Umm, Can't find a theory to explain mine


Temporal Novice
Umm, Can\'t find a theory to explain mine

Okay, I've been having these episodes that started last year. I would be in the middle of doing something and suddenly find myself in a strange place, then this weird feeling came over me as years of my life were stripped from me, leaving me temporarolly disoriented, but once it past I knew where an when I was but had no Idea I had just come from the future. I was back in my past self living out some random part of my life.This would continue for minutes, Hours, one time even over three weeks. I was living my life as I originally had because I believed I was myself from back then. When I returned to the present I had the inital disoriented of before but I was having my mind filled with all the knowledge and experience that was stripped from me was returned. When I got back, the portion of my life that I had been reliving was still fresh in my mind. I could remember Events from the time period with more clarity and people I have long since forgotten about. I've had a couple of trips to the future, atleast as far as I could tell. The future is very different from the past. I only have a couple of scenes that I can even remember, I assume that my mind has been stripped like before, and this is why I can seem to recall things from then. but the things I do remember give me feelings of deja vu, and I can only really infer the situation through instinct. For example, one thing I can remember was holding a baby with a woman sitting across from me (I assumed the baby was mine and the woman was the babies mother) But the really strange thing was that everything I saw was in constant shift and the people would change, morphing rapidly between who they were. Most would change with the background, and a few like the wife and child would stay in relatively the same position from me, but the person would change. The baby flashing between races and eye/hair color, a couple of times appearing dead. I'm guessing the only reason I even remembered it was because it was very emotional. and the ones when I travel to the past rarely were. I believe I might be time traveling, but I can never change anything because I can't remember anything, but the only thing usefull seems to be the ability to recall what has been forgotten. as for the future events, I believe they are in constant shift because they are not set yet. And the whole memory loss thing might just be a way for nature to prevent a paradox.

If you have any questions comments or whatever I'll answer them as best I can. I mostly posted to see if anyone with a good amount of experience in things like this has heard of a similar claim I can look into. I'm curious to find out how to either remember the future when I travel to the past. or make it stop all together. It gets frustrating to have to relive your life, and not be able to change it.
Re: Umm, Can\'t find a theory to explain mine

One 'possibility';


From: The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English | Date: 2009 | © The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English 2009, originally published by Oxford University Press 2009.

su·per·con·scious / ˌsoōpərˈkänshəs/
• adj. transcending human or normal consciousness: the superconscious, universal mind of God.
Re: Umm, Can\'t find a theory to explain mine

Perceptually, the furthest point into history you can sense in a forward direction is the Present... Therefore if true what you are saying indicates that you spending most of your time in the Past, for some reason no longer perceiving the present. Everything you are saying or doing is therefore historical, not imminent.
Re: Umm, Can\'t find a theory to explain mine

A recommendation that you WILL find useful is that you record your dreams as soon as you wake up. Keep a writing pad and pen beside you, and as you feel you are sinking into sleep, say to yourself 'I will remember my dreams'. As soon as you wake up, before it disperses, start writing down what you've experienced. You will be absolutely amazed at the people you've met and the places you have been. Guaranteed. Eventually, you will recall at will, without writing it down, the marvellous scenario you really live in. Bon chance.
Re: Umm, Can\'t find a theory to explain mine

Mine, if you want to call them dreams, are during periods when I am awake, working, driving, in the middle of a conversation with someone. I could write them down, but what's the point I remember them clearly after I come out of them. except the ones that are of what I believe to be the future, but those are mostly gone right after I come back.
Re: Umm, Can\'t find a theory to explain mine

Well I guess I understand what you are saying, when I'm in the past I can't change anything, because when I'm there I do not know I am from the future and every act I do is of my mentality at that point in the past. But I believe from one very vague memory that seems like some part of a dream, that I have been traveling to the future as well, but because the future is not set, everything around me is in constant shift. I've found many works of science fiction that are similar to my own, Slaughter house 5, Quantum Leap, Journey man, The Butterefly effect. But no where was I able to find a single person making a claim to such a thing. The closet of these fictions to my own experiences is Slaughter house 5, but I've never been visited by aliens. I've also thought about how such a thing might have come about. When I watch a newer movie called "Cash Back" I saw that the main character also developed his ability to stop time, out of the boredom of working a night shift job. It was a means of escape from the present. I too work the 12 hour night shift when my first occurance sprang up. I think that if most of these science fiction stories got their start from someone like myself who was suffering from their persistant comings and goings, but was too afraid to come forward out of fear being label. These stories might have been their way of telling their encounter without being called crazy.
Re: Umm, Can\'t find a theory to explain mine

Well I don't think I am God, or even have a glance into his mind. I feel that perhaps this is a function of the human brain that everyone has the ability to tap into. I wanted for many months to control it, with no progress in sight. I ended up hating it because it became so frequent I had difficulty functioning at work, I found that stimulants such as coffee or cigerettes can interupt it. If I feel it coming a quick smoke can bring me back to the present, but it's difficult to do this in a factory that doesn't allow one to smoke. I ended up quiting before I got fired and I've been able to stop it most of the time, right now I'm only having an episode every week or two. I think that it maybe a part of the brain I'm not evolved enough to have control over. I know that a lot of people say it's dangerous to time travel, but I feel the way my mind does it is more annoying than anything. I can't change anything, but if I could choose a date I might be able to earn something or remember someone I had long since forgotten.
Re: Umm, Can\'t find a theory to explain mine

We always start from where we are. If you recall your dreams as soon as you wake up, you'll find a solid base for you to stand on, because you are accessing more of you. If you remember a salient word, like a quick connect description of the place you were in the dreams, that's all you need to get the landscape and people where you were interacting. You will remem ber it at will. On the conscious episodes you're having, no idea. Maybe if you expand your knowledge base of yourself, like I said, it might help with some insight.
Re: Umm, Can\'t find a theory to explain mine

Reminds me of the story about the tourists who got lost on a hiking vacation in Ireland. As they walked along, they saw an old farmer leaning on a farmgate smoking his pipe.
They went up to him and asked him for directions to the place they were trying to reach.
He thought for a moment, took his pipe out of his mouth and said, "Well now, if I was wantin to go there, I wouldn't be startin from here."