOP when it comes to voting. We're screwed.
GW is a puppet just like most of the rest of the GOP.

You appear to infer here that Clinton (and other past presidents, regardless of their political parties) was NOT a puppet. I can't accept the argument that one political party is the devil and the other is an angel, which is why I avoid general attacks on political parties (or any non-homogenous group of people).

Unfortunately, I believe that the repulicans are much more united it their thinking, philosophies, policies, and decision making than the democrats. They are much more of a unit. There are far fewer "defectors" in the GOP when it comes to voting.

I admire your honesty in this assessment. For now we see that there are, indeed, two parts to any problem. While my life philosophies tend towards the conservative (especially fiscally), I do not blindly follow, nor endorse, either party. But the Democratic party is certainly having a cohesiveness problem that they cannot seem to solve. This problem is every bit as pertinent to Balance Of Power (and associated power grabs) as are Republican tactics to increase power of the FBI.

My personal assessment of the root of the problem is the Democratic fixation with re-taking the White House, and I don't just mean in the upcoming presidential election. The Dems are making decisions which are, for all intents and purposes, "puppeted" by the Clintons. Why? Because the Clintons have pretty much resigned themselves to a DEM loss in 2004, and are instead focusing on what they need to do to ensure Hillary has her shot in 2008. As a result of their selfish concern for 4 years from now, they are doing things that are clearly not in the best interests of both the Democratic Party (tearing it apart from within) nor the American people.

If Bush and the Repubs are going to burn Rome, it seems clear to me that the Clintons and the Dems will be the ones fiddling by the fire! Do you HONESTLY think that Dean is the best DEM for the job, AND has the ability to beat Bush? I don't. But the DEM party seems to be convincing its constituency that he does. The split between Gore and the Clintons is evident in that Gore backs Dean and the Clintons back Clark. Neither have what it takes. If I was forced to pick a DEM, I would rely on Gephardt or Lieberman.

Kind Regards,
I don't understand what happened. I read some stuff about some guy saying the world was ending and the BI were doing something. All I know was that their was a massacere but why... I don't know.
Could someone tell me please.
You appear to infer here that Clinton (and other past presidents, regardless of their political parties) was NOT a puppet. I can't accept the argument that one political party is the devil and the other is an angel, which is why I avoid general attacks on political parties (or any non-homogenous group of people).

There is another organization which most republicans are loyal to that most democrats are not affiliated with. These individuals DO act as a homogenous unit with very little deviation, especially when it pertains to their objective of world domination.

Do you HONESTLY think that Dean is the best DEM for the job, AND has the ability to beat Bush? I don't. But the DEM party seems to be convincing its constituency that he does. The split between Gore and the Clintons is evident in that Gore backs Dean and the Clintons back Clark. Neither have what it takes. If I was forced to pick a DEM, I would rely on Gephardt or Lieberman.

I think Dean is a joke. He doesn't stand a chance. Gephardt would be my democratic choice but I never vote republican or democratic if I can avoid it because niether party appears to value the preservation of the planet or humanitarian concerns. People who are not humanitarian are just highly evolved animals.
There is another organization which most republicans are loyal to that most democrats are not affiliated with. These individuals DO act as a homogenous unit with very little deviation, especially when it pertains to their objective of world domination.

I assume you refer to the Masons. I am aware of what people on the outside attribute to them, and believe it *could* be true. But for all we know, the info promulgated by outsiders about the "true" goal of Masonry could just be stories. Any order that secretive is certainly going to go to great lengths to keep things under wraps. There's just not enough objective evidence for my tastes. It's similar to the stories of the Bilderburgers. Some pretty wild stories about them, and one such story is that Clinton is one of them. Again, I might believe it if there were more objective evidence.

Gephardt would be my democratic choice but I never vote republican or democratic if I can avoid it because niether party appears to value the preservation of the planet or humanitarian concerns.

Nice to find even more common ground that we share. I voted for Perot in '92 because he was the FIRST candidate to come to the table with charts and graphs. As an engineer who is highly analytical, this told me he meant business. I was made to feel like I wasted my vote by the way I was chastised. My vote for Bush in 2000 was really a vote against Gore. I was not pleased with either choice, and nor was I pleased with the way Nader was closed-out of the debates! Shame on BOTH parties for that stunt! I also think it is sad that a VP who served a 2-term president is automatically (more or less) GIVEN the nomination for the next election. It wasn't right for Bush I, and it was just as wrong with Gore. There were better people to lead us in both cases.

The founding fathers (yes, they were Masons, but I think of a different breed) understood number and geometry. They understood that dyads are essentially unstable when they get out of balance. They also understood triads are stable under all conditions. Hence, the tripartate form of government they gave us (EXECUTIVE-LEGISLATIVE-JUDICIAL) has remained stable over many years. However, the two party system has compromised it. It is high time for a third, equally strong party to arrive on the scene as a means to balance the imbalance we currently see between the donkeys and the elephants!

Kind Regards,
I assume you refer to the Masons.

I was refering to the Illuminati. Comparing the Masons to the Illuminati is like comparing the Boy Scouts to the Marines.

