I\'ve discover the little game!
You actually are smart, but I'm smarter than you, I think a "few", not much. So, your technique is to multiply just like I did "without knowing". I know who's the real VERTIGO, is someone (if it really exist) like me. Listen now, I was confused, but you couldn't beat me after all. I know who's the main character of the game, and is pretending to be my friend. Well, I simply didn't believe it, and I'm still cool. I'm a real time traveler!
You actually are smart, but I'm smarter than you, I think a "few", not much. So, your technique is to multiply just like I did "without knowing". I know who's the real VERTIGO, is someone (if it really exist) like me. Listen now, I was confused, but you couldn't beat me after all. I know who's the main character of the game, and is pretending to be my friend. Well, I simply didn't believe it, and I'm still cool. I'm a real time traveler!