URGENT ENQUIRY: F.A.O. time-travellers!


Quantum Scribe
I have a very urgent enquiry. If indeed time-travel is possible in the future and if indeed there are time-travellers out "there", somewhere in time, then PLEASE let me know if my wife will eventually learn how to cook in the future! Thanking you in advance.
Due to the urgent nature of your request, I suspect you are about to make an irrevocable decision. Perhaps there are other things to consider, that may have weight in your decision making concerning your wife, before placing your trust in any unverifiable information from the future.
I have a very urgent enquiry. If indeed time-travel is possible in the future and if indeed there are time-travellers out "there", somewhere in time, then PLEASE let me know if my wife will eventually learn how to cook in the future! Thanking you in advance.

That is a funny request, Mylo. Thank you for the entertainment.
I'm sure in your town or the one over they have cooking classes. Pick the one you like best Chinese, Italian, Southern, BBQ, and sign her up for the classes. Buy all the supplies too. It will be a good long time investment. Tell her it's for her b-day, anniversary, Mother's Day, just cause you love her day. She'll learn a new skill, and you'll finally get a good dinner. Everyone wins.
Thank you. This post was only ever meant as pure entertainment; nothing "serious" about my post at all... :) Us Brits, have a quirky sense of humour.

After visiting you in the future, I'd have to advise you to purchase a 3d printer with food cartdriges. Those are very common replacing malfunctioning wives.