
Temporal Novice
to whom it may concern : This is john, its been so long i forgot my password to my email account so therefore i had to make another account, time is running out so i will just make this last post short and sweet, something terrible is about to happen, i cannot let you guys know what is going to happen otherwise iam playing god. but the internet will go down shortly after what happens so there will be no way for me to inform you guys about anything anymore. time has run out i must go back in time before my time is expired
From link at GLP Huge UFO now on satellite image!

Anybody know what this is? Looks too big to be a satellite.

main page about the spacecraft taking this pic:

About the IMAGE Spacecraft
IMAGE is the first mission dedicated to "seeing" Earth´s space environment and watching solar activity drive space weather.

From GLP posting board, link>Said John Titor said in a post today, at a TT posting board, to watch out, as in a short amount of time, the net would go down and something horrible would happen?

I´m doing some clerical at my desk and my rifle is there incase I need it.

Needs cleaned any way.

Anyone comes though my door unauthorized,..............well?

Met an alien on a posting board, showed him your guys data, on PX and the sun and his group freaked out and returned via portal, yesterday.

He said that year 2156, your sun implodes and all life years before this, will be dead on Earth?

Part two in spotted UFO over South pole series>
Anonymous Coward
3:14 am EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth

Some of those images were taken back in 2002. Wouldn´t they have landed by now?
3:17 am EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth

are these confirmed sightings?
Anonymous Coward
3:41 am EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth

They´re not going to land. They have front row seats for the upcoming show.
Anonymous Coward
4:09 am EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth

I don´t know what they are, but they are here. I have no idea what their plans are.
5:17 am EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth

Anonymous Coward
5:21 am EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth

Historically, the concept of delusional disorder is derived from the classic Greek concept of paranoia or paranous, meaning beside (para) mind (nous). With the historical absence of a unified and rigorous diagnostic system, the term paranoia has been used to describe a multitude of observed phenomena, some of which are now associated with the category of delusional disorder. Delirium associated with fever, delusional jealousy, generalized suspiciousness, and even poor decision-making have been labeled as paranoia. Other labels, including morbid jealousy, conjugal paranoia or Othello syndrome, erotomania or Clerambault syndrome, folie à deux, and late paraphrenia, also have been attached to syndromes in which delusions are the central feature.

Early conceptualizations of paranoia preceded Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926), but Kraepelin is credited with defining paranoia in a rigorous way. Interestingly, his definition most closely parallels the modern definition of delusional disorder.

Kraepelin described paranoia as the presence of a fixed delusional system with the absence of hallucinations and personality deterioration. He also observed various subtypes of paranoia, including persecutory, grandiose, erotomanic, and jealous. Kraepelin also concluded that paranoia was primarily a disorder of personality and judgment influenced largely by environmental factors.

Various people contributed to the concept of paranoia, including Ernst Kretschmer, who described sensitive, pessimistic, narcissistic, and depressive personality traits that were thought to relate to the presence of the condition. In his analysis of the memoirs of Judge Daniel Paul Schreber, Sigmund Freud recognized the presence of delusions and circumscribed paranoia in the absence of deterioration of personality. However, rather than focus on “the character of the products of the delusion (and) an estimate of their general influence on the patient’s behavior,” Freud chose to analyze how “structures so extraordinary . . . (are) derived from the most general and comprehensible of human impulses.” In concert with his drive-conflict model of psychology, Freud attributed Schreber’s delusional symptoms to repressed homosexual impulses, providing one of the first psychological explanations of delusions and paranoia.

The concept of paranoia was largely lost under the influence of Eugen Bleuler (1857-1939) and his description of schizophrenia. Bleuler paid little attention to paranoia, believing it too rare to consider as a separate diagnosis. DSM-I (1952), DSM-II (1968), and DSM-III (1980) refocused attention on the concept of paranoid disorders, describing acute and chronic versions along with persecutory and grandiose delusional content as defining characteristics.

