The full potential of the human mind may have to be harnessed first before any further advancements can be made. If the human mind really has special abilities to perceive things of other places and times etc (Which I cannot say myself as I have no experience with this), even if it is only on a minute level perhaps this ability can be harnessed and amplified somehow.
Just goig off on a tangent for a minute, think about various levels of consciousness between living things. Starting with things like single-celled/microscopic organisms and plants and the like, which arguably have no consciousness at all.
Then perhaps you go to insects and small aquatic life, then up through mammals etc then up to higher levels of thinking like primates, dolphins and humans.
But us, as humans though mentally most advanced, we are just the most advanced creatures on Earth. But it perhaps is possible for an even greater level of consciousness and intellectual capactity and a way of thinking even beyond that which humans can do.
Just as you couldn't ever get an orang-utan to understand trigonometry, (or maybe you can?...) even though it is a possible concept, its just out of an Orang-Utans minds scope.
So my point is that even if we can harness any ability the mind may have for TT use, is the human mind even enough to fully comprehend space/time as a whole, even if we use 100% of our mind? Just as a piece of paper or computer screen can only partly interpret a 3D environment but not truly and completely, is it similiar with our minds when it comes to 4D and beyond?
Just goig off on a tangent for a minute, think about various levels of consciousness between living things. Starting with things like single-celled/microscopic organisms and plants and the like, which arguably have no consciousness at all.
Then perhaps you go to insects and small aquatic life, then up through mammals etc then up to higher levels of thinking like primates, dolphins and humans.
But us, as humans though mentally most advanced, we are just the most advanced creatures on Earth. But it perhaps is possible for an even greater level of consciousness and intellectual capactity and a way of thinking even beyond that which humans can do.
Just as you couldn't ever get an orang-utan to understand trigonometry, (or maybe you can?...) even though it is a possible concept, its just out of an Orang-Utans minds scope.
So my point is that even if we can harness any ability the mind may have for TT use, is the human mind even enough to fully comprehend space/time as a whole, even if we use 100% of our mind? Just as a piece of paper or computer screen can only partly interpret a 3D environment but not truly and completely, is it similiar with our minds when it comes to 4D and beyond?