The founding fathers (yes, they were Masons, but I think of a different breed) understood number and geometry. They understood that dyads are essentially unstable when they get out of balance. They also understood triads are stable under all conditions. Hence, the tripartate form of government they gave us (EXECUTIVE-LEGISLATIVE-JUDICIAL) has remained stable over many years. However, the two party system has compromised it. It is high time for a third, equally strong party to arrive on the scene as a means to balance the imbalance we currently see between the donkeys and the elephants!

That is why parties were not allowed in the original constitution.
Comparing the Masons to the Illuminati is like comparing the Boy Scouts to the Marines.

Now THAT was a great analogy! :D

Noting where you live, allow me to offer my condolences on the Packers. I would rather have seen them go to the NFC championship than the Eagles. Wouldn't it be odd if this year's Super Bowl was the PATRIOTS vs. the EAGLES? Perhaps some sort of sign from Providence?

Kind Regards,
I would expect them to happen very soon after Bush is granted his second term. When he doesn't have to worry about his image anymore since he can't have a third term, he will scrap what's left of the constitution.

While I'm not fond of the legislation passed under Bush administration (Patriot Acts I and II, anyone?), I would like to point out one flaw in this statement. John Titor characterized the President in the year 2005 as someone who tried to be "the next Lincoln," someone who tried his damndest to keep the Union together and preserve order. My reading of this is that Titor views the President of 2005 in a positive light; someone who did his very best, but the situation by that point was too out-of-control for any man to handle. So, if indeed Bush does win in 2005 and if you believe John Titor to be telling the truth, then there seems to be a bit of a problem with portraying Bush as such a villain.

Naturally, this flaw is dependent upon your taking John Titor at face value. I assume this to be true, because if were not, then why would you assume that escalated violence between militia and armed resistance would in the coming years in the first place? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Always wondered what THIS statement was actually trying to say:

"Are some areas of the United States safer than others?"

"Take a close look at the county-by-county voting map from the last

Any interpretations?
"Are some areas of the United States safer than others?"

"Take a close look at the county-by-county voting map from the last

Any interpretations?

Yes, indeed. In fact, it is an interesting coincidence, as I just wrote privately to Jim Scannell about this yesterday. Here's my thought of how this *could* come to pass (even though I don't believe Titor was "authentic").

We know that Dean is the current DEM front-runner. We also know, from his own statements, that he is probably the most left-leaning candidate that truly has a shot at his party's nomination. It seems clear to me that the majority of the DEM constituency believes that Bush & his admin is equally as far from center on the right. (Personally, I do believe he is right-of-center, but nowhere near radicals like Buchanan, et. al.)

Rather than selecting a candidate for the party's nomination that is clearly a centrist (a la Gephardt or Lieberman), the DEMs appear to actually WANT someone on the radical left. I'm not sure of the logic, but it might be faulty logic that somehow wants to "balance" Bush's and the REPUB-controlled Congress' tendencies on the right.

The scenario I see as potentially playing-out that *could* lead to a major rift in the ideology of the US population (which would be fuel for a potential civil war) goes like this:

1) DEMs select Dean to oppose Bush in NOV. At this point, it looks like none of the DEM contenders could really challenge Bush, but that could change and it could become a closer race.
2) DEM sentiment is still "smarting" from 2000, where they continue to feel like Bush "stole" the election, citing popular vote for Gore. The reality (Constitution) is electoral vote is what counts, and more than one unofficial recount in FL (by various media outlets) show Bush the winner in all of them.
3) The microscope will be on high-power for this coming election, with regard to any voting irregularities. I guarantee you that the DEMs will find some, and no matter how insignificant they might actually be, the DEMs will hype them with all their spin doctors.
4) Dean is not Gore. He will NOT "go quietly into that good night" if he loses, especially if his party's spin doctors ratchet-up DEM public sentiment about "unfairness". But he DOES have Gore on his side, and that means all of Gore's legal and "spin" resources, should this come to pass.
5) I would expect to see protests and formal electoral disputes in those states with strong DEM constituencies...and enough electoral votes to potentially be swing states.
6) If the electoral vote is even remotely as close as 2000, and DEM protests at state-levels get groundswell support, you may see a protracted dispute all the way up to and at the formal electoral college vote.
7) Far from being a "Republican-only" instituted climate for a potential civil war, what we see here in this scenario is the two parties moving SO far from center in their respective directions, that they literally pull-apart the nation along party lines.
8) And hence, the voting map from 2000 would appear to be a good indicator of how the country could potentially split if this scenario comes to pass.

Just my theory based on observations. I am not a loyalist to any party, even though my philosophies lean towards conservatism. There are things about Bush that I don't like, just like there were things about Clinton I did like. However, I think the DEMs are skating on thin ice if they put forward a radical like Dean, backed by Gore.