The DSM-III-R (1987) authors sought to clarify the boundaries and presented the currently used concept of delusional disorder. No longer was paranoia the central feature but, rather, the circumscribed presence of nonbizarre delusions. The definition adopted in the DSM-III-R was very close to Kraepelin’s original classification system. Subtyping based on content was expanded and included erotomanic, grandiose, jealous, persecutory, somatic, mixed, and unspecified categories. Unlike Kraepelin, hallucinatory symptoms were allowed into the diagnostic grouping. DSM-IV (1994) and DSM-IV-TR (1999) largely preserve DSM III-R definitions. CURRENT DIAGNOSIS Section 4 of 10
1:59 pm EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth

Anonymous Coward
2:08 pm EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth

Anonymous Coward
2:15 pm EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth

All I see is a stupid timelapse satellite image. Dumbf**k.
2:25 pm EDT
More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth

paint shop pro.

some people are so full of useless bullsh*t.
Anonymous Coward
2:54 pm EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth

You know, you can take your DSM-3 delusional disorder and stick it up your a**. You are aware that you are describing anybody with religious beliefs or faith in a God, do you not? Your words are meaningless. They are just that, empty words.
3:17 pm EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth

thos images are not paintshop i have the video you can see loads flying about
3:25 pm EDT
More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth

oh, please.
go read up on CCD imaging and IR photography.
and come back when you know how to distinguish noise from signal.
Anonymous Coward
3:35 pm EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth

Well, taking the time to review the article at:,
there is a suggestion that these presumed alien spacecrafts have a propulsion system which generates strong elctromagnetic fields, enough so to be detected by the GOES satellites in geosynchronous orbit. As captured by the GOES infrared images, the presumed objects appear to be cubical, with a round structure located within each cubical field, emitting heat and appearing to be much hotter than the surrounding cubical field, yet in other areas of the atmosphere appearing as cooler structures, white, like the clouds. The structures are large, being visible From a staellite 23000 miles above the Earth. Taking these observations and applying them to the satellite infrared segment taken from the GOES 12, again, there appears to be strong electromagnetic disturbances caused by the proximity of these presumed alien crafts, causing bands of interference over the satellite images, as the vessels become briefly visible to the infrared imager.

Another curious detail noted-the GOES satellite series degrade rather quickly, and also appear to be cubical, like the presumed alien vessels.
Anonymous Coward
3:42 pm EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth

I wish I knew more about infrared imaging and CCD processors. I might be able to understand these rather strange infrared-luminous bodies flying about, sometimes following one another like they are good friends out for a night of exploration. They show up with infrared goggles, but fortunately, they also become visible when I use a bright flash from my digital camera. Notice the one by the refrigerator door reflecting onto the door. Probably just dust, I´m sure.
3:48 pm EDT
More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth

TMG ?!?!
that´s your source?
why don´t you ask nancy?
or maybe get in to the lotus position and contact the zetas to see what they think.

if you want to read, start here:

then go here:

you´ll find all kinds of usefull info that can help with *informed* decision making.
Anonymous Coward
3:55 pm EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth

AC 3:42 -

Interesting pics. These only show up with IR goggles? You can´t see them with the naked eye?

From GLP productions at link>;topic=3&showdate=8/8/04&replies=27

27 hours...

Many people are warning of coming events, take their warnings seriously!

Tomorrow is the highest probability that the "first event" could happen.

Basically, it could happen at any time, but...just in case your physically and mentally ready.
Anonymous Coward
6:43 am EDT 27 hours...

Anonymous Coward
6:43 am EDT 27 hours...

evey day for 3 years has the same warning, so which freakin day it gonna be you progastaters
Anonymous Coward
6:50 am EDT 27 hours...

6:55 am EDT 27 hours...

The problem is we are in a time where the big things have began to shift, the so-often called "New Age" isn´t an illsion!

