USB device reads your thoughts/emotions, due dec08


Temporal Navigator

Emotiv System working together with IBM have made the worlds first consumer headset that does not require the user to apply gel to their scalp first.

The device claims to be able to understand over 30 thoughts and emotions. If you are playing and you are happy, the device knows. If you think push, pull, up, down, run, jump, it knows. If you blow something up and you subconsciouly feel remorse, the device knows even though you don't. The first version to hit store shelves by xmas THIS year will be available for $300.

Re: USB device reads your thoughts/emotions, due d

"Let us define progress to mean, that just because we can do a thing, it does not automatically follow that we must do that thing"

Star Trek 6
Re: USB device reads your thoughts/emotions, due d

That is why we have a thing called free will. Some people will do what ever the heck they want to do. Others will agree with it. Others will not agree with it.
So I saw a demo (sorry lost the URL) and it doesn't look as impressive as the first literature.

They showed a guy push an object with his mind (they claim all the calcs are based on EEG), they showed how it recognizes some facial movements (EMG?), and how it recognizes "frustration level". The gear they wear to find the patterns for "jump, push, etc" have a lot more surface contacts. All the processing is done on your machine's CPU so driver upgrades could include new emotions or actions it can detect. An api with an emulator is already available free for download. Games are going to be amazing when they start to support this.