Various Experiments


Chrono Cadet
I have decided to carry out my own online log as a journal for preparation, activity, and conclusion for various experiments that I am about to conduct. You could say this thread has been inspired by our very own Einstein’s “The Experiment” at If you have not read his postings, I highly recommend them. I plan to keep brief updates between now and the supposed time that my experiences are said to materialize. I would like to keep my story irrelevant in this thread so that there are no discussions of “believe it or not.” Instead, I would like to engage in conversations that boost ideas about scientific possibilities. I believe we are all here for the same reason.

Experiment #1:
In my garage or basement, I have decided that I will be starting my first experiment. The experiment will be to levitate a small craft/object. The sole purpose will be to simply make an object lift off the ground with new and efficient means. Don’t get me wrong, I do not plan on building a model plane or helicopter. I already have a clear understanding of how I will attempt this experiment, but before I lay it out, I would like to know if anyone else has any innovative theories for making a levitating craft. I will take ideas into consideration. I hope no one expects day-to-day results in this thread, as this experiment could take years to complete. I will post an image of my concept for how this experiment might be accomplished once I have put something presentable together.

- Bob
That is all you guys can come up with?

BTW, LtSiegmund, levitation is, according to Websters: "To rise or cause to rise into the air and float in apparent defiance of gravity." Unless that rope is invisible, I suggest we find another way to "git 'r done."
Hi Bob

There is something I came across that I thought could accomplish this feat. Magnetic objects will usually move toward the center of a magnetic field. If the magnetic field moves, the object will follow the field. The object being that which you wish to levitate. Now you could produce a moving magnetic field with another magnet. But Newtons laws are in effect. The trick is to get the moving magnetic field to move without producing a reverse impulse. But in all instances magnetic fields seem to be mechanically connected to objects. I suspect there is an exception somewhere. This is an area to pursue. Not all magnetic fields are equal. What about magnetic fields generated from negative voltage potentials? Something to try since we normally don't have very many machines operating that way. I suspect that would be an inside out magnetic field. Would it act backwards to the magnetic fields we normally associate with positive voltage? There is also something else to try which I am presently involved with. Magnetic fields changing in intensity. Currently I am using collapsing magnetic fields to stimulate the production of gravity pulses. But also it occurred to me that I could generate expanding magnetic fields as well. But for me to generate an expanding magnetic field I would need to construct a power supply that produces large quantities of negative voltage that could produce high volumes of negative current. Something I was considering doing just to investigate this gravity phenomena some more. But this does take a lot of theory and speculation. An interesting idea I had was: Could you get a magnetic field to mechanically couple to space just like mass seems to? Kind of like thowing out a magnetic anchor and then pulling your levitating object toward it. I'll have to admit that the idea could be the basis for some good sci-fi novel. But could the idea actually be feasible?

I have to admit that a lot of ideas that look good to start with quite frequently do not pan out. But you'll never know unless you try. I do have lots of trial and error failures. But it just stimulates my imagination to form new theories to work with. It almost seems to me that I'm on a road that paves itself as I move along. Two heads are better than one. But not a whole lot of people take the trial and error approach like I do.

Thanks for the post.

I once came up with a silly configuration of a magnetic field which would only push in one direction using primative engineering (Trying to figure out the hover board). I would have to draw it out, but the concept was that the attractions were set up to where the bottom side is pushing down while the top is lifting. I highly doubt it would overcome gravity though.

"Could you get a magnetic field to mechanically couple to space just like mass seems to? Kind of like thowing out a magnetic anchor and then pulling your levitating object toward it. I'll have to admit that the idea could be the basis for some good sci-fi novel. But could the idea actually be feasible?"

I have always thought about this, but haven't quite figured out how that could be accomplished. I always come across the thought problem of, if it were possible, where is the base? If I were to levitate upward and somehow bypass gravity, would it be a propulsion (continuously pulling the levitating object up to that anchor point, which is always above the object-- because the object has to throw the anchor up in order to be pulled up in the first place)? How would I get that object to stop and levitate in one controlled place? I guess it depends on the amount of gravity (and processed used) you are fighting to levitate the object in the first place. However, controlled or not, I wouldn't argue if it levitated at all.

I once came up with a silly configuration of a magnetic field which would only push in one direction using primative engineering (Trying to figure out the hover board). I would have to draw it out, but the concept was that the attractions were set up to where the bottom side is pushing down while the top is lifting. I highly doubt it would overcome gravity though.

