Vibration, Consciousness, 2012, & TT Hoaxes


Super Moderator
I offer commentary on some of the discussions from the following link:

There is an awful lot here, but I wanted to highlight a few things because they reflect things that have been discussed on this forum, and they also address why I (personally) think it is important to expose TT hoaxers who bring us "gloom and doom" stories of the future. So here we go:

The Aztecs and the Mayans saw it, and so did many others who studied the movement of energy on Earth: The energy of 2012 will arrive on time no matter if you are here or not! Remember, in an older scenario called the "Armageddon," you would not have been here at all! It doesn't matter what you do, Gaia will deliver this renaissance energy to an empty planet if that is the case, and would have been! The entire Human test is about the vibratory consciousness of humanity, and how ready it will be for what will occur anyway. For the energy clock ticks the plan of the solar system, and that won't change. All of our work is about how much you will change in anticipation of taking advantage of it. (emphasis mine)
Several of us here have talked about vibrations, frequencies, resonance and how (scientifically) these concepts of CYCLES are intimately linked with TIME. We can easily witness the energetic power of change that is realized by harmonics and resonance. Not only are these aspects of cycles central to making music (which can affect our emotions in "positive" and "negative" ways), but we also know from mechanics that NATURAL FREQUENCIES at which bodies RESONANT are the points where maximum mechanical energy is released. There are a great many other examples of harmonics and resonance that we can cite from our technologies of today, but these are on a "microcosmic" scale when we consider our solar system, or our galaxy, or even our entire universe.

The important connection we need to make is that the POWER OF CYCLES (harmonics/resonance) that we observe in the microcosm is also one of the major governing factors of our cosmos on a macocosmic scale. That is literally what 2012 is all about. As scientifically shown in other threads, with other links, the Mayan calendar ends its 13th baktun cycle in 2012, and that corresponds to a special "point in time" that marks a changing from the old cycle to the new cycle. Since our earth, and our solar system, and our galaxy (and indeed our entire universe) operate on cycles, then it stands to reason there are points of "resonance" where the ways in which energy expresses itself in the physical domain are different.... are amplified (just like a NATURAL RESONANT FREQUENCY). And it is further no accident or coincidence that our rapid technological maturity here in the INFORMATION age is reaching quite a crecendo as we approach 2012. It is no accident that we have now completely "sequenced" (cycled?) the human genome prior to 2012. And the human genome, as we know, is the "INFORMATION storehouse" for what constitutes humanity.

But now let's see how Kryon addresses those "gloom and doomers" (and yes, I categorize all the people who insist upon hoaxing TT stories just to tell us how "evil" and "bad" our future will be). Again the emphasis in bold are mine:
Let me take you right now to the words of the fear mongers, for they create the conspiracies that are everywhere. They're here in the hallway outside, you know? They abound. Anything that happens on the earth right now creates conspiratorial views around everything. Let me tell you this is because when there is no guidance and there appears to be no core-good and no center, conspiracies abound everywhere. When there is no central guidance, information flies in all directions. And the thing that often wins in the darkness is fear. It's strong and with you now. All you have to do is tune in to hear it, for those who like to expound on what you are afraid of will win if you stay in the dark with the others.
There it is. Kryon is pointing out the same things I have: INFORMATION and how it plays into FEAR. This is the "new way" for people to control other people. The Good News is that we live in the INFORMATION age, and that means that INFORMATION is at our fingertips. And we can use that INFORMATION along with our Free Will to combat FEAR. It is really quite easy, and it is the "formula" by which we change our world... one mind/soul/spirit at a TIME!

Do you now see why we call you Lighthouses? You are Lightworkers who create light so that fear cannot and will not take charge. But some of the Lighthouses that are reading this are consumed with the dark, not realizing that they are their own salvation. They are starving to death, while their pockets are filled with food.
That's the message folks. YOU are in control of your OWN salvation. If you sit at home in fear, buying into all the conspiracy theories (and TT hoaxers who spew gloom and doom) then you are not acting as to be in control of your own salvation. Rather, you act like the victim, and this is how you will see yourself (and perhaps society in general)... as "victims of the powers that be." BUT... YOU ARE THE POWERS THAT BE! The power of I AM!
And then they say, "You know, the Mayans and the Aztecs said that in 2012 we'll have the end of time. That means we'll all be gone in a few years!" And that, dear Human Being, is the picture that is painted by so many who watch you and this organization. They look around and all they can see is the darkness.
And have not some of us here said that what we are really facing is the "end of ORDINARY Time"? Have some of us not said this will actually be a joyous, as opposed to a DARK event? The question to each individual is:

Would you rather 2012 be a dark, fearful, and death-filled change of cycle, or would you rather it be a happy, joyful, new evolution of the human condition?

YOU choose. I have made my choice, and so have many others who understand the power of Choice, Free Will.... of INTENTION!

There are some other very interesting.... potentials (as in Potential energy) in the rest of Kryon's message to the UN. I encourage you to read it. It may surprise you (or encourage you) to read POSITIVE messages (about POSITIVE potentials) for our future!

Be well & Kind Regards,