Kind Regards,
What you say makes sense, as it is predicted that the next election will be nastier than the last (presidential). It would also make sense, that if Dean were the Dem nom, and he prevails in the election, that the country would be further torn apart as those on the right are less likely to take it "sitting down" than those on the left. Whereas the left has held mostly peaceful protests over the last couple of years, the right would be more likely to form "militia groups", and force the president (Dean) to send troops in to deal with his own citizens. Not a pretty picture, indeed.
Thanks kaliyuga,

Your added thoughts are certainly clarifying, believable, and also chilling...all at the same time. Thanks for helping to call attention to this possibility. They say that one measure of a person, and indeed an entire national culture, is to be able to predict the bad things that may occur in your future, and adopt attitudes and plans to ensure they don't come to pass.

Perhaps one reason for what I am calling "The John Titor Experiment/Project" is to shock us and make us look at what COULD come to pass, with the hope that the shock of what COULD BE motivates us to be proactive, vigilant, and above all positive that we CAN act to prevent it.

One thing that (IMHO) makes America great is learning from not only the history of others, but especially from our own history. We are nothing more than "just another country" if we are a people divided; however, we are an amazing force for justice, fairness, & comfort when...

United We Stand

Kind Regards (for peace!),

I wonder if the Titor creator had knowledge of some of the Hopi prophecy. After reading this, I noticed quite a few similarities with the stories:

As he gazed out onto the landscape toward the
setting sun, the sky suddenly turned back to
a liquid and turned blood red.

As far as his eyes could see, the sky was
solid red, with no variation in shadow,
texture, or light.

The whole of creation seemed to have grown
still, as if awaiting some unseen command.

Time, place, and destiny seemed to be in
limbo, stilled by the bleeding sky.

He gazed for a long time at the sky, in a
state of awe and terror, for the red color of
the sky was like nothing he had ever seen in
any sunset or sunrise.

The color was that of man, not of Nature, and
it had a vile stench and texture.

It seemed to burn the Earth wherever it
touched. As sunset drifted to night, the
stars shone bright red, the color never
leaving the sky, and everywhere was heard the
cries of fear and pain.

Again the warrior spirit appeared to
Grandfather, but this time as a voice from
the sky. Like thunder, the voice shook the
landscape, saying,

"This, then, is the third sign, the night of
the bleeding stars. It will become known
throughout the world, for the sky in all
lands will be red with the blood of the sky,
day and night. It is then, with this sign of
the third probable future, that there is no
longer hope. Life on Earth as man has lived
it will come to an end, and there can be no
turning back, physically or spiritually. It
is then that the children of the Earth must
run to the wild places and hide. For when
the sky bleeds fire, there will be no safety
in the world of man."

Grandfather sat in shocked horror as the
voice continued.

"From this time, when the stars bleed, to the
fourth and final sign will be four seasons of
peace. It is in these four seasons they must
live deep within the wild places and find a
new home, close to the Earth and the Creator."

"It is only the children of the Earth that
will survive, and they must live the
philosophy of the Earth, never returning to
the thinking of man. Survival will not be
enough, for the children of the Earth must
also live close to the spirit. Tell them
not to hesitate if and when this third sign
becomes manifest in the stars, for there are
but only four seasons to escape."

Grandfather said that the voice and the red
sky lingered for a week and then were gone as
quickly as they were made manifest.

Grandfather did not remember how many days
he'd spent at the mouth of the cave, nor did
it make a difference, for he had received the
Vision he had come for.

It was in the final night at the Eternal Cave
that the fourth vision came to Grandfather,
this time carried by the voice of a young

The child spoke, saying, "The fourth and
final sign will appear through the next ten
winters following the night that the stars
will bleed. During this time the Earth will
heal itself and man will die. For those ten
years the children of the Earth must remain
hidden in the wild places, make no permanent
camps, and wander to avoid contact with the
last remaining forces of man. THEY MUST
REMAIN HIDDEN, like the ancient scouts and
fight the urge to go back to the destruction
of man. Curiosity could kill many."

There was a long silence, until Grandfather
spoke to the child spirit, asking, "And what
will happen to the worlds of man?"

There was another period of silence until
finally the child spoke again. "There will be
a great famine throughout the world, like man
cannot imagine. Waters will run vile, the
poisons of man's sins running strong in the
waters of the soils, lakes, and rivers. Crops
will fail, the animals of man will die, and
disease will kill the masses. The
grandchildren will feed upon the remains of
the dead, and all about will be cries of pain
and anguish. Roving bands of men will hunt
and kill other men for food, and water will
always be scarce, getting scarcer with each
passing year. The land, the water, the sky
will all be poisoned, and man will live in
the wrath of the Creator. Man will hide at
first in the cities, but there he will die. A
few will run to the wilderness, but the
wilderness will destroy them, for Man will be
destroyed, his cities in ruin, and it is then
that the grandchildren will pay for the sins
of their grandfathers and grandmothers."
Hi Kal:

I wonder if the Titor creator had knowledge of some of the Hopi prophecy.

Indeed, I think The John Titor Project/Experiment creator(s) borrowed heavily from many different sources of information. I think I may have mentioned before that JT's description of the field effect that his device made use of sounded eerily like Dr. Miguel Alcubierre's Warp Drive. The good doctor wrote a paper in 1992 describing how space-time could be warped with two microsingularities placed in front of and behind the person/object that wishes to "fold space".

But let's not forget how long ago it was that Frank Herbert first defined "folding space" in the classic Dune series.

Kind Regards,