If you can remember how you did that, then get it down on paper. Your idea could be practical now. Thanks to superconductors what was once a several ton electromagnet can now fit in the palm of your hand.

"Could you get a magnetic field to mechanically couple to space just like mass seems to? Kind of like thowing out a magnetic anchor and then pulling your levitating object toward it. I'll have to admit that the idea could be the basis for some good sci-fi novel. But could the idea actually be feasible?"

I have always thought about this, but haven't quite figured out how that could be accomplished. I always come across the thought problem of, if it were possible, where is the base?

I have thought about this on a much deeper level. If you backtrack on the formation of a magnetic field, you would realize that the magnetic field is just the wavefronts created from moving electrons. So energy is being constantly radiated away. But that energy exists within the space. The space itself is the base or reference frame as I like to put it. So it appears that those magnetic waves are actually creating a mechanical base within space to grapple onto.

If I were to levitate upward and somehow bypass gravity, would it be a propulsion (continuously pulling the levitating object up to that anchor point, which is always above the object-- because the object has to throw the anchor up in order to be pulled up in the first place)?

I don't like to think of it as either a push or pull when all the action is being done on the space. If the space moves, anything that sits within that space will move with it. Just like being in a river of flowing water.

I did bring up the idea that there may be more than one type of magnetic field. If there is an antimagnetic field then quite possibly there could be a way to make the space base frame move. I really would like to put together a power supply that just makes negative voltage. I would like to see how a negative voltage generated magnetic field interacts with a positive voltage generated magnetic field.
Assuming your final goal is a craft which can levitate outdoors, I have an idea for you:

Many materials have a weak tendency to repeal magnets (such materials are called "diamagnetic"). If you can sustain a strong enough field aboard your craft, it will levitate above any surface which is diamagnetic.

Good Luck with your experiments.
You will succeed.
Hi Einstein,

I really would like to put together a power supply that just makes negative voltage. I would like to see how a negative voltage generated magnetic field interacts with a positive voltage generated magnetic field.
I wonder if you could explain what you mean by "negative voltage"? Since voltage is just a measure of potential with respect to some base (ground) state, you can get a "negative voltage" just by swapping the terminals of your voltmeter across a resistor. It just means current is flowing in the opposite direction. But I am sure you know that, which is why I think you mean something else when you say "negative voltage".

Do you possibly mean negative energy density?
1122: I will call you Trevor.
Trevor, what scientific background do you have with quantum physics, and more importantly, do you want a toasted cheese muffin?

I wonder if you could explain what you mean by "negative voltage"? Since voltage is just a measure of potential with respect to some base (ground) state, you can get a "negative voltage" just by swapping the terminals of your voltmeter across a resistor. It just means current is flowing in the opposite direction. But I am sure you know that, which is why I think you mean something else when you say "negative voltage".

I was of the same belief as you untill last year. I had to modify those beliefs based on actual physical observations. It just so happens that most machines that we use either use AC or positive DC. AC actually is a composite of both positive and negative changing voltage potentials. There are some electronic circuits and electronic components that do utilize and produce negative voltage. A negative ion generator is an example. Negative voltage is a state that can exist below ground potential.

I came across the phenomena last year when I was measuring the resistance across a coil of wire with the coil close to a tesla coil in operation. The resistance measured was negative in value. So I switched over to the voltage scale and seen that I had about 3 volts of negative potential. Naturally I reversed the voltage leads thinking that was the problem. But it didn't matter which way I had the voltage leads hooked up. I was getting negative voltage induced into the sensor coil that my voltmeter was connected to. So there it was, the fabled negative resistance or negative energy density that mainstream science is trying to attribute to dark matter or exotic matter. And its been right under our noses all along. Only in another form. The negative half of AC can be filtered out to produce negative energy densities in any intensity we want. At least that is what my observations tend to suggest.

Evidently I'm in a unique position with this knowledge at hand. Not many people will take notice since I just post on time travel forums. So it will be just a select few that will actually be able to understand and use it. Most people will just think we're quacks. What a great place to hide. Right out in the open.

