(Un)discovered journals of a time travel inventor?


Temporal Novice
Hi guys, I ain't no regular of this forum but joined up to let you know about this. I'm a long term contributor over at the UFO forum, where we recently got aware of a set of journals which alude to being true, and to be written by a member of your community (do I sense an alliance?
). We have not discussed them openly because there is a certain security concern, however PMs have been flying back and forth. It rattled a few cages, in a kinda good way I spose.

Did a prominent colleague of yours go off the radar in 2001 by any chance?

I have now got and read the full journals and must confess - I did not believe in time travel - but I couldn't put the thing down! What we could be learning in the journals - the possible glimpses into our own destiny - It could change everything. I so hope it is true.


I hope some of you can confirm or deny some of the content which went above my head. It will be interesting to get to the bottom of this. Tread carefully though, as I am here.

Re: (Un)discovered journals of a time travel inven

Plus ca change, c'est plus de la meme chose.

Sound like Sneake Plissken...


The more things change, the more they remain...




strange way to promote a book....

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Hi guys, I ain't no regular of this forum but joined up to let you know about this. I'm a long term contributor over at the UFO forum, where we recently got aware of a set of journals which alude to being true, and to be written by a member of your community (do I sense an alliance? ). We have not discussed them openly because there is a certain security concern, however PMs have been flying back and forth. It rattled a few cages, in a kinda good way I spose.

Did a prominent colleague of yours go off the radar in 2001 by any chance?

I have now got and read the full journals and must confess - I did not believe in time travel - but I couldn't put the thing down! What we could be learning in the journals - the possible glimpses into our own destiny - It could change everything. I so hope it is true.


I hope some of you can confirm or deny some of the content which went above my head. It will be interesting to get to the bottom of this. Tread carefully though, as I am here.

Going off the radar happens a lot around here. If I was you I would take them journals with a grain of salt. Maybe two or three grains of salt. If you ask the staff were all fruit cakes here and a stupid lot of folks. So good luck with your help. On the change our destiny we hear that a lot around here. That is pair for time travel claims.
Re: (Un)discovered journals of a time travel inven

I wish I was as good looking as Sneake Plissken.

I was alluding to the never ending routine concerning "lost journals", et cetera. On another thread, HDRkid quotes a prophecy by "Mother Shipton". I googled Mother Shipton and found an expanded version at web page which had supposedly been discovered stored in a jar or something in which Mother Shipton predicts the end of humanity (almost)and a few survivors building a new world on the exposed sea bed. I recall that in the 1980's a reporter confessed he had bumped up Mother Shipton's original prediction, "The world to an end shall come, in nineteen hundred and eighty-one" by ten years to make it "current."

Finding lost journals, et cetera is one of oldest gambits in science fiction. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: (Un)discovered journals of a time travel inven

Finding lost journals, et cetera is one of oldest gambits in science fiction.

Let's not forget in the religion game, too! Lest we forget that the genesis of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons).
