Using the mind for time travel


Temporal Novice
I've heard over the years that there is a portion of the brain that we humans do use. It is possible there is hidden potential there. Anyone think our mind could be key to time travel in some form or function? It would be something if we could just think our way through time.

I don't know about our brains being used for time travel or not. What I do know is that the brain is a powerful tool. Like you I have heard that we don't use the brain to its full potentail. Truth be told we all have it in us to be powerful beings whether we realize it or not because our brains are powerful tools that we haven't fully utilized. So, if we started to tap into our brains potential who knows what we could achieve. Our minds have the ability to manifest various things if we just learn to figure out its potential. Who knows maybe time travel would be one of them.

I've heard over the years that there is a portion of the Brian that we humans do use. It is possible there is hidden potential there. Anyone think our mind could be key to time travel in some form or function? It would be something if we could just think our way through time.
I definitely agree that we do not use our brains to their fullest potential. Think about this. We read a book, but forget about it a few years down the road. Our brain didn't just release the information into cyberspace. The information still exists in our brain but we may not be able to access it to process it again.
Another interesting speculative idea -- what if we could , for example, awaken our memories so that we can speak French again like we learned in school or remember how to do differentials in Calculus? All of that information still exists in our brains but they are no longer in short term memory.

I don't know about time travel, though. I'm personally thinking, based on pure speculation only, that perhaps we can perfect SEEING the future and past. I believe in psychic phenomena. But, I'm not so sure we could REALLY interact and exist in the future or past with just our mind. Some people claim that they have successfully left their bodies and time traveled that way. I've never been able to accomplish this myself. :)

I definitely agree that we do not use our brains to their fullest potential. Think about this. We read a book, but forget about it a few years down the road. Our brain didn't just release the information into cyberspace. The information still exists in our brain but we may not be able to access it to process it again.Another interesting speculative idea -- what if we could , for example, awaken our memories so that we can speak French again like we learned in school or remember how to do differentials in Calculus? All of that information still exists in our brains but they are no longer in short term memory.
I don't know about time travel, though. I'm personally thinking, based on pure speculation only, that perhaps we can perfect SEEING the future and past. I believe in psychic phenomena. But, I'm not so sure we could REALLY interact and exist in the future or past with just our mind. Some people claim that they have successfully left their bodies and time traveled that way. I've never been able to accomplish this myself. :)
Yes, I wondered about out of body experiences. I was thinking that if a person left their physical body, they have different excess to ways of travel like through time. I also wondered if we leave our bodies while sleeping sometimes and if some of our dreams are actually reality in a different dimension or time.

I've heard over the years that there is a portion of the brain that we humans do use. It is possible there is hidden potential there. Anyone think our mind could be key to time travel in some form or function? It would be something if we could just think our way through time.
I actually read recently that that's a myth. We use our entire brain. We just don't use it all at the same time.

I think that time travel will be achieved via the mind, it is a much more plausible possibility than physically shifting our bodies through the lanes of time. The human brain's potential and capability has not been fully tapped in to and it is not beyond reason that the power to use it as a vehicle to perceive the past or future could be developed.

I believe that one day we will be able think ourselves to different points in time, either past or future and actually live out the experience in a real sense without the need for our physical bodies. We will not be able to influence anything but we will be able to sense, feel, see and hear the place and time we arrive at in our minds.

That would be very interesting. If we would be able to use our brain at it's full capacity we would die in a couple of years since it'd be very consuming, but we could develop a lot of interesting things.

Time travelling with our brains can be possible, but we may never know.

That would be very interesting. If we would be able to use our brain at it's full capacity we would die in a couple of years since it'd be very consuming, but we could develop a lot of interesting things.Time travelling with our brains can be possible, but we may never know.
I think we're use our brains more and more effectively and efficiently. I think, or hope anyway, that if it is possible we are liky to find out maybe even in our lifetimes.

The brain without doubt is capable of much more than is used by the human race presently, so what would it take in order to tap in to that unused power? Is there some form of brain training that would go towards achieving this, probably not or we would have discovered it. The brain will also require a lot of extra energy to increase it's power so where will that come from? Maybe a computer chip implanted in the brain to give it an extra boost could be the answer.

If i use the example of a heart pacemaker to define what i mean, the theory will seem plausible. A pacemaker contains a programmable chip that when placed inside the body and wired to the heart helps to regulate the heartbeat and improve heart function. If the same principle was applied to the brain the possibilities could be endless. We can't know the full potential of what this could bring if it were reality but time travel via the mind sounds even more plausible if you add the power of computers to the equation.

The brain without doubt is capable of much more than is used by the human race presently, so what would it take in order to tap in to that unused power? Is there some form of brain training that would go towards achieving this, probably not or we would have discovered it. The brain will also require a lot of extra energy to increase it's power so where will that come from? Maybe a computer chip implanted in the brain to give it an extra boost could be the answer.If i use the example of a heart pacemaker to define what i mean, the theory will seem plausible. A pacemaker contains a programmable chip that when placed inside the body and wired to the heart helps to regulate the heartbeat and improve heart function. If the same principle was applied to the brain the possibilities could be endless. We can't know the full potential of what this could bring if it were reality but time travel via the mind sounds even more plausible if you add the power of computers to the equation.
Technology does make the idea seem more plausible. I agree. I also believe with enough practice, training, and direction we could do it without technology. Until we have a much better understanding of how the brain works and its potential thechnology is mandatory.

While I do believe and agree that our brains aren't at their fullest potential. I don't think I understand how they can be utilized to manipulate and subvert the laws of physics.