On to a little theory. I love coming up with theories to explain observations. An electron below ground state would have an affinity for energy. Objects running off this type of electricity would get cold during operation. It seems as if this type of electrical current is what we should be using for superconductors. Since the more current we use the colder the conductor would get, thus amplifying the magnetic field produced. Hmmmm... That seems pretty easy to figure out. And I do have real physical observations to suggest this possible outcome. But more often than not, reality isn't put together in the way we would like to believe. Electrons moving below the ground state may exhibit properties yet to be observed.

But there is something else about the electron below ground state that has me interested. Is the magnetic field reversed? Does the electron behave as if it were a positively charged particle? I do find that these questions would tend to corroborate the confusion in the electronics industry as to which way the electron flows in a circuit. I've read lots of theoretical explanations of how some electronic circuits work. And apparently no holds are barred in their explanations. It's almost as if the electronics industry has had knowledge of this negative energy state all along.

I'm still fabricating gravity generator number three. The second generation generator is still giving me confusing results. Sometimes the output is high and sometimes its mediocre. With no apparent rules yet decerned. It's like I have the gravity field initiation sequence on a hit or miss basis. Like firing a gun with a blindfold on. I have to conclude that I am still missing a major component in my attempt to control this phenomena. Hopefully gravity field generator number three will yield more information.
There are some electronic circuits and electronic components that do utilize and produce negative voltage. A negative ion generator is an example. Negative voltage is a state that can exist below ground potential.

Very true. So what?

There is nothing special about ground potential. If you take any ordinary DC circuit and connect the '+' side of it to the ground, then the '-' side will have a negative voltage relative to the ground. Take the same circuit and connect the '-' side of it to the ground, and you'll get a positive voltage relative to the ground.

The function of both circuits is identical. The only thing that matters in is the potential difference between the '+' and the '-'.

There is nothing special about ground potential. If you take any ordinary DC circuit and connect the '+' side of it to the ground, then the '-' side will have a negative voltage relative to the ground. Take the same circuit and connect the '-' side of it to the ground, and you'll get a positive voltage relative to the ground.

The function of both circuits is identical. The only thing that matters in is the potential difference between the '+' and the '-

Yes, what you say is entirely true. But that is not the observation I was describing. I was observing the voltage field generated by my tesla coil. I was getting a negative voltage inductuion into a pickup coil that I had connected to my voltmeter. It was negative voltage that had no source other than induction through the space. But what amazed me was that the value was a DC value. I did reverse the voltmeter leads thinking it was maybe just that. But that made no difference. Thats the part that blew me away. I realized what it meant right away. The natural ground state of matter appears that it may be caused by the space that matter sits within. And here I had an experiment to show that the natural ground state of space can be changed into a value below the ground state.

The change was just local close to the tesla coil. But this knowledge is not in any textbook. What does it mean? The sky is the limit as to what can be done with this knowledge. Here is an example: By dropping the ground potential to a lower value relative to surrounding space I noticed that the natural resistance in a wire also drops and goes to a negative value. But what if I just lower the ground state enough so that the resistance in a wire goes to zero? Did you know that a wire with zero resistance is a superconductor by definition? That would be a room temperature superconductor. That is just the tip of the iceberg as to what can be done with this knowledge.

So here I've found a way to engineer spacetime. And it is done with voltage and magnetic fields. So I am curious to see how an electromagnet made with a voltage level below ground state behaves around an electromagnet with a voltage level above ground state. Since the voltage fields they emmit will be opposite, I was wondering if there are any different rules to be observed between the magnetic attraction as well. I want to know if the attraction rules for magnets are the same or maybe they might follow the rules for gravitational bodies. In fact it may be that a negative voltage generated magnetic field may produce bigger magnetic fields. Some stuff is easier to find out by doing. There are lots of avenues I can investigate with this knowledge. But it is a doorway with many new exciting possibilities.

Right now I'm playing with gravity field generators. If I can pry out the secrets to amplify this effect, then probably the technology to produce real time machines will be just around the corner.

So my prediction for 2012 is a bit different from the doom and gloom sayers. I estimate that probably within the next two years I will develop a time machine. I'll post the plans for anyone wanting to make their own. And by 2012 everyone will have access to a time machine and will have gone back or forward in time. Of course I could cheat and go buy one of those time machines off ebay. Just like Darby says. The time machine invents itself.
i have a theory. you know how two magnets of the same type repell each other? so to make an item float first make a "barge" or somethimg with elektromanets at the same frequency as the earth. in theory this should make it levitate..... please comment.

i have a theory. you know how two magnets of the same type repell each other?

