View of our times....


Quantum Scribe
I have a post that i would like to share...

I wrote it in response to TTA's comment specifcally for Ray's 'pyramids thread', but it also relates to many others. So as to not disrupt the flow of these threads, I shall post it in its own.

Much of the information here is not "New-age". Though have you ever wondered as to why you have this response? People such as "new agers", get their half-baked theories from others before them, and those in turn, from others 'information'. They are concerned mainly in reaching a safety zone of understanding for the ego, prestige from their peers and also in many instances - comercial value. They learn enough to reach and maintain this facade of knowlege, no more. They wil not expend the energy in going far enough to find out the real 'truth'.

They would not have read past page 2 of the 'Pyramid' thread, i can assure you. The scientific route that the thread follows and originates from is quite essential to most of us here. Some of us find it hard (or at least i know i do), however its has already taken the thread to levels were it wouldn't normally have gone. We can use the science to evaluate and analyse our more abstract views. We can even do this to the point of weighing them up against provable scientific observation, with regards to the movement and behaviour of the universe. Which is what Ray (and others) are doing.

I only mention this as it may be the case that people are not posting for fear that they will be seen to be contributing to "New age" nonsense. When in fact, they would be walking where most new agers would not dare nor have the capacity to tread.

The New age movement (including the colourful world of 'commercial radionics') was created and instigated decades ago for the very conditioning that instils this automatic response from people when subjects of this nature crop up. Think about it!

Think of the old knowledge (which always did contain science and maths to a fairly high degree) as a collective of all of shakespeares works..... which case "New agers" gain their view of things by skim-reading the 32 page "GCSE quick guide to Macbeth". Even then, the guide is on loan and annotated by someone else.

Kind Regards,
Re: OllyB HASN\'T been drinking the Kool Aid!

Hello MS,

My purpose with this post is not about defending - i'm giving you a few facts about the new-age movement, what they are, and how they differ with regard to the subject matter(s) in question. Just incase popular perception was putting certain potential posters off.

If you disagree with the subject matter in the threads however, thats entirely different and indeed your own choice.

kindest regards,