The "shift" began roughly with the year 2000. The peak in the stock market marked the end of the "old times". The stock market is a reflection of the psycho of the investors and there were many many investors at that time. Now it´s evident that the psych of such a great mass has the probability of sensing moods in a precognitive way ("global consciousness"). Now look at a 10 year Nasdaq-Chart and you know what I mean.

September 11 was a signal event, it flipped geopolitical patterns in a dramatic way. After that there was a surge in interest of our future. Thats why everyone wants to make a prophecy, wants to gather "pre-knowledge".

Currently it´s like "something cookin". It began months ago with N&W, Aussie Bloke. This sense was more and more transformed into public during June - reality is loading...

and least the numbers have ´somethin´...
Anonymous Coward
8:13 am EDT 27 hours...

Anonymous Coward
8:21 am EDT 27 hours...

you mean tomorrow today or tomoorrow tomorrow
Anonymous Coward
8:31 am EDT 27 hours...

are you saying 8/8 (Sunday) or 8/9 (Monday), and what do the numbers "mean"?
8:56 am EDT 27 hours...

davinrf nli
8:59 am EDT 27 hours...

Thanks Osama....
12:14 pm EDT 27 hours...

27 hours from OP original post would make it 9:40 am, 8/9/04 which is Monday. This would be 10 minutes after the opening bell at the NYSE.

With respect to the stock market I saw this on another site yesterday:

From Friday 8/5/04
" George, watch 9,852 on the Dow. If we close under that, get out of the way. It sets up a Black Monday scenario like the one back in 1987..."

The DOW closed at 9815.33....

Not a prediction, just passin along items others might not have seen.

Got gold?? Got silver??
ac sockpuppet
12:16 pm EDT 27 hours...

This looks like [censored]. It smells like [censored]. It tastes like [censored]. Hey, this [censored] IS [censored]! and let me tell you, that [censored] smells good and my hair feels great as well ... the two conspiracy nutjobs are walking at night down the street and come up to a pile of something on the ground. nutjob says to conspiracy wacko, "Hey man, what´s that?" whacko says, "I don´t know". They go through the process of examining the item, they smell it, they touch it, and they conclude that it smells, tastes and looks like "[censored]", then they proceed to how they are glad that they are glad that they didn´t step in it. They were oblivious to the fact that they did much worse than merely step in "[censored]". They had the object in their hands, they put the object in their mouths, and they smelled the darn thing and totally rejected the knowledge all of that initialed. Let them go on saying "CONSPIRACY", I recognize them for the ignorance they exhibit.
12:19 pm EDT 27 hours...

There´s a correlation between tomorrow and 911, find it
You´re a do*k.
12:51 pm EDT 27 hours...

1:01 pm EDT 27 hours...

...There´s a correlation between tomorrow and 911, find it

Could it be:

9 11
-1 -1
8 10

Oops, that would be Tuesday
Anonymous Coward
1:26 pm EDT 27 hours...

After climbing to a high some three percent above 10,000 in the first couple of weeks of the new year, last Friday the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed back below this psychologically important level and now stock prices are accelerating downward. With yesterday´s 200+ point sell-off, the DJIA reached a parallel position to early-September of 2001, JUST BEFORE THE TERROR OF 9-11-01 OCCURRED.
Anonymous Coward
1:35 pm EDT 27 hours...

ac sockpuppet:

you are a big poopyhead.
1:42 pm EDT
27 hours...

Thank you, thank you, thank you OP. You just reminded me that tomorrow is my parents wedding anniversary!
1:47 pm EDT
27 hours...

So.....are you saying a terror attack tomorrow?
Five Fires
1:52 pm EDT
27 hours...

Cocked and locked. Roger that. Could someone please pass me a brownie? Anybody need a clip?
Anonymous Coward
1:58 pm EDT 27 hours...

Anonymous Coward
1:59 pm EDT 27 hours...

9 + 11 + 01 = 21

8 + 9 + 04 = 21

2 + 1 = 3

3 = nuclear
2:01 pm EDT 27 hours...