I'm not sure what you mean by magnets of the same type. The rules for magnetism are that like poles repel and unlike poles attract.

so to make an item float first make a "barge" or somethimg with elektromanets at the same frequency as the earth. in theory this should make it levitate..... please comment.

I'm not sure what you mean by frequency. Magnets don't have frequency. However I could see making an object with a magnetic field float within the earths magnetic field if the mass of the object could be lowered. Or maybe stretch the mass with magnetic field out so it covers a larger surface area. Kind of like the way ships float in the ocean. Ships displace more water than they weigh thus causing them to float. So if a huge barge with a big magnetic field actually could displace a large enough section of the earths magnetic field, it may float. But I have never seen anything like this done before. It may not be practical.
I was thinking about the way things balance and the force needed to collapse a balanced structure. From what I understand about negative (although I'm sure positive could have the same outcome) ion columns, creating a load of these under an object will cause the object to float (rest on top) above the air/gap. I was thinking-- maybe what would happen is the object above the ion column becomes balanced and does not overcome the inertia required to penetrate/collapse the ionized atoms below it. I also understand that to ionize the air under an object and to achieve a negative ion column, it is likely done by having a negatively charged base towards the bottom of the levitating object to divert all of the positive ions. So, I wonder, if I had a base with a negative charge (pulling away the positive ions) and negative ions were forced downward creating the column effect, what if I were to diagonally aim two negatively charged electromagnetic fields to one center point (intercepting the direction of the negative ions)? The ions would begin their column base at that point and would not require a base object beneath them because the base would be the field that is stopping them (is this the anchor?). The question is, would it "balance" the levitating object above them?

I don't think the magnetic fields would be needed. A negative ion generator can be configured to cause air to flow. The air flow would cause the lift you need. This type of flow is already produced in room air purifiers. I don't know if you could cause any appreciable lift this way because too much charge buildup in any isolated location will result in an electrical discharge type lightening strike.

But remember with charged bodies opposites attract and like repel. So a sufficiently large charge that is the same polarity as that of the earth is all you would need to cause lift. If you could keep the object sufficiently charged without any leakage, then a repulsion type of lift would be obtained. It is theorized that the high voltage lifters operate this way.

Now I've been giving some thought to magnetic fields. To date no one has identified a magnetic monopole. Would a magnetic monopole be a propulsion field? I am going out on a limb by speculating that a magnetic field changing in intensity is a magnetic monopole. Increasing intensity fields and decreasing intensity fields would be the two monopole halves. Remember my origional wire loop experiment? The wire loop moves in the north field direction when power is first applied. Just when the magnetic field is increasing in intensity. Then the loop moves in the opposite direction when the magnetic field is allowed to collapse. The wire loop is copper wire. A diamagnetic material. This idea I am currently investigating.
"I don't think the magnetic fields would be needed. A negative ion generator can be configured to cause air to flow. The air flow would cause the lift you need. This type of flow is already produced in room air purifiers. I don't know if you could cause any appreciable lift this way because too much charge buildup in any isolated location will result in an electrical discharge type lightening strike."

Air purifiers emit an equal amount of positive ions as well. The key is to seperate the positive from the negative and then compact the negative ions, as the build up of such will cause an invisible column. The column is usually built between the object levitating and the surface below it (the ground). My idea was to use a magnetic field to enclose the column so that they do not escape. Also, the only discharge would happen at the base. That is where the positive ions would bombard the negative base. The negative ion columns would most likely not penetrate the negatively charged field enclosing them.

"Now I've been giving some thought to magnetic fields. To date no one has identified a magnetic monopole. Would a magnetic monopole be a propulsion field? I am going out on a limb by speculating that a magnetic field changing in intensity is a magnetic monopole. Increasing intensity fields and decreasing intensity fields would be the two monopole halves. Remember my origional wire loop experiment? The wire loop moves in the north field direction when power is first applied. Just when the magnetic field is increasing in intensity. Then the loop moves in the opposite direction when the magnetic field is allowed to collapse. The wire loop is copper wire. A diamagnetic material. This idea I am currently investigating."

I can't really comment on this because I have no experience with it. It sounds like it is worth investigating it's propulsion abilities.