From link at GLP Huge UFO now on satellite image!
Anybody know what this is? Looks too big to be a satellite.
main page about the spacecraft taking this pic:
About the IMAGE Spacecraft
IMAGE is the first mission dedicated to "seeing" Earth´s space environment and watching solar activity drive space weather.
From GLP posting board, link>Said John Titor said in a post today, at a TT posting board, to watch out, as in a short amount of time, the net would go down and something horrible would happen?
I´m doing some clerical at my desk and my rifle is there incase I need it.
Needs cleaned any way.
Anyone comes though my door unauthorized,..............well?
Met an alien on a posting board, showed him your guys data, on PX and the sun and his group freaked out and returned via portal, yesterday.
He said that year 2156, your sun implodes and all life years before this, will be dead on Earth?
Part two in spotted UFO over South pole series>
Anonymous Coward
3:14 am EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth
Some of those images were taken back in 2002. Wouldn´t they have landed by now?
3:17 am EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth
are these confirmed sightings?
Anonymous Coward
3:41 am EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth
They´re not going to land. They have front row seats for the upcoming show.
Anonymous Coward
4:09 am EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth
I don´t know what they are, but they are here. I have no idea what their plans are.
5:17 am EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth
Anonymous Coward
5:21 am EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth
Historically, the concept of delusional disorder is derived from the classic Greek concept of paranoia or paranous, meaning beside (para) mind (nous). With the historical absence of a unified and rigorous diagnostic system, the term paranoia has been used to describe a multitude of observed phenomena, some of which are now associated with the category of delusional disorder. Delirium associated with fever, delusional jealousy, generalized suspiciousness, and even poor decision-making have been labeled as paranoia. Other labels, including morbid jealousy, conjugal paranoia or Othello syndrome, erotomania or Clerambault syndrome, folie à deux, and late paraphrenia, also have been attached to syndromes in which delusions are the central feature.
Early conceptualizations of paranoia preceded Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926), but Kraepelin is credited with defining paranoia in a rigorous way. Interestingly, his definition most closely parallels the modern definition of delusional disorder.
Kraepelin described paranoia as the presence of a fixed delusional system with the absence of hallucinations and personality deterioration. He also observed various subtypes of paranoia, including persecutory, grandiose, erotomanic, and jealous. Kraepelin also concluded that paranoia was primarily a disorder of personality and judgment influenced largely by environmental factors.
Various people contributed to the concept of paranoia, including Ernst Kretschmer, who described sensitive, pessimistic, narcissistic, and depressive personality traits that were thought to relate to the presence of the condition. In his analysis of the memoirs of Judge Daniel Paul Schreber, Sigmund Freud recognized the presence of delusions and circumscribed paranoia in the absence of deterioration of personality. However, rather than focus on “the character of the products of the delusion (and) an estimate of their general influence on the patient’s behavior,†Freud chose to analyze how “structures so extraordinary . . . (are) derived from the most general and comprehensible of human impulses.†In concert with his drive-conflict model of psychology, Freud attributed Schreber’s delusional symptoms to repressed homosexual impulses, providing one of the first psychological explanations of delusions and paranoia.
The concept of paranoia was largely lost under the influence of Eugen Bleuler (1857-1939) and his description of schizophrenia. Bleuler paid little attention to paranoia, believing it too rare to consider as a separate diagnosis. DSM-I (1952), DSM-II (1968), and DSM-III (1980) refocused attention on the concept of paranoid disorders, describing acute and chronic versions along with persecutory and grandiose delusional content as defining characteristics.
The DSM-III-R (1987) authors sought to clarify the boundaries and presented the currently used concept of delusional disorder. No longer was paranoia the central feature but, rather, the circumscribed presence of nonbizarre delusions. The definition adopted in the DSM-III-R was very close to Kraepelin’s original classification system. Subtyping based on content was expanded and included erotomanic, grandiose, jealous, persecutory, somatic, mixed, and unspecified categories. Unlike Kraepelin, hallucinatory symptoms were allowed into the diagnostic grouping. DSM-IV (1994) and DSM-IV-TR (1999) largely preserve DSM III-R definitions. CURRENT DIAGNOSIS Section 4 of 10
1:59 pm EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth
Anonymous Coward
2:08 pm EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth
Anonymous Coward
2:15 pm EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth
All I see is a stupid timelapse satellite image. Dumbf**k.
2:25 pm EDT
More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth
paint shop pro.
some people are so full of useless bullsh*t.
Anonymous Coward
2:54 pm EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth
You know, you can take your DSM-3 delusional disorder and stick it up your a**. You are aware that you are describing anybody with religious beliefs or faith in a God, do you not? Your words are meaningless. They are just that, empty words.
3:17 pm EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth
thos images are not paintshop i have the video you can see loads flying about
3:25 pm EDT
More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth
oh, please.
go read up on CCD imaging and IR photography.
and come back when you know how to distinguish noise from signal.
Anonymous Coward
3:35 pm EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth
Well, taking the time to review the article at:,
there is a suggestion that these presumed alien spacecrafts have a propulsion system which generates strong elctromagnetic fields, enough so to be detected by the GOES satellites in geosynchronous orbit. As captured by the GOES infrared images, the presumed objects appear to be cubical, with a round structure located within each cubical field, emitting heat and appearing to be much hotter than the surrounding cubical field, yet in other areas of the atmosphere appearing as cooler structures, white, like the clouds. The structures are large, being visible From a staellite 23000 miles above the Earth. Taking these observations and applying them to the satellite infrared segment taken from the GOES 12, again, there appears to be strong electromagnetic disturbances caused by the proximity of these presumed alien crafts, causing bands of interference over the satellite images, as the vessels become briefly visible to the infrared imager.
Another curious detail noted-the GOES satellite series degrade rather quickly, and also appear to be cubical, like the presumed alien vessels.
Anonymous Coward
3:42 pm EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth
I wish I knew more about infrared imaging and CCD processors. I might be able to understand these rather strange infrared-luminous bodies flying about, sometimes following one another like they are good friends out for a night of exploration. They show up with infrared goggles, but fortunately, they also become visible when I use a bright flash from my digital camera. Notice the one by the refrigerator door reflecting onto the door. Probably just dust, I´m sure.
3:48 pm EDT
More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth
TMG ?!?!
that´s your source?
why don´t you ask nancy?
or maybe get in to the lotus position and contact the zetas to see what they think.
if you want to read, start here:
then go here:
you´ll find all kinds of usefull info that can help with *informed* decision making.
Anonymous Coward
3:55 pm EDT More Satellite Images Of Alien Spacecrafts Surrounding Earth
AC 3:42 -
Interesting pics. These only show up with IR goggles? You can´t see them with the naked eye?