The correlation hasn´t been found yet!
Anonymous Coward
3:07 pm EDT 27 hours...

3:30 pm EDT
27 hours...

Why 3 = nuclear?
Amazon Woman
3:57 pm EDT
27 hours...

Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA Stock Index at Close of Month.

Forecast updated as of July 13, 2004:

AUGUST 2004 - 7,630

Edited: Chart link too long.
Amazon Woman
3:58 pm EDT
27 hours...

Well shucks' sorry about that link.
From GLP link at>;topic=3&showdate=8/8/04&replies=10

Message from White Buffalo Calf Woman

The Crop of the Serpent is about to be cut down.
The meeting of the fortunates will soon commence.
Be not fearful of the coming events.
Be ever on the ready spiritually.
The Serpent has ruled unjustly and unfairly.
The drumming will soon begin.
The Great Light will shine.
The Great Spirit will announce: "I shall gather all that are mine."

for full letter visit:
John from the past tell me what was growing in most of the garden in atlantis.
And the color of most of them.
If you have it right I'll know you been back in time or have knowledge from the past like I hope you have.

John does it have to do with a certain date soon to come.
Many changes will come to be after this date. From landscape to geography. Why can't you help on this one. It would not change much in your time line anyway as we both know. Only more would make it to your time after.


You did not answer my question about why you are now using a smaller vehicul to travel?
The weight of the unit seam smaller why?
The logo of your traveller patch as change a bit from John'n. New meaning?
And living in an motel room unther a different name with your NCO doesn't this look weird to the people of the motel. Mind you the place does not look to expensive and is not a eye catcher either. Best place to go underground. Untill your done with your mission. Do you still have to report to command every 24 hrs like John had too?

hey john am still not convinced.
i need some proof man.
and if u cant tell us what is going to happen then just tell us when it is going to happen.

Ok all, I'm sticking my neck out here again by posting, especially since there are many skeptics here and even infiltrators waiting for some ever tiny piece of info. to maybe come through on this board. Like the one we are encountering now with this new post from "John Titor".

I can tell you this, I am a clairvoyant dreamer. Leading up to 9-11 I had alot of very very strange dreams that directly pointed to 9-11 though at the time I had them, they were nothing but chaotic and confusing.

I've been dreaming again! Lots of chaos is coming again of that much I can be sure. The rest is total speculation as I have to sort and filter my dreams through my ego consciousness and that can be very difficult, even for the most gifted.

I can tell you that what's about to happen is going to affect the U.S. Economy in a VERY BIG WAY!!
Exactly how, I couldn't say with any bit of clarity. I can also tell you that there are very dark "cabal" like forces at work here. People with tremendous power. WHO they are, I couldn't say for certain.

All I will say is that you need to really be listening to your intuitive self right now and asking your higher self, or God or whomever, to help you prepere and be open to the things you need to connect with to assist you in what's to come.

The exact timing can never be certain because of variables. Something I'm sure John understands well.

If you go back to my introductory post, I am the lady whose son had the encounter I believe, with someone from a future timeline that told him some things. I chose not to talk about that subject anymore and to infact, just forget about it, but I can tell you this, what he told my Son is connected to all of this. I only mention this because I know with a post like this, the skeptical are going to research all of my posts. I think I've been very straight forward and am certainly not trying to draw any attention to myself in any way whatsoever. In fact, I'd rather not!

I think you should seriously consider that this poster really was J.Titor and again, pay attention to your dreams and your inner voices! YOU are the only one that can prepare yourself for what seems to be coming.

To Timely1,

I am a clairvoyant dreamer too. And, like you, I had dreams prior to 9-11 of Washington, D.C. being attacked by airplanes. Except in my dream, they were low flying bombers and destroyed much of everything in the Washington, D.C. area. I was living in Washington at the time I had these dreams (3 years before 9-11) and I was living in DC during 9-11. After 9-11, I had very detailed dreams of terrorists putting suitcase nukes on the redline metro with a timer set to explode when it reached Union Station. I also had another dream that a large balloon used in the Macy's Day Parade was filled with Sarin Nerve Gas and someone in the crowd burst it with a dart gun.

