Vintage Advertisement for IBM 5100

Thank you very much @Cosmo ! I love slogans and vintage advertising. Personally, I think there are secret messages hidden in them sometimes. Discovered this magazine ad on Ebay back in 2015. It was around a similar time that began observing the TTI collective. Researching the storytelling and legends of JT, it was curious that a specific computer from the 70s was mentioned as significant. IBM may have been the first to open the door to digital currency exchange with the technology of supermarket terminals back then too. What I am super interested in is IF the legends have kernels of truth, did the IBM 5100 translate a computer language to evolve Web3. Digital Rosetta Stone comes to mind. Is it possible that blockchain technology is because of this Titor story. I noticed a few individuals communicating here about nodes and sort of came to this theory. The way STEAM is rapidly evolving is fascinating, especially in the DeFi space. This idea of authenticity, provenance and self-sovereignty is happening in real time before our eyes. There has been some discussion about cryptocurrency here, but I what I would love to know about the future is which blockchain will be the longest lasting? What about quantum blockchains, AI derivatives and the protection of intellectual property? Finally, a different perspective in a financial way about abundance and not about how there is never enough.
This mysterious IBM 5100 computer still in the forefront of the Legend of John Titor. The use of APL, BASIC and other legacy mainframe languages is intriguing- always felt like a digital Rosetta Stone possibly hiding in its circuits. Over a decade pondering this particular computer and an intriguing thing came up on the TL this week. I read an article about how emojis can smuggle in arbitrary data thru its Unicode. It is ability to hide bytes of data within any Unicode character by simply not including that data within the render pipeline. Unicode contains a render command that allows additional, unseen data to be embedded but not displayed effectively enabling hidden messages within Unicode characters. Wowzers ! The art of steganography just got a high tech makeover !


I am not an expert but doesn’t that create another Y2K moment potentially ?