The entire country was frightened after 9-11, and 75% of the population suffered from nightmares. My nightmares went away, but like you, they have recently started up again - and I have seen visions of total chaos (bridges blown apart during rush hour traffic, people fleeing the cities etc.). The only hint given to me in my dream was that if you want to use the highways, your better off getting a motorcycle as highways become shut down due to bumper to bumper traffic.

I have had clairvoyant dreams all of my life - those in my inner circle know this for a fact (I have proven it to them numerous times).

As far as "something big" going down, as far as I am concerned, it could just be a self fullfilled prophecy if we let it.
taken from Are you kidding me? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

"I have received permission from my superiors to send you this one communiqué. I believe that it is time to put the saga of John Titor to rest once and for all. I too am from the future and am an officer in the Temporal Fraud Division, of the Chronology Bureau.

Let me state to you right now that "John Titor" is a real person, although this is not his actual name. We of the future have strict laws governing time travel, for the obvious reasons, and Mr. Titor has broken these laws. We do the best we can keeping track of those who would use time travel to their own advantage or to dupe those of earlier times. However every now and then one of these criminals does manage to elude us for a time.

This felony in our time is rather akin to the problem you are having with Identity Theft in your time. Instead of stealing identities however, these people are literally stealing your time. I hope you understand the unbelievable damage that a person form our time, knowing every single detail and fact of your time could do. Mr. Titor has been apprehended and was dealt with according to our laws. He shall not be bothering you again. You were lucky this time. This will be the one and only communication you shall receive from me."
Mano Detrium TFD
Thank you for your reply.
I agree with you that we need to be careful about creating a self-fulfilling prophecy due to our fears. What we focus on, Expands!!

What I have learned though from my many years of clairvoyant dreams and experiences, is that there are certain world events that in the visions, have reached such a heightened energy state that there is nothing you can do to change what is to come. It becomes inevitable at a certain point. It is especially those very type of situations that I have always had the clearest visions about. My strongest visions ALWAYS have to do with world socio-political events, especially disasters. For some reason, my inner, subconscious self is especially sensitive to these types of events.

For example, seeing Reagan's assasniation attempt at 14, closely followed by the Pope's assasination attempt. Even at that age, I knew it "HAD" to happen. In my early "religious" days, I felt it my "duty" to pray for the souls I would have visions and dreams about and in my youngest days felt guilty that I couldn't do something to change their fate. I thought, why would "god" give me these visions if I can't do anything about them?

I've learned alot through the years though I still feel I have SOO far to go!
The dreams I'm having point toward plans already in action. A briefcase explosion in a crowded area has recurred (different in each dream), atleast a dozen times in the last few months.
These are signals to me that very intense energies are involved and it's hard to offset those "explosive" types of energies.

We can all pray or seek higher wisdom in such situations but basically, we're along for the ride, whatever does occur. Sometimes we can prepare ourselves. And sometimes we can even avert disaster if enough people focus on the positive and are willing to become more intuitive and less complacent.

I guess this is my biggest message to you. BE AWARE! Your OWN inner guidance will show you what to do and where you need to be. My personal belief is that we all have signed on for this earth assignment at this present time and we all have feature roles to play.

Forces from many dimensions are interested in this current time line right now for SOME reason.
Many can confirm this ,atleast subjectively.

Thanks again for your reply to me.
Oh, well, in the News today!

So, I surmise, somewhat!


I've -- got -- a -- booger up my nose, it plain to see!
From reading all the Internet News!
While there is any humor to remain!

They can not use Central Park! (??)
Russian Hackers??

Well, gossip is the rumormill!
And, I can surmise, but I do not know anything except what I read!
i thought john titor went back to his time and he could never return again becuase it would be impossible to get back to this exact timeline. am i wrong here?